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  1. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    With as many as 19 million viewers in the UK alone, and the show's format now licensed by TV companies in 77 other countries, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" has to be one of the most popular quiz shows on Earth at the moment. Now Eidos and Hothouse Creations are bringing the show to PC, Playstation and Dreamcast, with the PC version due out in September. Featuring over 1000 questions, multiplayer support and of course the vocal "talents" of show host Chris Tarrant, Eidos are describing it as "the ultimate challenge in interactive gaming". For the full story and some screenshots of what the game will look like, read the press release.

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  2. Eurogamer wallpaper

    The massively popular online resource strategy game Planetarion has restarted and moved from beta. The full game shows some changes from the massive beta, such as the ability to set yourself as being away, on Vaction mode. This means that your planet is on pause. While in vacation mode you cannot log into this account for the first 72 hours. You do not gather metal of move ships for that time, with the bonus that no one can attack you during that time either.

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  3. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    It seem that every new title that we see these days is built on one of the big name 3rd party engines, be that Unreal, Quake 3 or LithTech. The name in that list that many people don't know about is the LithTech engine by Monolith. Jason Hall is the CEO of Lithtech owners, Monolith A core part of his job is making sure future games based on its Lithtech engine are titles that do the engine justice, "Monolith has learned many lessons from the past and has been working very hard to make sure that all of its products are completely bug free no matter what"

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  4. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Diakatana was the most talked about game in PC games history. From the moment Quake co-founder John Romero got his hands on massive amounts of Venture Capital to form his new company, to the numerous times the game slipped and missed deadlines. There were few games spoken about more, be the reasons good or bad. When the game finally came earlier this year, the reviews were mixed to say the least. Planet Daikatana have gotten the first actual interview with Romero since the games release.

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  5. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Feature | WGDC 2000 - DirectPlay Voice

    Voice comms for multiplayer games

    With the recent boom in internet gaming, it's perhaps no surprise that Microsoft have seen fit to overhaul "DirectPlay" for the new version of their DirectX API.

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  6. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Your visual treat today here at EuroGamer is a gallery of eight exclusive new screenshots of "KISS : Psycho Circus", a first person shooter based on the comic book series of the same name by Todd McFarlane Productions, which in turn is inspired by ageing heavy metal merchants KISS. The shots are taken from a review copy of the game which we received from publisher Take 2 Interactive recently, so look for more screenshots followed by a full review of the game over the next week or two.

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  7. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    In what is looking like an Olympic 1500 meters race with all the jostling and maneuvering the race to buy Eidos looks set to have moved to another level. There are several big names in the race to sign the ailing games giant. Infogrames continues to look like the frontrunner in the race, despite its own reported financial troubles. The Financial Times reports the French software publisher is pressing ahead with plans to acquire the parent firm of Lara Croft and publishers of Championship Manager, saying a $1.06 billion dollar offer has reached the final stage of talks and could be completed within weeks (though talks could still fall through over several issues). It has been reported across the internet that UbiSoft has apparently entered the bidding, though that company's bid has not been discovered. The company refuses to confirm such a bit at this time.

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  8. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    One of the hot topics in the world of on-line games in recient times surrounds Valve's desision to test the netcode for Team Fortress 2 with the latest Half Life patch. Half Life, and its various modifacications is by some way indeed the biggest game in the internet. Even on an average night the Team Fortress 1.5 and Counter Strike mods combined have more players playing than most other games combined. The fact that everyone knew this, and players generally play for several hours at a time, on every platform, with every type of net connection gives Valve a perfect testing platform for their next title. GameSurge have sat down with Yahn Bernier, senior software engineer, and mister netcode at Valve.

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  9. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    For all the talk of graphics cards and processors these days you tend to forget the dear old sound card. Its very easy to get thrown into a pile of talk about Full Screen Anti Aliasing and Texture mapping, and how many polygons it can process, or what its stats for floating point calculations are. A factor that can be easily forgotten in the games world is the place of sound. Its no mistake that when I see some get their head chopped off in the movie Gladiator I got this urge to shout 'Headshot!', like they do in Unreal Tournament. Just like in the movies, sound is something that can be forgotten, but if it is done badly it will have people staying away in droves.

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  10. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    New today on EuroGamer is a batch of eight new screenshots of dungeon crawling RPG "Icewind Dale", taken from a preview version of the game. The game is due for release later this month, and we'll be bringing you more screenshots of the game before then.

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  11. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    It never ceases to amaze me how people become celebrities in this industry, just because they work on a high profile project, or for a high profile company. A project with good PR can both make the project a success, but ensure the success of the people working on it. Often the level of their skill is not a question. This train of thought can be tracked to people who work for iD software. I know who Robert Duffy is, I know what he does, only because he works for iD. I don't like most of the projects he has worked on, yet I still would see him as a big figure in the Games Industry. GameSpy have a chat with mister Duffy today that tackles all manner of subjects, none of which touching what Duffy or iD are up to these days, or the whole Paul Steed issue.

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  12. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Preview | Soldier preview

    Third person shooter previewed

    The 1998 science fiction movie "Soldier" was hardly Kurt Russell's biggest hit, and was roundly panned by critics and movie fans alike. So why, two years on, are Southpeak Interactive making a computer game based on the film? We got our hands on a beta version of the game to find out more...

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  13. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Today's review here on EuroGamer takes a look at Euro League Football, a curious mix of arcade style football game and football management sim, allowing you to run your chosen club both on and off the pitch. Is it a match made in heaven or a recipe for disaster? Read our review to find out for yourself.

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  14. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Review | EuroLeague Football

    Soccer arcade and management game reviewed

    - DinamicHomepage - Euro League Football

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  15. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The word from German developers EgoSoft is that X-Tension, the massive mission pack for their space trading and combat game "X : Beyond The Frontier", is now gold. The add-on is due for release in the UK at the end of this month through THQ, or you can pre-order the game direct from the developers.

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  16. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    are reporting that, despite Eidos finishing the last financial year over £30m in the red, the company's directors took home £7.5m in bonuses, more than the previous (more profitable) year! You can't help but wonder if that money wouldn't have been better spent keeping afloat Looking Glass Studios, the development company behind the innovative Thief series, which was recently forced to close down after a deal with Eidos fell through due to the publisher's ailing fortunes.

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  17. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    This morning on Eurogamer we've got eight exclusive new screenshots of 4X4 Evolution, based on our early preview version of the game. According to Terminal Reality, the game is still a month or so away from Beta, and a further three months from full release, but based on these early shots, it could be a very promising prospect for offroad racing fans.

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  18. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background have updated their models section, which now features 26 Quake 3 player models

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  19. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    EuroGamer has a visual treat for you today, in the shape of eight exclusive new screenshots of "XTension", the massive add-on pack for "X : Beyond The Frontier", an epic space trading, management and combat game released last year. Due out around the end of the month, XTension fixes many of the problems that stopped the original game from being a true Elite for the 21st Century. There are more than twenty different ships to fly, the plot has been extended, side missions have been added, and the graphics engine has been vastly improved. So while we work on a full preview of XTension, why not check out our exclusive new shots taken from a preview version of the game?

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  20. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Virgin has announced that it has picked up the publishing rights to Team 17's next two games - "Worms World Party" on the PC and Dreamcast, and "Stunt GP" on the Playstation 2. "Worms World Party" is the latest in the long-running series of worm-blasting action games, this time with the focus more on multiplayer action over the internet. For the full story, read the press release.

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  21. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Flight simulation games come in all types, from the 'fly about and do nothing' of MS Flight Sim to the Falcon 4's of this world. There never seems to be enough of the action oriented flight simulation games, where you get to enjoy the flying bit, but which also gives you big guns to boot!. Crimson Skies is one such title. Crimson Skies is a high-flying action adventure game in development by Zipper Interactive and Microsoft. GA-Source goes in-depth with Creative Director Jordan Weisman to find out more.

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  22. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The UK's biggest broadcaster the BBC have recently announced its latest and greatest gameshow, 'Bleeding Thumbs'. Rumored to be in the planning stages some weeks ago the show will feature celebrities fighting it out in time honored gamer fashion -- in first-person shooter deathmatch.

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  23. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Today's new releases here in the UK are "Army Men : Operation Meltdown" from 3DO, and Mattel Interactive's "Earth 2150", a stunning 3D strategy game which we reviewed yesterday. Thanks as usual to Nemesis for confirming those at his local Electronics Boutique.

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  24. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    German publisher BlueByte have announced an online beta test for their forthcoming strategy game Settlers IV, with up to 5000 gamers worldwide getting the chance to play a beta version of the game. If you are interested in taking part, check the press release for the full details, or head over to the BlueByte website to sign up.

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  25. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    At one stage or another we all have an idea for a hot new game, the next big thing. Most people who hang about on line have been part of a mod team, or have set about late at night talking about how they would make this game better, or going into minute detail about how a feature is crap, and ruins a games balance. Daily Radar have an article about how you go about taking it a step farther and getting your great idea made it into a game, and getting it published. They also go into how a producer will help you do this.

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  26. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    A couple of months ago the gaming world exploded with an apparent war inside id Software with one side trying to get control of the company, and the other resisting, and eventually failing. One of the casualties of that war was modeler and 3D artist Paul Steed. Stomped get hold of Paul and had a chat about what his plans are, his thoughts on id and Doom 3.

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  27. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    The StrikeForce team have posted their third Strike Force map pack, featuring three new team deathmatch maps for Unreal Tournament

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  28. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Angel Munoz has confirmed what many of us already suspected - that The CPL is aiming for nothing less than "world domination!" as it expands outside of its native America and spreads its clutches across Europe and Asia.

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  29. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    With the game due for release tomorrow, our review here on EuroGamer today investigates "Earth 2150", a glorious looking 3D real time strategy game which sees you trying to fight your way off the planet as the Earth spirals into the sun. Can the gameplay live up to the impressive graphics? Read our review to find out!

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  30. Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

    Review | Earth 2150 : Escape From The Blue Planet

    3D real time strategy game reviewed

    Earth 2150 is the sequel to Earth 2140, a fact which developers TopWare don't seem to be pushing. Which is hardly surprising, as Earth 2140 wasn't one of the most memorable games from the 90's, and it appears that they want to start with a clean slate for Earth 2150.

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