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How to reach the center of Silken Lake in Infinity Nikki

How to take a photo at the center of Silken Lake for the Starry Lake Serenade event.

infinity nikki posing on croaker boat in center of silken lake
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Taking a photo at the center of Silken Lake in Infinity Nikki is one of the day two tasks for the Starry Lake Serenade event.

As Nikki cannot swim and will instantly drown in any deep body of water in Infinity Nikki, you can't simply swim out to the middle of the lake to snap a selfie. Don't worry though, the answer is simple and - most importantly - free (you can save those Blings for something else!).

Without further ado, here's how to reach the center of Silken Lake in Infinity Nikki.

How to reach the center of Silken Lake in Infinity Nikki

To reach the center of Silken Lake in Infinity Nikki you need to ride the Croaker Boatman's lotus leaf boat that's next to the Leisureely Anglers in Florawish. We've marked the Angler's location on the map below:

infinity nikki Leisureely Anglers in Florawish map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

When you're there, head down to the water's edge and locate the Croaker Boatman who's sitting on their boat. Make your way onto the boat and interact with the Boatman, then select the 'Ride the Lotus Leaf Boat' option when it appears.

infinity nikki croaker boatman at leisureely anglers in florawish
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Once you've chosen this, the Boatman will take you to the center of Silken Lake. Once the boat stops you'll be in the middle of the water and this classes as the center of the lake. All you need to do now is take a photo here and the task will be marked as complete!

infinity nikki on croaker boat in the middle of silken lake
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Infinity Nikki content, check out our pages showing you how to take a photo of paper cranes soaring high above or how to find and beat Bouldy Hurl.

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