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McNamara in Aussie Getaway

Team Bondi's PS3 title signed up by SCEA.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Brendan McNamara, the Australian writer/director of multi-million selling London crime caper The Getaway, has returned home to set up a new Sydney-based development studio called Team Bondi and has started work on an all-new PlayStation 3 title.

The start-up team is headed up by McNamara, who has hired various members of Team Soho to work on an "original" title - details of which will be revealed shortly. The team is working exclusively on Sony hardware, unsurprisingly.

McNamara has spent the last six months setting up the studio and "doing technical research" for the game, which already has an exclusive publishing arrangement with Sony Computer Entertainment America. It's not known what the game's European status is currently, or why McNamara chose to partner with the US first, but we'd expect an announcement in the near future.

McNamara commented: "It�s nice to be home after so many years abroad and working on an exciting third generation PlayStation title. It�s made the transition so much easier having some of my friends from The Getaway team here with me and we are all looking forward to the massive challenge of the new title we are planning."

More information on the unnamed title is promised "soon".

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