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Mass Effect Andromeda $199 Collector's Edition includes remote control Mako

UPDATE: Costs £280 in the UK, exclusive to GAME.

UPDATE 8th November 2016: The Mass Effect Andromeda Collector's Edition - the one with the remote control Nomad - is exclusive to GAME in the UK, and costs £279.99.

Elsewhere, if you get the Deluxe or Super Deluxe editions of the game, you get a pet pyjak.

From the official blurb:

ORIGINAL STORY 7th November 2016: Mass Effect Andromeda will launch with a $199 Collector's Edition which includes a remote-control Mako. has a listing for the special edition which is now available to pre-order (although there's no sign of the UK version just yet).

Now renamed the Nomad, Mass Effect Andromeda's Mako is purely for exploration purposes only.

The remote-controlled version includes a six-wheel drive, LEDs and a built-in camera. You control your pint-sized Nomad via an app for your smart device.

The vehicle returns to the series after a long absence - it was written out of Mass Effect 2 and 3 after being famously hard to control, and as the game's original trilogy focused on tighter environments.

Stay tuned for more Mass Effect Andromeda news later today.

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