New Quake 4 site, trailer
That's so Raven.
Bah. There's still no word on a release date for Quake 4, the latest instalment in Raven's popular PC shooter series - though we do know it's getting an outing on Xbox 360, too.
But in the meantime, why not head on over to the new official Quake 4 website. There you can read about the storyline, register for email updates about the game and - best of all - watch a rather spanky trailer.
Quake 4 puts you in the role of Matthew Kane, an elite military operative fighting against the biologically challenged Strogg. As you'll see in the trailer, however, things don't exactly go to plan and Kane ends up being turned into a Strogg himself - ouch. Still, it's the only way to defeat them, apparently.
You can also find some screenshots for the game here.