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Sony's E3 conference

GTA 5 on PS4! Uncharted 4! Bloodborne! No Man's Sky debuts on PS4! Way more.

Sony's E3 conference was a long one and it dragged a bit in the middle, but there was a ton of stuff to pick through. GTA 5 is coming to PS4 this autumn! No Man's Sky makes its stunning debut on PS4! And we ended on a brief Uncharted 4 trailer.

There was Bloodborne, too - the game known as Project Beast. Read through the whole thing below and check out our E3 2014 guide for an overview of what's happening at E3.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Robert Purchese

Right then! Who's ready to go again?

Tom Bramwell

-cerberus-: @Tom Bramwell: I am. /gulps scotch

Stay strong.

Tom Bramwell

It feels like just yesterday that we sat down to watch Microsoft's E3 conference.

Tom Bramwell

Now it's Sony's turn. Last year Yoshida and co walked the ball into the open goal with aplomb, but Microsoft's humbler gamesgamesgames approach for 2014 doesn't invite the same kind of response, so it will be interesting to see what we get.

Tom Bramwell

-cerberus-: @Tom Bramwell: The Last Guardian is all it takes for Sony to win E3. In my opinion, of course.

Flying cat forever! Actually, maybe that's what they should call it.

Tom Bramwell

I am super excited about Project Beast. Gotta be there. I don't think it's much of a stretch to expect an Uncharted 4 trailer too. But I doubt we will see Last Guardian.

Tom Bramwell

Oh look, there's a bit of a pre-show.

Tom Bramwell

It's going to be gamesgamesgames as well, according to the livecast hosts.

Tom Bramwell

Oh wow, one of the hosts is interviewing Alexey Pajitnov!

Tom Bramwell

Ultimate Tetris coming to PS Vita this autumn.

Tom Bramwell

Here's Ru Weerasuriya from Ready at Dawn. They're working on The Order, obviously.

Tom Bramwell

They're wittering on about performance capture in The Order. Apparently it's great and awesome.

Tom Bramwell

Over to someone called Sid with David Dague, community manager from Bungie. We're going to see a bit of Destiny PS4 tonight, I would imagine.

Tom Bramwell

I think Microsoft wins the battle of the pre-shows today. Nothing too spectacular and Major Nelson's a divisive figure, but they announced a few nice little bits and bobs.

Tom Bramwell

I mean, this is rubbish.

Tom Bramwell

Robert Purchese

Arjan Bak, who is lead designer on Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept, is explaining what it is. Sounds like Horde mode.

Tom Bramwell

Oh and here's a little trailer for Intercept. Lots of defending an area and doing banter.

Tom Bramwell

These exchanges do not resemble the things we were all saying to each other playing Mario Kart 8 earlier.

Tom Bramwell

Steve Papoutsis from Visceral is now chatting away. He's got a big smile on his face about the beta they announced earlier.

Tom Bramwell

Did you know that Battlefield Hardline is about cops and robbers? Like in the films.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like Sony's conference is a little late starting, to the surprise of absolutely no one.

Tom Bramwell

Didn't see Hideo Kojima at the Microsoft conference - I guess we'll get MGS5 here.

Tom Bramwell

Right, it's about to start, hopefully!

Tom Bramwell

OK let's do this.

Tom Bramwell

Straight into a trailer for something. "Planet Mars, present day."

Tom Bramwell

It's Destiny. The trailer's talking about The Traveller, which is part of the Destiny lore.

Tom Bramwell

Aha, a floating little robot eye thing. Bungie don't stretch themselves very far, do they?

Tom Bramwell

We're getting a lot of stuff about the background of Destiny - the Guardians' job of protecting Earth from the Darkness etc.

Tom Bramwell

Lots of nice Dinklage action there too.

Tom Bramwell

Right, here's Andrew House, king of Sony.

Tom Bramwell

He says it's been Sony's goal to make PS4 the best place to play.

Tom Bramwell

Connected, the highest visual quality, choice and being part of an extensive community.

Tom Bramwell

The Destiny trailer is the embodiment of all the stuff he's on about, he says.

Tom Bramwell

House announces that Destiny beta comes to PS4 first on 17th July.

Tom Bramwell

There's a white Destiny PS4 bundle coming 9th September.

Tom Bramwell

PS4 owners this Thursday can also get in the first-look Destiny alpha, which lasts the weekend.

Tom Bramwell

Now we're seeing The Order.

Tom Bramwell

You can tell by the moustaches and lanterns.

Tom Bramwell

The promised cinematic action is very cinematically actionous.

Tom Bramwell

This guy is having a bad day. Looks like he's in a mortuary or something. He's got a shotgun and a moustache. There's a beasty thing chasing him around.

Tom Bramwell

That's it for The Order. We're onto something quite different now. A little orange fish and a blue bird on a cloudy, watery backdrop.

Tom Bramwell

Dancing, lots of light. Vibrant colours. Reminds me of thatgamecompany stuff.

Tom Bramwell

Called Entwined.

Tom Bramwell

It's about two souls who are in love but can't be together.

Tom Bramwell

You control both at once with two analogue sticks, flying down a pretty tunnel.

Tom Bramwell

Here's Scott Rohde from Worldwide Studios. He's announcing that Entwined is available right now in the PlayStation Store for $9.99.

Tom Bramwell

PS4 initially, with PS3 and Vita to follow thanks to Cross Buy.

Tom Bramwell

Rohde says Sucker Punch has been developing standalone inFamous Second Son DLC for release later this summer. You don't need to own Second Son to play it, but if you do you'll get additional content.

Tom Bramwell

Coming this summer, now we're watching a trailer. It's called First Light.

Tom Bramwell

Coming August via PlayStation Store. Stars Fetch, by the looks of it, a character from Second Son.

Tom Bramwell

Aha, here's LittleBigPlanet 3 on PlayStation 4.

Tom Bramwell

There's more 3D depth in the game than before. Sackboy's got a little pumping gizmo that he can use to activate stuff. And he's got a new friend called Oddsock.

Tom Bramwell

Oddsock can wall jump.

Tom Bramwell

Oddsock's faster than Sackboy too. Aaand here's another new friend, Toggle. He's bigger and stronger than the others.

Tom Bramwell

Toggle can also scale himself down to fit through small spaces. And here's another new character, Swoop, a cute little bird who can fly.

Tom Bramwell

Four people on stage are now playing through a level together controlling all the different characters, working together to puzzle out progress.

Tom Bramwell

Nice to see a proper live demo! Not been many of these today.

Tom Bramwell

It's all vintage LBP. Working together to solve mild environmental puzzles in colourful, patchwork spaces.

Tom Bramwell

Little montage trailer to finish off LBP3. Shots of various little games made with it and lots of neat, friendly, well choreographed action. Out November.

Tom Bramwell

Shuhei Yoshida is on stage - to cheers and people calling his name!

Tom Bramwell

He says over 8.7m levels have been created and shared in LBP1 and 2.

Tom Bramwell

When LBP3 launches, he says, you can go online and play any of those user-generated levels.

Tom Bramwell

LBP3 is just one of the great variety of titles being made by Worldwide Studios for PS4, says Yoshida.

Tom Bramwell

Yoshida says he's going to introduce a completely new IP from one of the industry's most respected game directors. "Welcome to the world of Bloodborne."

Tom Bramwell

Hidetaka Miyazaki's name flashed up. Amazing looking city of gothic spires. The action drops down to street level, where there's an abandoned baby carriage.

Tom Bramwell

Wizardy looking fella with a torch. Growling dog. Scythe cuts through flesh. Blood flies. Some sort of half-dead man with clouded eyes.

Tom Bramwell

Cut to the stony inside of a building, partly illuminated by a man holding a torch, waving it around. A room full of hands reaching up out of the ground.

Tom Bramwell

Coming 2015.

Tom Bramwell

That was oblique and amazing. Love it. Next up: Far Cry 4.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like a gameplay demo from Kyrat. We're on a mountaintop in the Himalayas. There's a yak. We're cutting down a mountain path.

Tom Bramwell

Lovely foliage. Smoky explosion on the distance. Buddha-style statue glimpsed through the mist. Ooh, wingsuit and grapple pickup.

Tom Bramwell

Climbing a cliff face past a tiger face symbol, sneaking up on a clearing where some enemies are lurking.

Tom Bramwell

Ooh, strapping explosive to a barrel, kicking it into a group of enemies and remote-detonating it.

Tom Bramwell

Switch to a pistol, jump down and into a little tuk-tuk.

Tom Bramwell

Chasing along a mountain road next to a military truck, jumping in through a door while it's moving, knifing the driver and kicking him out.

Tom Bramwell

Now we're wingsuiting through a canyon, past a pagoda into a field, with elephants nearby drinking water and bathing themselves.

Tom Bramwell

And now a second player has joined the action with a gyrocopter. Co-op! Flying over the top of an elephant, opening fire on enemies, which sets the elephant into a frenzy.

Tom Bramwell

Typical base attack stuff here, but with added elephants and a second player to help take people down.

Tom Bramwell

The elephant flips over a truck and it explodes. The end. Good work, Nelly.

Tom Bramwell

Phew. Here's Adam Boyes.

Tom Bramwell

He says when you buy Far Cry 4 in November, you can invite PSN friends to join even if they don't own the game. Only on PlayStation.

Tom Bramwell

A man is out for a seaside jog. He sees a woman, but as he runs past she's taken out by a zombie. He misses this. In fact, lots of people are getting mashed up by zombies in his wake.

Tom Bramwell

There's a limo flipping and a chopper crashing. Our guy's oblivious, although he's also turning into a zombie himself.

Tom Bramwell

Boyes says he likes to stay in touch with gamers, even name-dropping NeoGAF. He asked gamers to write them letters with suggestions for things they wanted to see. One suggestion was something about zombies... Here's a trailer for something.

Tom Bramwell

Dead Island 2.

Tom Bramwell

You know The Last of Us is coming to PS4, says Boyes, but you didn't know that there are TLOU enemies in the PS4 version of Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition. Clickers and such. Weird.

Tom Bramwell

Dead Island 2 will have a 30-day beta, exclusive character and level, only on PS4.

Tom Bramwell

Aaand here's a trailer for Battlefield Hardline, if you aren't bored of that already.

Tom Bramwell

Adam Boyes announces a new partnership with Disney to bring some exclusive stuff to PlayStation. Disney Infinity 2 has a collector's edition with the Hulk in it.

Tom Bramwell

On Destiny launch day, you'll get unique weapons, armour sets, gear, ships and a map called Exodus, plus an exclusive Strike on Mars, on PS4.

Tom Bramwell

"First, bigger and better" is what they're going for, he says.

Tom Bramwell

A lot of people wanted something brand new on the platform, says Boyes. So here's a partnership with Paradox Interactive. Every single Paradox studio is working on an exclusive for PS4, he says, and here's the first one.

Tom Bramwell

It's Magicka 2.

Tom Bramwell

Boyes is introducing something from Tim Schafer next.

Tom Bramwell

Double Fine, in tandem with a third-party dev team, is remastering Grim Fandango for PS4 and Vita.

Tom Bramwell

Out with the new, in with the old.

Tom Bramwell

Boyes is introducing Devolver's stuff next. All of the titles we're about to see will make console debut on PlayStation platforms. Broforce, Titan Souls, Not A Hero, Hotline Miami 2...

Tom Bramwell

And The Talos Principle by Croteam.

Tom Bramwell

We're back to the letter schtick with Boyes. But he can have it, right? Grim Fanf***ingdango!

Tom Bramwell

Next up is something from Suda 51. His next game is a PS4 exclusive.

Tom Bramwell

This looks grisly. Hacking and burning and slashing people up with circular saws and the like.

Tom Bramwell

Let It Die.

Tom Bramwell

"Video games, right?" laughs Boyes. "You know what that game doesn't remind me of? Journey!"

Tom Bramwell

Here's a new game from Giant Squid. We open on the sea floor, with lots of colourful fish swimming around coral and other fauna.

Tom Bramwell

There's a person here with a weird glowing head, swimming around amid sharks and whales and stuff.

Tom Bramwell

Standing at the bottom of the sea. You can see the link to Journey in the style, for sure.

Tom Bramwell

Abzu is the name.

Tom Bramwell

Boyes is back, hyping up the "staggering variety" on PlayStation Network. He's got a point.

Tom Bramwell

"Our goal at PlayStation is pretty simple - to surprise and amaze you - and we're just getting started." He's leaving us with a final thing that will make its console debut on PS4.

Tom Bramwell

It's No Man's Sky.

Tom Bramwell

This is the most we've seen of it. Beautiful alien landscape, red grass, odd dinosauric animals, green lake. Neat HUD, little "new species discovered" stuff popping up occasionally, spaceships flying overhead.

Tom Bramwell

Jumping in a ship and flying into the green sky, through the atmosphere, into an asteroid field...

Tom Bramwell

Moving among spacecraft in formation, into some sort of space battle orbiting a purple planet.

Tom Bramwell

Back down to another planet now, hopping between ridges and through canyons in a spaceship. The terrain is wonderfully varied.

Tom Bramwell

Here's Sean Murray from Hello Games.

Tom Bramwell

He's name-checking sci-fi authors he was inspired by. This is procedural universe that is infinite and everyone can share, he says. Every player starts on a different planet.

Tom Bramwell

Back in the game for a last look - some more scenes from different environments, on land and in space.

Tom Bramwell

It's really amazing how much variety there seems to be between all these locations. It's like a montage of every place you've ever read about in sci-fi.

Tom Bramwell

Andrew House is back.

Tom Bramwell

He's switching our focus to hardware, pointing out that PS Camera has always been offered "as a choice" to PS4 owners.

Tom Bramwell

Project Morpheus is on screen, "which demonstrates how we are fully leveraging the PlayStation Camera".

Tom Bramwell

Jurassic Encounter, Eve Valkyrie, Street Luge are new demos at E3 this week.

Tom Bramwell

Not much else on Morpheus then. House hands over to SCEA CEO Shawn Layden.

Tom Bramwell

"Wow, there's a lot of people in this room."

Tom Bramwell

Layden says he's excited.

Tom Bramwell

He's going to talk to us about PSN. He says we want to connect to each other and share stuff.

Tom Bramwell

Examples include Share Factory and the photo mode in Second Son, with more to come.

Tom Bramwell

Nearly 95% of PS4s worldwide are connected to the network, he says.

Tom Bramwell

220m share captures.

Tom Bramwell

More than one billion multiplayer sessions on PS4.

Tom Bramwell

Sony's going to bring YouTube to PS4 later this year - press the share button and upload to YT. Plus see friends' YT vids in activity feed.

Tom Bramwell

Over 150m spectate sessions have been viewed on PS4.

Tom Bramwell

They're planning to add extra features to spectate mode too. You'll be able to watch gameplay and interact with the people streaming.

Tom Bramwell

Sony's going to add free DLC for The Playroom to create your own custom broadcasting sets.

Tom Bramwell

Sony wants PlayStation to be the best place for free-to-play, says Layden. "We have more than 25 F2P games coming to PS4 in the next 12 months, including Kingdom Under Fire 2, PlanetSide 2 and Guns Up."

Tom Bramwell

Onto PlayStation Now, which is the Gaikai-based streaming games service. Beta will launch in US and Canada for PS4 on 31st July.

Tom Bramwell

PS Now will be available on PS3 and Vita shortly afterwards.

Tom Bramwell

They also want to unlock PlayStation games for people who don't own PlayStation systems. PS Now will work on certain Sony TVs as long as you have a DualShock 3.

Tom Bramwell

No mention of Europe for PS Now just yet.

Tom Bramwell

Switching focus to Vita, Layden is talking up the Remote Play PS4 feature.

Tom Bramwell

There are over 100 Vita titles in development today, says Layden, including Child of Light, Tales of Light R and Tales from Borderlands.

Tom Bramwell

Minecraft Vita is on the way too - the full console experience with co-op.

Tom Bramwell

Sony's preparing to launch PlayStation TV in the US, Canada and Europe this autumn.

Tom Bramwell

You can stream stuff from PS4 to another TV in your house.

Tom Bramwell

PlayStation TV will cost $99.

Tom Bramwell

There will also be a $139 bundle including PS TV, HDMI cable, DualShock 3, memory card and the Lego Movie game.

Tom Bramwell

Come on Shawn, no one cares about any of this crap.

Tom Bramwell

He's taken the hint. Bringing it back to Vib Ribbon.

Tom Bramwell

I thought he was going to bring it back, but he hasn't. He's doing a big segue (somehow) to gameplay footage of Mortal Kombat 10.

Tom Bramwell

I'm pretty sure Mortal Kombat is the opposite of Vib Ribbon.

Tom Bramwell

Scorpion is fighting Sub-Zero. Again. Forever.

Tom Bramwell

Some very unpleasant fatalities, as you would imagine.

Tom Bramwell

Andrew House is back. Save us, Andrew.

Tom Bramwell

Nooo! TV TV TV! Sony Pictures is bringing original content to PlayStation.

Tom Bramwell

Brian Michael Bendis is on stage to talk about Powers, which is an example of this stuff.

Tom Bramwell

Two series of Powers have been greenlit, apparently.

Tom Bramwell

It's based on the comic book of the same name and it tells the story of two detectives who look into the deaths of superheroes.

Tom Bramwell

How did that take that long.

Tom Bramwell

PS Plus subscribers in the US will be able to watch Powers for free.

Tom Bramwell

Here's a look at Ratchet & Clank: The Movie.

Tom Bramwell

If this bit's as long as the last one we can probably watch the whole thing.

Tom Bramwell

Out in 2015.

Tom Bramwell

The original Ratchet & Clank is coming to PS4 in remastered form. Movie and game will be out in first half of 2015.

Tom Bramwell

House reminds us that The Last of Us is being remastered for PS4. Here's a trailer.

Tom Bramwell

The Last of Us Remastered is out on 29th July.

Tom Bramwell

House is introducing the trailer for Metal Gear Solid 5 that leaked last night.

Tom Bramwell

Lots of great stuff in this trailer. Seeing it in the context of having played Ground Zeroes makes all the difference too - knowing that for all this choreography and set-piecery, it's in a systems-driven open-world environment.

Tom Bramwell

The music was Mike Oldfield's Nuclear if you're wondering.

Tom Bramwell

Nice one Koj.

Tom Bramwell

Next up is a company Andrew House says he's worked with since the PS2 days and is synonymous with PlayStation...

Tom Bramwell

GTA 5!

Tom Bramwell

Yep, GTA 5 is coming to PS4 this autumn.

Tom Bramwell

GTA 5 on PS4 will have a host of enhancements and new details for players to discover. Current users on PS3 *and 360* will be able to transfer saves.

Tom Bramwell

Online saves, I think he said. Not sure about campaign.

Tom Bramwell

While that sinks in, here's Batman: Arkham Knight.

Tom Bramwell

Batman's diving around the Gotham night, the Batmobile shows up to welcome him and he hops in and drives away.

Tom Bramwell

He pulls up somewhere and the Batmobile jumps into battle mode, engaging its Gatling gun to take out enemies.

Tom Bramwell

Demo ends on Scarecrow taunting Batman about dragging Gotham into oblivion. Happy days!

Tom Bramwell

Arkham Knight has Scarecrow nightmare missions only on PlayStation.

Tom Bramwell

Andrew House is closing the show! It's nearly bedtime! Just one more trailer...

Tom Bramwell

Gotta be Uncharted 4.

Tom Bramwell

Ya, Naughty Dog logo.

Tom Bramwell

Nathan Drake lying in a shallow pool of water, a fly walks on his head and wakes him up.

Tom Bramwell

We're hearing Sully and Drake chat over the top of this footage of Drake waking up in a stream with a cut on his head and a gun near his hand.

Tom Bramwell

He's in a jungle, by the looks of it, with lots of bodies hanging in gibbets nearby.

Tom Bramwell

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. 2015.

Tom Bramwell

And that should be that! One more montage...

Tom Bramwell

WE ARE DONE! If you've been with us since Microsoft at 5pm, bless you. Go sleep. Join us for Nintendo's digital thing at 5pm Tuesday.

Tom Bramwell

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