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EA agrees exclusive terms for Diablo veterans' PC Action-RPG

Diablo veterans are clearly the 'in thing' these days.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

'Diablo veterans' are the new 'Medal of Honour developers', it would seem. Following last week's announcement that Bill Roper and co. at Flagship Studios would be working exclusively with Namco, EA has this week announced an exclusive worldwide publishing deal with Castaway Entertainment, another group of chaps who worked on the Diablo series at Blizzard North.

Although details of the game and financial terms (and, well, whether Blizzard North actually exists in any tangible form any more) were not discussed, we did learn that the Redwood City, California-based development start-up was founded by a bunch of eight Diablo vets, including former programmer and current Castaway president Michael Scandizzo, who said that, thanks to the deal with EA, "this title will have the key resources and support that it needs to become a creative, addictive, and genre-defining title."

Expect another group of Diablo veterans to wriggle out of the woodwork during the next few days. Yes, yes - har har - but would you be all that surprised?

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