PGR2 confirmed for November
Christmas donuts us early.
As we've been telling you for a while [now now Tom, this isn't -Ed], Project Gotham Racing 2 is due out on November 28th in Europe. Microsoft officially confirmed the release date this morning, lending plenty of credibility to the various other MS dates we brought you earlier this month. PGR2 was key amongst those for 2003, with Top Spin and Amped 2 appearing earlier in November and Counter-Strike following on December 5th.
Due on Nov 28 then, PGR2 is a stunningly beautiful update to the Xbox's seminal launch title, and one of our favourite games of 2002. As we told you last week in our extensive impressions piece, it's an update in far more ways than the original was over MSR, with plenty of new cities, cars, Kudos tweaks and the critical factor of integral Xbox Live support - something we're very excited about trying out the month after next. You can expect a massive double-review of PGR2 closer to November 28th.