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Live: PlayStation 4 US launch event

Uncharted for PS4, Destiny beta coming to PlayStation first and The Last of Us DLC - see the launch event as it happened.

UPDATE: And we're done. A new Uncharted for PS4, Destiny beta coming first to PlayStation and a new look at The Last of Us DLC. See it all as it unfolded - lengthy ad breaks and all - here.

ORIGINAL STORY: Happy PlayStation 4 launch eve! Well, that's if you're in the US, as we're not getting Sony's new console until a little later in November. And I hope you lovely Americans will be equally happy for us when our time comes in Europe.

The US is also getting a special launch event that promises news of new PlayStation 4 games. Will the catweagle return in The Last Guardian? Will we learn about the future of the Uncharted series? Is it too soon to hope for news of Knack 2?

It all kicks off at an ungodly hour, but if you're as excited as us you can join us live from 4am GMT to watch the live stream, read through our babbling commentary and post your own reactions.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

*rubs eyes* Goooooood morning. And super work if you're still up.

Martin Robinson

I've got a pot of coffee and am decked in my hottest nightwear - I'm PUMPED.

Martin Robinson

I just checked in on my Animal Crossing town (I don't think I've ever been there this early in the morning). It's fair to say that those guys don't give a toss about what's going in New York right now.

Martin Robinson

bmx19: instantly leaving if I see geoff keeley he is absolute garbage

Man, you're going to be leaving us very early on.

Martin Robinson

I spent my first evening with a PS4 last night. It was well romantic.

Martin Robinson

Killzone's better than I anticipated, Resogun's fun and Knack... Well, Knack is all a bit OMG WTF it's 2013 dudes what are you doing?

Martin Robinson

Rumour has it that Team Ico has been taken off The Last Guardian and is now on Knack 2 - maybe we'll see that tonight?

Martin Robinson

kdavey2004: Had no intention of staying up for this but yet here I am. Doubt there's even going to be anything particularly worth having stayed up for.


Martin Robinson

kingpin3000: Late night walk complete. Now time to get excited.

*high fives*

Martin Robinson

DSR3: Got four hours sleep. Better than none.

*waves enthusiastically*

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

A shout out to Wes as well, who's here with us to turn this into NEWS.

Martin Robinson

There will be news. I hope. Rumour that there'll be a revival of an old space franchise. Colony Wars? That'd be odd.

Martin Robinson

More likely we'll see what Naughty Dog's Uncharted team is working on. What could it be?

Martin Robinson

kingpin3000: You'd best be joking about Team Ico Martin.

I am. I think. I hope.

Martin Robinson

We're in Geoff Keighley's 'capable hands' now. God help us all.

Martin Robinson

What else is left to be announced? I think we know what most of Sony's Worldwide Studios are working on.

Martin Robinson

Third-party wise there's going to be an MGS5 announcement, judging from Kojima's tweets. Too early to expect Fallout 4? Looks like that's being primed for the Spike TV Awards in December.

Martin Robinson

kingpin3000: Santa Monica?

Ah yes, good point. Would love to see what they're up to.

Martin Robinson

Geoff Keighley is standing on a bright yellow button that says 'Geoff'.

Martin Robinson

I think that means we've started.

Martin Robinson

Expect exclusive news and announcements - stuff on Last of Us, Destiny and MGS.

Martin Robinson

And Andrew House, wearing a fine cashmere scarf.

Martin Robinson

This winter look's a new thing for video game conferences, and I'm a fan. Tretton's looking chilly but stylish.

Martin Robinson

And he's promising a lot of good news, and a lot of surprises.

Martin Robinson

We're live from a queue in New York now!

Martin Robinson

And the first game this chap wants to play on his new PS4 is.... Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Martin Robinson

Really? He's queuing up at midnight in the freezing cold for that.

Martin Robinson

Mental. Anyway, here's a look back at the year for PlayStation.

Martin Robinson

Sony's had a good year - but only really by virtue of how Microsoft has cocked things up so monumentally.

Martin Robinson

Mark Cerny talking through the philosophy of the PS4. And I can feel a chill in the room - I don't think it's because I left a window open either.

Martin Robinson

Now into the first exclusive, The Last of Us DLC.

Martin Robinson

Evan and Christophe here to show us it. They're inside in a studio, so no knitwear for these guys.

Martin Robinson

It's Ellie and her friend - I take it this is the one she refers to at the end of the game.

Martin Robinson

So it's a prequel?

Martin Robinson

More on that character here -

Martin Robinson

Ooh, what's this?

Martin Robinson

A new Uncharted, with what seems like an older, more grisled Nathan Drake.

Martin Robinson

I'm kind of excited, kind of disappointed - Naughty Dog's always evolved with each new platform. From Crash to Jak to Uncharted. Hoping it was going to move on. Still, I bet it's going to look gorgeous and be awesome.

Martin Robinson

kingpin3000: Was that also unnumbered? Seems to be in fashion at the moment.

'twas indeed.

Martin Robinson

NoTheMama: Cmon new Silent Hill from Kojima!

Haha, that'd be awesome, but I think he's tied up with MGS for the next few years.

Martin Robinson

JamieR: Maybe you will play during the days of sir Francis drake.

Yeah, okay. I'd play the crap out of that.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing trailers for Knack and DriveClub now.

Martin Robinson

If you're upset about DriveClub missing launch and are after a good racer on day one, well...

Martin Robinson

I've played Need for Speed Rivals and it's excellent, so you're covered off. Should have a review up early next week.

Martin Robinson

Huxen: I expect 'Uncharted' will get a name or a number later, It's probably a fair way off and was brought out this early for hype.

I think it's been worked on for some time - since the end of Uncharted 3, anyway. I'd expect to see it the end of next year, with a proper reveal before E3.

Martin Robinson

And we're back with dead-eyed Geoff.

Martin Robinson

There are a lot of people eating canapes and playing PS4 games.

Martin Robinson

Hermen Hulst brightens up a dull puff piece by being generally a hunk. Can we have another announcement please?

Martin Robinson

Nate Fox is here to tell us more about Infamous. He's excited about the power of the PS4.

Martin Robinson

A new inFamous trailer, complete with Nirvana soundtrack.

Martin Robinson

March 21st release date for Infamous Second Son.

Martin Robinson

Carlos has come from Columbia for PS4 launch.

Martin Robinson

Good work Carlos.

Martin Robinson

And we're off for another ad-break. OH COME ON!

Martin Robinson

Huxen: They should have set this in a cramped teenagers bedroom with Andrew House and Jack Tretton loitering in the doorway.

Would watch.

Martin Robinson

So, what's left - a new look at Destiny, and some MGS5 news. I hope there's a drop the mic announcement too at the end.

Martin Robinson

Destiny's at least worth getting up for. I hope.

Martin Robinson

BEVERAGE WATCH! Who's drinking coffee, who's drinking tea - and who's gone for anything a bit harder to get them through?

Martin Robinson

I'm on my second cup of thick black coffee, and am only just beginning to get the jitters.

Martin Robinson

-cerberus-: Having a cup of coffee. With scotch.

Good man!

Martin Robinson

Is Geoff... Is he... Is he wearing a waistcoat and jeans?

Martin Robinson

I remember someone tried to get away with that at my school disco in 1994. Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, we're inside Sony R&D looking at eye tracking on the PlayStation Eye.

Martin Robinson

karlo87: Come on Sony R&D, get your VR out

Oh yes!

Martin Robinson

Sony R&D's working with NASA - to make you feel like you're exploring space with the PS4 alongside NASA.

Martin Robinson

No VR, but that is kind of awesome.

Martin Robinson

We're back at the queue! This is live television at its very best.

Martin Robinson

It's a Killzone Shadow Fall advert now. This is just one super-long, super-banal advert.

Martin Robinson

speed182: My playstation memory: Thinking when I was a kid with the PS1 if you completed a game a fiver came out of the memory card slot... never did!

Amazing. Not too late to have that in the PS4, I hope.

Martin Robinson

What's everyone getting day one with their PS4s? AC4, NFS and Resogun seem like the safest bets to me.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and Killzone's worth a punt too.

Martin Robinson

And we're baaaaaaaaaack.

Martin Robinson

Shu Yoshida - lovely, lovely Shu - is taking us through the story of PlayStation.

Martin Robinson

Towerfall's a new announcement. It's a chaotic indie.

Martin Robinson

Scimarad: A Need for Speed review would be nice, thank you very much.

It's coming! I'm not getting the game 'til later this morning, so I hope to have it with you early next week.

Martin Robinson

Shu talks The Last Guardian - he's played it. Though he's not saying whether it was with a DualShock 3 or 4.

Martin Robinson

I'm betting it was the latter. Also, apparently it looks pretty.

Martin Robinson

I don't think it'll be too long until we see that game again - but I don't think it's going to happen here. Maybe at the VGAs?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, DESTINY!

Martin Robinson

Bloody lovely Destiny. Maybe it's the third cup of coffee, but I'm getting palpitations right now.

Martin Robinson

Destiny's up and running, and we're on the moon.

Martin Robinson

There are guns and monsters and explosions and all sorts.

Martin Robinson

First access to Destiny beta comes to PlayStation.

Martin Robinson

MGS5 is up next. After another ad-break.

Martin Robinson

david'djhicks'hicks: I have my beta code... did he say it'd be on ps3 too

That he did.

Martin Robinson

kingpin3000: So next question. Is it worth getting the camera?

I'd say so - seems like the PS4 was designed with it in mind, and it was only taken out so they could undercut the cost of the Xbox One.

Martin Robinson

What's a Criss Angel?

Martin Robinson

We're back once more for what I believe will be the final stint.

Martin Robinson

MGS5 news, and - fingers crossed - one more announcement.

Martin Robinson

Koj o'clock.

Martin Robinson

He's talking Ground Zeroes - which is the prelude to Phantom Pain.

Martin Robinson

And there's a PlayStation exclusive mission.

Martin Robinson

david'djhicks'hicks: LOL my 1st ps memory was Porsche Challenge HAHAHA

I really liked that game!

Martin Robinson

Back to MGS5 - it's a 'deja vu' mission.

Martin Robinson

Hope it's not deja vu in that it's the same bloody mission we've seen for the last few months being played again and again.

Martin Robinson

It is - but with a low-poly player skin from the first game.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

karlo87: I'm never getting hyped for anything ever again

You say that... I bet we'll all be back here again for the next one of these. And the circle of disappointment will roll on!

Martin Robinson

Well, at least Octodad and Hohokum still look good, as these ads attest.

Martin Robinson

Thinking back to MGS5 announcement - will Classic Snake have Hayter's voice?

Martin Robinson

karlo87: Scimarad, Geoff and Kojima hyped it up not us

I know they've got to raise interest, but some of it was super-disingenuous.

Martin Robinson

The big moment - the first guy in the queue is about to get his PS4. He's been waiting since yesterday morning.

Martin Robinson

This guy hadn't pre-ordered - let that be a lesson to us all.

Martin Robinson

Just time for some more ads!

Martin Robinson

Gedeye: Poor guy has been queuing so long, he's not read the Knack reviews.

Oh lord, I hope they catch the moment when someone breaks that to him.

Martin Robinson

The Order, Destiny, Kingdom Hearts, NBA and FF15. They're all games coming to PS4!

Martin Robinson

Countdown to nothing! Anyway, a recap of the 'news' from this event. MGS5 is getting a PlayStation exclusive Classic Snake skin.

Martin Robinson

Destiny beta's coming to PS3 and PS4 first.

Martin Robinson

Indie game Towerfall is coming to PS4.

Martin Robinson

Aaand Uncharted is on its way to PS4.

Martin Robinson

Plus! The Last of Us DLC is a prequel starring Ellie and her friend Riley.

Martin Robinson

And that's a wrap on officially the longest advert I've ever seen.

Martin Robinson

Thank you for getting up so early, and apologies for the event!

Martin Robinson

And with that I'm off - see you all later!

Martin Robinson

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