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Xbox 360 goes on UK tour

From Glasgow to London.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft's got a new toyboy and it's not afraid to show it off. 60 times over, in fact, as part of an "Xbox 360 Hour Tour", which is touring the UK later this month as they build up to the console's December 2nd launch.

Stopping for a few days in each of Glasgow, Birmingham, Leeds and London, the X360 Hour Tour gives punters the chance to spend, er, 30 minutes each with the new console - sampling games including Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo: Elements of Power and Project Gotham Racing 3, all of which Microsoft is scrambling to get ready for launch.

General attendance will be open between 10am and 6pm at the following list of venues, with gamers registering on arrival for 30 minutes of game-time later in the day. There'll also be a private VIP evening at each of the events, although presumably you have to be important, perhaps even very-that, in order to get in there. We've no idea how it happens, but suspect freemasonry.

4th-6th November
The Lighthouse
Scotland's Centre For Architecture

11th-13th November
The Old Library, The Custard Factory

18th-20th November
The Light

25th-28th November
Mercer Street Studios

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