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Chapter 3: Pyrrhus Evac

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Right, time to crack on. And to climb on things. And to be chased by tanks. You come under quite a lot of pressure in Chapter 3, including the pressure not to derive unamusing jokes from the word "Pyrrrhus". But it isn't long before Sev and his buddy Rico meet up with their pals in style and start to plan for the future.

Now also seems like a good opportunity to mention that all this picked up a healthy 8/10 in Eurogamer's Killzone 3 review earlier this month, where Dan Whitehead described the campaign as "always polished and breathlessly paced" and a powerful champion for Sony's 3D and Move-obsessed future.

Would you use the Move though? Let's find out. "Move gameplay is more of an acquired taste, proving to be surprisingly precise and intuitive during normal movement and gunplay with varying levels of automatic target lock," Dan writes. "It only shows its limitations when the single-player starts getting all vehicular, and judged as a showcase of how motion control can work in a hardcore FPS environment, it sets a high standard. The proposed assault rifle peripheral looks pretty sweet as well." Told! Anyway...

Chapter 3: Pyrrhus Evac

Senlin Beach

From the gun emplacement on top of a vehicle, you shoot your way through various troops and vehicles as you and others try to clear a path for your unit. You get chased by a lot of enemy tanks, but pile a few cannon shells into them to clear the way.

Salach District

Proceed into the building with caution, kill the snipers and make your way to a vantage point. Leave ground troops alone and focus on the snipers in the opposite buildings as you try to clear the way for Rico to take out the Arc Cannons.

Ground Zero

You and Rico rejoin the convoy in two mechs. Clear the Arc Cannons and tanks and avoid incoming rocket fire as you clear a lot of ground troops in some buildings, finally taking out a tank.

Check out the index for our complete Killzone 3 video walkthrough.