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Second PGR2 Booster Pack due soon

The Long Beach Booster Pack will be another premium download, but hey, it's better value than most. Shots and details, mmm? Race you for them.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Following the success of the £2.99 Paris Booster Pack a couple of months ago, Bizarre Creations is currently preparing to unleash a second series of downloadable circuits and vehicles for Project Gotham Racing 2 in the form of the Long Beach Booster Pack. It should be available on Xbox Live very soon.

Although there's no specific word on when we can expect to see the Long Beach pack emerge, we do know that it will be similar in price and content to the previous update - meaning we can expect eight new tracks set, as the title suggests, in California's Long Beach area, and eight new vehicles to race around them.

According to reports, the Ariel Atom 2 and VW Nardo will be amongst the new cars, and you can pick the others out for yourselves thanks to these 12 screenshots of the pack in action. (Skip to the bottom for the relevant shots.)

The Long Beach Booster Pack is currently listed as Microsoft's "Feature Download" on the Downloadable Content catalogue, and although at the time of writing it's still not available to download, we can't imagine it will be long, and will of course bring you more detailed impressions of the pack as soon as we can.

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