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Japanese turned off by 3D glasses

But a third interested in buying a 3D TV.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Nearly 70 per cent of Japanese consumers have no plans to buy a 3D telly, a survey says.

Of those, almost 70 per cent cited the hassle of wearing special glasses, 57 per cent said prices were too high and close to 40 per cent said there was not enough 3D content. (reported by Reuters), polled 8957 individuals to get their thoughts on 3D.

Only 31.2 per cent were considering or wanted to purchase a 3D telly.

The results will make for difficult reading for Sony, which is pushing 3D hard.

But the PlayStation 3 manufacturer will take solace in the fact that nearly a third of the Japanese public are interested in buying a 3D TV.

Still, the sticking point for many remains having to wear glasses while watching films and playing games in 3D.

Yesterday Sony's Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida defended the tech, saying: "With the latest technology, the glasses are light and you kind of forget you're wearing them after a while."

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