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EA signs beastly RTS Armies of Exigo

Exigo pronounced "hey ho". Or not.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EA has signed a publishing deal with fresh-faced developing type Black Hole Games for its debut title, a PC RTS called Armies of Exigo (for now at least). Due out in late 2004, Exigo's eponymous armies will apparently consist of elves, beasts, knights and creatures of the darkness, some of whom have the ability to tunnel underground and advance on their adversaries undetected. Swine!

Not a whole lot else is known about Armies of Exigo (with a full unveiling pretty much guaranteed for E3, as with everything else in the news these days), but the developer probably caught EA's attention because its origins lie with film production company Cinergi (headed up by Terminator 3 producer Andrew C. Vajna).

As you can see from the first four screenshots of the title, it's certainly a very pretty RTS with some lovely lighting effects piercing the canopies above darkened forests and whatnot. Some nice looking towns too, although arachnophobic types will probably want to give this one a miss judging by the swarms of spider-like critters swarming on human warriors in one of the shots...

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