New PS2/GC Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory details
Multiplayer details and some graphical trickery thrown in for fun. Well, we had fun.
Given Splinter Cell's Xbox origins, it's always been a bit of a task for Ubi to squeeze all the visual trickery onto other consoles; not so much of an issue for the Cube, but certainly the PS2 versions.
But yesterday Ubisoft released a few morsels of information on Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory regarding how it's getting on with these 'slightly tricky to port' versions, and has even invented an all-new term just for us.
The PS2 version, for example, bereft of the Normal Mapping that makes the texturing on the PC and Xbox versions look incredibly convincing, is to be buffed up with a new technique Ubi calls Geotexturing, giving the same extra layer of depth to the textures on the PS2 but without crippling the system. Curiously, visual details on the Cube version were not discussed, but from past experience they should be somewhere snugly between the Xbox and PS2.
Meanwhile on the multiplayer side of the game Ubi has clarified the position for both platforms, and there's good news and bad news, Sam Fisher fans. Cube and PS2 owners can look forward to a split-screen-only co-op mode (as opposed to online as with the Xbox and PC), while the Versus mode will be completely absent on the Cube. On the PS2, however, there will be four new maps on the Versus mode, but oddly the rules and gadgets available have been ponced straight from Pandora Tomorrow. Confusion reigns. And pours.
As things stand the Xbox version looks to be by far the console edition of choice with a) the best visuals b) online co-op play c) a proper online Versus mode.
Look out for an in-depth preview of Sam Fisher's latest adventure very shortly. The game is on track for release on all four formats (the first time that's happened) on 1st April.