Pandora Tomorrow single-player demo released
Multiplayer demo soon...
Typical. I'm on my way out the door (towards the kitchen - I obviously wouldn't brave the outside world), and suddenly I hear an annoying sound effect that heralds the release of the Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow single-player demo.
At a handsome 120MB, this demo won't choke your connection to death, assuming you're on broadband. If not, I fear it's a coverdisk job. Anyway, you can download it from the official site, which also has a growing list of mirrors.
As for its contents, apparently it includes the complete "Paris-to-Nice train" mission, presumably the one pictured in all the screenshots, complete with Sam hanging off the side. Your objective in it is to find and question a chap called Norman Soth. Along the way you'll be able to play with the F7 pistol, night vision, thermal vision and T.A.K. lasermic.
What are you waiting for? Oh yes, the multiplayer demo. Well, that's not mentioned here, but Ubisoft did tell us they were planning to release one soon when the game went gold earlier this week, so don't be too surprised if you see another Splinter Cell demo item within the next couple of days.
Go, go, go!