This And That: Wednesday News Roundup
(Sometimes updated throughout the day.) Halo patched to 1.05, Killer 7 delayed in Japan, Atari releasing 85-strong vintage games pack for PS2/Xbox.
Microsoft has released a version 1.05 "Hotfix" (patch) for the PC version of Halo, addressing "a rare crash bug that could occur if a malicious individual (hacker) purposely sends a malformed packet to a game server". Furthermore, "it incorporates fixes to resolve compatibility problems with Windows XP SP2 and certain 256MB video cards, which could cause the game not to launch, or not to display chat messages". Might be worth downloading then, Halo fans. You can get hold of it by clicking here.
PS2 and GameCube shooter Killer 7 has been moved back to a spring 2005 release target in Japan, according to reports. Capcom USA is still working towards a winter ship date, according to representatives, but since the game has always been down for a Q1 2005 release in Europe we're not sure it's going to impact your lives to any great extent. We'll let you know if anything else happens. (Exclusive: Ooh, there's a horse outside.)
Atari this week announced a new compendium of 85 of its classic titles for PS2 and Xbox. Called Atari Anthology, it's due out in the States in November and should cost $19.99, and consists of 18 arcade games, 62 Atari 2600 games, and 5 others, including classics like (deep breath) Asteroids, Battlezone, Missile Command, Pong, Gravitar, Millipede, Super Breakout, Off the Wall, Blackjack, Desert Falcon, Steeplechase and Sprintmaster. There's also a new challenge mode for each game, which adds "Trippy Mode, Time Warp and Double Speed, all of which push player's skills to the extreme, while a new 3D interface offers a polished portal into all the games".