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MAG receives "dramatic" update

Zipper revamps from cover to cover.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Zipper has released a big patch for MAG.

Changes were described on the European PlayStation blog as "dramatic" and include revamps for every single weapon as well as sped-up gear and weapon swapping and a clamp-down on various exploits. You'll also be given more warning when a BOOM! - bomb is about to explode.

This update is patch 1.03, and the entire contents are listed below.


  • Overhauled tuning of multiple weapons of all types (see "Weapon" section below)
  • Improved speed of weapon and gear swapping by approximately 500 milliseconds.
  • Fixed bug in SVER's Aralkum Mechanical Acquisition map and Absheron Refinery Domination map that allowed players to defuse a charge planted on a repaired gate or door.
  • Added a "solid tone" sound effect near the end of a charge's beeping detonation timer so that players know when the charge can no longer be defused and that they should vacate the area.
  • "Medium Improved" Armor now works as intended with the speed properties of Medium Armor and a defensive value greater than Medium, but less than Heavy Armor.
  • Changed resuscitated player's camera orientation to match the last camera direction used while incapacitated instead of the pre-harm camera.
  • Players no longer lose XP if a teammate is killed by an objective explosion caused by a charge they planted.
  • Respec Point requirements in Barracks have been changed from 3K, 5K, 10K, 17K, 26K, and 26K-Repeat to 1K, 2K, 3K, and 3K-Repeat.
  • Lowered the amount of damage necessary to kill an incapacitated enemy.
  • All fired projectiles (RPGs, Turret Rockets) have been given a steadier aim.
  • Mines that haven't been triggered are no longer removed from the map when the dead player that deploys them respawns unless that player changes their Loadout (note: The maximum number of mines you can plant cannot exceed the number you initially spawn with).
  • Fixed bug that prevented "fully-resuscitated" players with more than 100 health points from receiving their full HP.
  • Fixed bug that caused players to take unnecessary damage from both friendly and enemy vehicles when touching them.
  • Players no longer lose leadership points after entering "Veteran Mode."


  • "From the hip" firing for Light and Medium machine guns have stronger recoil and are less accurate when moving.
  • Tuned weapon damage for all three factions.
  • Modified all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs) so that they're less effective at long distances.
  • Made Battle Rifles more effective.
  • Reduced accuracy bonus for using iron sights and reflex sights so that players can no longer snipe with weapons that aren't intended to do so.
  • Increased damage values for all rockets to make them more effective (ex: three rockets can now destroy a DE turret).
  • Shooting through thin materials (fences, tents, etc.) will be more consistent.
  • Increased spread on shotguns.
  • Improved animations for rocket launchers.


  • Fixed bug that caused the recoil animation to end early or stop animating if a player was firing their weapon for a long period of time.
  • Changed detonation time on smoke and poison gas grenades to prevent them from exploding in mid-air to eliminate unintended FX issues.
  • Added realistic fogging effects to sky-domes.


  • Fixed most conditions that caused players to be caught in a "respawn loop" which kept restarting the respawn queue when the countdown clock reached 0.
  • Changed in-game conditions to make it less likely to experience in-game freezes.
  • Improved client-side stability.

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