Mad Catz co-publishing Rock Band 4
Harmonix handling downloadable sales and content.
Peripheral maker Mad Catz is going to co-publish Rock Band 4 on PS4 and Xbox One.
Mad Catz will handle global retail sales, promotion and distribution of the game and hardware bundles. Rock Band 4 developer Harmonix, meanwhile, will take care of downloadable sales and content. Mad Catz is also developing a new range of RB4 wireless game controllers, covering guitar, bass, drums and microphone.
Mad Catz played a publishing role on Rock Band 3 after EA and MTV dumped it a year after release, but this RB4 publishing deal will be its biggest.
"Mad Catz have a deep appreciation for the amazing work by Harmonix and we can't wait to play our part in delivering Rock Band to passionate gamers everywhere! Co-publishing the game allows us to work closer than ever before with Harmonix, delivering a seamless experience from game through hardware and ensuring that we focus on the needs of the gamer first and foremost!" wrote company spokesperson Alex Verrey on the Mad Catz website.
There were pictures of Rock Band peripherals in his post - presumably from the new game (they're below - they may take a little time to appear).
Rock Band 4 was announced last month and will be out late this year on PS4 and Xbox One. Brilliantly, you'll be able to use not only your old Rock Band peripherals, but probably your old Guitar Hero peripherals as well - supporting those is the plan (also mentioned in a Business Insider interview). Rock Band 4 will also let you import all your old songs, which is lovely stuff.