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Ubisoft's E3 conference

Far Cry 4! Assassin's Creed Unity! Rainbow Six: Siege!

Ubisoft's E3 conference is over - we got to check out a live demo of Assassin's Creed Unity, the first few minutes of Far Cry 4 and the big surprise at the end, a multiplayer game of Rainbow Six: Siege.

Our live text archive is below, and check out our E3 2014 guide for an overview of the whole show.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Here we go then! Ubisoft's pre-show should start right about now, with the main conference at 11pm BST. And here we go...

Tom Bramwell

So far the pre-show involves a man with a nice scarf waving his arms at the camera.

Tom Bramwell

The Ubi pre-show kicked off with a video montage recapping the last year of events. Now we're seeing the Uplay lounge at the Standard hotel in LA. Which is nice if you're in LA, I suppose?

Tom Bramwell

We get to play Mario Kart 8 between these conferences though, so I am hardly complaining.

Tom Bramwell

Now we're seeing some user-generated video about Ubisoft games. It's quite good actually!

Tom Bramwell

Now we're getting some testimonials from Ubisoft studios around the world about what inspires them. This will probably last a while given that every second building in the world is now a Ubisoft studio.

Tom Bramwell

That's it for the pre-show apparently! Not much happened there although it was quite sweet. Show itself begins in around nine minutes.

Tom Bramwell

It's go time.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like we're starting with Far Cry 4.

Tom Bramwell

We're in a bus of some sort with the Himalayas in the background. A man asks to see your passport. He stuffs a bank note in it and tells you he'll do the talking.

Tom Bramwell

The bus stops at some sort of checkpoint - men with AKs are outside. "Kyrat border", says the sign.

Tom Bramwell

Shootout! Some of your friends in the bus are toast. There's lead flying everywhere. You get out and get captured by the border guards as a chopper lands.

Tom Bramwell

Who's this stepping out of the chopper? Looks like the bad guy from the artwork.

Tom Bramwell

"I distinctly remember saying 'stop the bus'," he says. "Not shoot the bus."

Tom Bramwell

He stabs the border guard in the neck and falls on top of him stabbing away.

Tom Bramwell

He looks to you. "We have a party waiting for you," he sees, happy to see you in a sinister way.

Tom Bramwell

Now he's taking a selfie of you and him. His guys set fire to the bus. We're off on a "grand adventure", he says. Fade to black.

Tom Bramwell

It's Dan Hay, creative director of Far Cry 4. He's saying that on 18th November they're going to put you on a bus to the Himalayas, give you a fake passport, a gun and a bit of cash, "and then you're f***ed."

Tom Bramwell

Dan Hay takes the applause for the trailer. He says to expect an announcement today, then hands over to Aisha Tyler.

Tom Bramwell

"Someone asked me recently why I keep doing these pressers when the internet is so full of bulls***? It's because I love video games."

Tom Bramwell

Aisha's promising excitement and all sorts of other stuff.

Tom Bramwell

She says she was "incredibly stoked" to appear in Watch Dogs, by the way.

Tom Bramwell

Let's take a look at Just Dance 2015 then.

Tom Bramwell

Updated track list with Pharrell Williams and Ellie Goulding among others.

Tom Bramwell

Roll VT. People are dancing.

Tom Bramwell

Apparently you can clap along if that's what you want to do.

Tom Bramwell

Coming this October.

Tom Bramwell

Oh, that's not it for Just Dance 2015. Producer Jason Altman is here to show us Just Dance Now. "All you need is a smartphone and an internet-connected big screen like a tablet, a PC or an internet-connected TV."

Tom Bramwell

Basically everyone can always dance forever in all contexts ever.

Tom Bramwell

That song about clapping was quite catchy. I'm surprised you don't hear it more often.

Tom Bramwell

Right, over to The Division.

Tom Bramwell

Petter Mannerfelt from Massive is on stage, reminding us that as a member of the Division you're a civilian agent who needs to discover the origin of the pandemic and take back New York.

Tom Bramwell

We're getting a trailer showing a time-lapse of New York in The Division, gradually becoming covered in snow as someone sings Silent Night and breaks into weeping.

Tom Bramwell

Which is a nice emotional counterpoint to Just Dance if nothing else.

Tom Bramwell

The timelapse goes inside a New York home and shows the gradual accumulation of society falling apart - boards nailed over doors, blood on the wall etc - then back out onto the street where things get worse by the day.

Tom Bramwell

Now it's showing us the rise of the Division's agents, who the grim VO intones will put the pieces of society back together.

Tom Bramwell

And here are some dudes in nasty outfits jumping off a bin lorry with flamethrowers.

Tom Bramwell

Probably not friendly.

Tom Bramwell

On a day of good CG, that was some more good CG.

Tom Bramwell

Right, onto The Crew.

Tom Bramwell

From Division's time-lapse to sped up footage of a journey from Miami to LA.

Tom Bramwell

There's city bits, country bits, bridge bits, desert bits, snowy bits. All sorts of bits.

Tom Bramwell

The scenery is gorgeous and the map's enormous, says Aisha, but it's what you get to do that counts.

Tom Bramwell

The game's creative director Julian Gerighty is on stage talking it all up. "We've been striving to put the gamers at the heart of our expedopdwsfjhklfds;klfdj

Tom Bramwell

For everyone who isn't at E3, the closed beta is opening 27th July. Register at

Tom Bramwell

The Crew is out 11th November on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Tom Bramwell

Time for Assassin's Creed Unity!

Tom Bramwell

Alex Amancio from Ubi Montreal is setting the scene. "It is the dawn of the 19th century."

Tom Bramwell

Trailer time! An eagle swoops over Revolutionary Paris through the towers of Notre Dame and towards the Bastille.

Tom Bramwell

Over peasants fighting soldiers. Men with muskets firing into crowds. Men in funny hats walking solemnly down corridors.

Tom Bramwell

Four assassins square up and look out over the city, then prance around on rooftops as people wield pitchforks and run down the barrel of the soldiers' guns on the streets below.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like one of the assassins had a new hidden crossbow weapon.

Tom Bramwell

Two of the assassins stand facing a French nobleman who is threatening to light a fuse. Two more swoop down and incapacitate his guards and extinguish his wick. Peasants burst in.

Tom Bramwell

Unity is out on 28th October 2014.

Tom Bramwell

We're going to get a live demo of how the game systems work in the open world too.

Tom Bramwell

They are cramming in a hell of a lot of NPCs. We start off on a gargoyle atop a church, then rather than diving into hay we swoop down swinging from beam to beam.

Tom Bramwell

Ah there's a catch-the-thief mini mission. Can't be bothered to tackle him though, so we get distracted by a little "Murder Mystery" side quest.

Tom Bramwell

We're now in a fairly standard fight on a street, countering and hacking away.

Tom Bramwell

Eagle Vision shows us the location of loot and enemies, bringing us closer to our target.

Tom Bramwell

Working through a building now, sneaking behind low walls to avoid detection until we reach our target upstairs.

Tom Bramwell

Here we go, over the rooftops. Icons for stuff are now dotted all over your vision, so you're not diving into the map presumably.

Tom Bramwell

More prompts for side content - Brotherhood missions.

Tom Bramwell

Traversal and combat doesn't look that different, although there are tweaks, more NPCs and moving from outdoor to seamless indoor areas is a bit more next-gen.

Tom Bramwell

We're now on a rooftop overlooking our target, who is overseeing executions, one of which we get to see take place as we creep around.

Tom Bramwell

And in classic AC fashion, we hop down onto the top of the guillotine, then dive bomb the target with a hidden blade.

Tom Bramwell

Amancio says that's only a glimpse of the systemic open world, with much more to see on the show floor.

Tom Bramwell

AC's over, so let's check out Shape Up, a new fitness game.

Tom Bramwell

"Fitness is boring," says Charles Huteau, the game's creative director.

Tom Bramwell

The game turns fitness activities into mini-games. This one is called Piano Step.

Tom Bramwell

You see yourself on screen and have to beat-match stepping on piano keys in time to music.

Tom Bramwell

Now they're doing a Ubisoft San Fran vs Ubisoft France fitness face-off.

Tom Bramwell

It's a push-up competition.

Tom Bramwell

Ubisoft San Fran won! So hopefully that's it for Shape Up.

Tom Bramwell

Here's a look at Valiant Hearts: The Great War.

Tom Bramwell

This is Ubisoft Montpelier's game about four strangers travelling through World War 1 with their dog. It's a puzzle adventure with beautiful artwork.

Tom Bramwell

If you liked the look of that, Valiant Hearts is out later this month on 25th June.

Tom Bramwell

Yves Guillemot is on stage to help close out the conference.

Tom Bramwell

He says thank you to everyone at the conference and watching online. "We love you very much." Aw.

Tom Bramwell

"I would also like to show you one more game."

Tom Bramwell

"The following sequence is pre-alpha footage captured from a multiplayer match."

Tom Bramwell

Looks like Rainbow Six.

Tom Bramwell

Guys inside a house are barricading windows - we're watching through a spy cam, which the guys inside then shoot out.

Tom Bramwell

We're dropping in from a helicopter onto the roof. There are five in the squad armed with a mixture of cop weapons - shotguns, riot shield etc.

Tom Bramwell

We're ziplining down the side of the house, planting a shape charge.

Tom Bramwell

Blow a hole in the wall and bust in with the zip line, taking out one bad guy. The team secures the hostage inside but come under fire from elsewhere in the house.

Tom Bramwell

The scenery is all destructible - the interior wall looks like Swiss cheese as the firefight unfolds.

Tom Bramwell

This is sort of what I thought Hardline would be like based on EA's description.

Tom Bramwell

They have drones, riot shields and other gadgets. It's very quiet, close quarters, fighting over a hostage and working out breach plans.

Tom Bramwell

Blowing doors in walls and floors to assault enemy positions.

Tom Bramwell

It's now three vs one with the cops in control of the hostage.

Tom Bramwell

Uh oh, he comes outta nowhere. Down to two.

Tom Bramwell

Hostage injured! Coming under heavy fire from downstairs as the remaining cops move through the upstairs. Cut to black.

Tom Bramwell

Rainbow Six: Siege.

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

And we're out! Hope you enjoyed that. We'll be back at 2am BST for Sony...

Tom Bramwell

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