Iranian political adventure 1979 Revolution argoes to Kickstarter
UPDATE: The Kickstarter failed, but a new crowdfunding campaign has arisen.
UPDATE: As the Smashing Pumpkins foretold, when it comes to 1979, cool kids never have the time. This was the fate of 1979 Revolution's Kickstarter campaign that ended in failure with only $304,741 of its $395K goal met.
The good news is developer Ink Stories has launched a new crowdfunding campaign on its own website, "There we can offer new rewards with lower prices - due to lower fees and more options," the developer noted in its latest Kickstarter update.
Now the iOS and Android versions of 1979 can be reserved for $10, while the PC and Mac version cost $15. In both cases it's $5 cheaper than it was on Kickstarter.
1979 Revolution saw a major push in funding towards the end of its campaign. In its first 22 day it only raised about $92K, but it acquired more than double that in the last 11 days after the game started seeing major exposure in the press.
ORIGINAL STORY: Last year former Rockstar developer Navid Khonsari was branded a spy by his native Iran for working on his upcoming game 1979 Revolution. The fact that he can't visit family in his homeland hasn't stopped Khonsari from continuing his work on the project at his New York-based studio Ink Stories, though the game is currently struggling to meet its funding goal on Kickstarter.
With only 11 days left before its 16th December deadline, 1979 Revolution has only acquired $92,590 of its $395,000 goal.
If successful, the $395K will fund 1979 Revolution: Episode One: Black Friday, which is named not for the busiest shopping day of the year for Americans, but rather the day the Iranian military opened fire on its protesters in September 1978, paving the way for the revolution to come.
The game will be a stealth action/adventure about a photojournalist named Reza who gets involved in an activist group seeking to overthrow the Shah. Things get increasingly dicey as he finds himself thrown under the bus by his ex-cohorts when the new regime comes to power.
Khonsari is very concerned with the game's authenticity and the final product will incorporate lots of photographs, stock footage, and leaked audio recordings from the actual events in which it's based around. In fact, the entire art team is Iranian and must remain anonymous for their own safety.
While 1979 Revolution is far from its funding goal, Khonsari has recruited some professional talent to the project with the voices of Max Payne and Alan Wake (James McCaffrey and Mathew Poretta, respectively), Homeland's Navid Negahban, Argo's Farshad Farahat, and Tony Award nominee Arian Moayed.
If 1979 Revolution meets its funding goal, it should come to iOS, Android, PC and Mac next spring. Backers can reserve either of the mobile versions for $15 or the PC/Mac versions for $20.