New Halo 3 Achievements list leaked?
Photographic evidence says so.
The internet has spotted what appears to be a leaked list of upcoming Achievements for Halo 3.
The 30 rewards, supposedly photographed from a "Mythic" build of the game at PAX, total 750 Gamerpoints, according to the Ascendant Justice forum (spotted by Kotaku).
These divide down into three identical packs: 10 Achievements, 250 Gamerpoints a piece. Which makes sense.
Most of the detailed Achievements appear to be based around bunches of maps, such as the Legendary pack previously released - adding fuel to the "these are map packs" argument.
Examples are "Double Double", which offers 25 points for two Double Kills during a ranked or social match on a Legendary Map; or "Defend This", which awards a whopping 50 points for beating someone to death with a flag on a Legendary Map during a ranked or social match.
Bizarrely, there are also Achievements that give zero Gamerpoints, such as "Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7", awarded for entering into a playlist with seven experience on the seventh day of the month.
We're checking authenticity with Bungie.
Until then, here's that list in full:
- Heretic Skull - 25 points
- Citadel Skull - 25 points
- Assembly Skull - 25 points
- Sandbox Skull - 25 points
- Orbital Skull - 25 points
- Lon pointshore Skull - 25 points
- Tank Dropper - 25 points
- Zombie Repeller - 25 points
- Delicious Brains - 25 points
- Save This Film - 25 points
- Have Fun Respawning - 25 points
- Killtacular - 25 points
- Awww, Too Bad - 25 points
- ... Get the Horns - 25 points
- Post Mortem - 25 points
- Ghost Patrol - 25 points
- Blades of Fury - 25 points
- Pull - 25 points
- Hammer Time - 25 points
- Look Both Ways - 50 points
- Road Rage - 25 points
- Flag Dropped - 25 points
- Defend This - 50 points
- Came... From... Behind... - 50 points
- Alas, Poor Yorick - 25 points
- Double Double - 25 points
- Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan - 25 points
- Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 - 0 points
- Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch - 0 points
- Vidmaster Challenge: Annual - 0 points