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Far Cry DVD-only in Europe

Good news?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Far Cry fan site reports this week that Crytek's forthcoming sun-soaked first-person shooter will only be released on DVD in Europe.

Although there are bound to be folks whose PCs still lack DVD drives, they really have been around for long enough now, and we'd venture there are far more gamers growing increasingly frustrated with multi-CD PC titles that waste their precious time. If you haven't got one by now, some would argue you're just holding back the progress of the entire human race. Not us, of course, we're fence sitters.

Anyway, there is some manner of silver lining for folks without DVD drives. Although Ubisoft has apparently confirmed the European news, its US counterpart has stood firm, telling HomeLANFed that the game will be released on CD-ROM in the States. So at least you can import that, although we'd imagine that there aren't too many PCs out there still packing CD drives as their primary media device that can do the ambitious FPS justice anyway.

Far Cry is due out in Europe on March 26th.

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