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Philips' crazy new technology

Set to 'revolutionise gaming.'

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Philips has announced amBX, "a revolution in ambient intelligence" that's apparently going to change the gaming experience forever.

Basically it's a new technology that's designed to enhance your gaming with colour, sound, light and even blasts of air.

"Imagine the room of the future, where all electronic devices are amBX-enabled," Philips said.

"The treacherous road to Saigon will turn your room jungle green, swimming with dolphins will splash it deep blue, Halo jumps will turn your fans on full, lightning storms will strobe your white lighting, and attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion will blast on your heaters."

amBX uses a scripting language, software engine and architecture to operate LED colour-controlled lights, fans, heaters, audio and video and "active furniture", whatever that is.

Peripheral manufacturers will be able to make use of the new technology in their products, and "In the future, game players may even be able to author and share their own personal amBX experiences online."

Philips amBX marketing officer Jo Cooke commented: “For games creators this is a fantastic opportunity: amBX expands the immersive experience by bringing the real world environment into the gameplay.

"The creative possibilities using this technology, for the games industry and beyond, are immense," she added.

Philips is currently in talks with developers and peripheral manufacturers and intends to launch amBX in May 2006. We've developed our own version in the meantime, but our little brother keeps asking if he can put the torch and the hairdryer down now please.

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