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Nintendo Direct E3 2015 live report

It's over. All the news as it happened.

Nintendo's increasingly distanced itself from E3, and never more so than at this year's show, where it worked through a slim line-up of the games we'll be playing over the next nine months. There were some gems there - StarFox looks interesting, Fire Emblem is bound to amaze and Mario Maker could be this year's most creative hit - but it was hard not to walk away a little disappointed after all the flare of yesterday. Catch it all as it happened here.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

20 minutes to go until the magic, the wonder and battiness of Nintendo's E3 digital event.

Martin Robinson

What are we expecting? StarFox? Animal Crossing? SHENMUE 3?!?!?!?

Martin Robinson

Oh wait, scratch that last one.

Martin Robinson

Nintendo's got an awful lot to do if it wants to eclipse last night's offerings - let's not forget that Microsoft had a good showing before all the Sony drama.

Martin Robinson

And hey, if they've actually got a game or two coming out this year they'll already have Sony beat on that front.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Expect plenty of these guys.

Martin Robinson

God, that's giving me flashbacks to the time we shared a hotel with a furry convention at Rezzed a few years back.

Martin Robinson

The torn fur in the lifts in the morning, the smell of sweaty latex. Such sadness.

Martin Robinson

jamyskis1981: I completely forgot about Animal Crossing. There have been a few noises about a potential Wii U version of that one.

Now I play it on 3DS daily I feel it's a handheld game through and through - would feel odd going back to a home console. Still, I'd take it.

Martin Robinson

A new Mario, a new F-Zero or a new Doshin the Giant? Anything's possible in the next hour or so.

Martin Robinson

vert1go: And of course Pele Stories. CALLING IT.

Bring him to Smash Bros., stat. He just sits on a stool, pummelling the opposition with his amazing anecdotes.

Martin Robinson

How's about a new Metroid, while we're at it.

Martin Robinson

vert1go: Outside bet (and not counting the 3DS port), Hyrule Warriors 2? Or more dlc for it and MK8 or Splatoon?

The 3DS version leaked not long ago, so it's a good shout.

Martin Robinson

I'd actually be happy if they just spent an hour detailing Splatoon updates.

Martin Robinson

I'd actually be happiest just playing Splatoon for an hour or so. That game!

Martin Robinson

vert1go: Surely they'll throw us something for Splatoon as an "available now".

New weapons coming tomorrow morning, and we're due a new map so I don't see why not. Aaaarrggggh why is my Wii U so far away from me right now...

Martin Robinson

I've only just tuned in, and my oh my that is Galaxy music. What could it mean?

Martin Robinson

I'd take just listening to the Galaxy soundtrack for an hour.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Bring the hype.

Martin Robinson

AmicableWalrus: Are there going to be territory specific conferences? The look of the video preview seems like the NoA one, is that the only one?

That's the only one, I believe.

Martin Robinson

Listening to this music and I'm all like:

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

riceNpea: I predict a new Mario


Martin Robinson

Iwata puppet action!

Martin Robinson

I don't buy the Reggie as hench thing. He's always just struck me as slightly terrifying more than anything else.

Martin Robinson

Mr.Spo: What goes on at this company?

I don't know, but I'd love a couple of drops in my tea.

Martin Robinson

We're heading deep, deep into StarFox territory.

Martin Robinson

And I'm getting horrible flashbacks to that furry convention again. But now Reggie's inserted in them, and it's all so much worse.

Martin Robinson

Oh Nintendo.

Martin Robinson

Here's our first look at StarFox.

Martin Robinson

It looks quite traditional, following on from the original and 64 with elements from both.

Martin Robinson

The GamePad's used for a first-person viewpoint, and there's a bipedal walker there for what I think is the first time.

Martin Robinson

And it's called StarFox Zero.

Martin Robinson

Robert Purchese

Miyamoto is now talking about the Fushimi Inari shrine and his relationship with it, and how that pertains to StarFox. Of course he is.

Martin Robinson

The arches in StarFox are inspired by the arches at the shrine. I did not know that!

Martin Robinson

There were demoes of StarFox last year, but this looks very different.

Martin Robinson

The Wii U has the cockpit view, and you can aim using it.

Martin Robinson

It looks quite counter-intuitive - interested to see how it plays out.

Martin Robinson

The Arwing transforming into a Walker is a cut mechanic from StarFox 2.

Martin Robinson

Which, of course, was never released. Also the Landmaster is in, as is the Gyrowing.

Martin Robinson

Stop with all this madness about a redesigned pad!

Martin Robinson

Reggie the fillet is up. He just looks like he could break you in two.

Martin Robinson

We'll be hearing about NX next year, which we knew already. And transformation is the theme for this year.

Martin Robinson

Mario's 30 this year, which - if my experience is anything to go about - will mean he's asking some serious questions about what he's done with his life.

Martin Robinson

All of which will make it into Mario Maker, I'm sure.

Martin Robinson

Straight into Amiibo. Or Skylanders. We're straight into the toys, basically.

Martin Robinson

I'm keen on Nintendo, but not this keen.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, another third party Wii U game confirmed! That's something. A small, quite underwhelming something.

Martin Robinson

These Skylanders toys double up as Amiibos, for what it's worth.

Martin Robinson

I don't know why there's cynicism in my tone, I've got six Amiibo, four of them still in their boxes. I'm the problem.

Martin Robinson

Robert Purchese

Those hands have broken many, many lesser men than Reggie.

Martin Robinson

Mario Maker up for reals now.

Martin Robinson

Oh wait, maybe not - a new 3DS Zelda first.

Martin Robinson

It's co-op focussed (and I missed its name already)

Martin Robinson

Robert Purchese

There's a strong Four Swords vibe. It's called Triforce Heroes, and it's out later this year.

Martin Robinson

Shares the same visual style of A Link Between Worlds.

Martin Robinson

My stream's crapped out briefly, apologies.

Martin Robinson

Aaand I'm back pretty much where we left off - Triforce Heroes is still the focus.

Martin Robinson

Multiplayer is online.

Martin Robinson

And here's the confirmation of Hyrule Warriors. It's a 'reimagining'. I guess that means it's substantially different.

Martin Robinson

Tetra and the King of Red Lions from Wind Waker also feature.

Martin Robinson

This is the trailer that leaked last week.

Martin Robinson

I'm yet to get stuck into Hyrule Warriors, though I'm told it's the perfect hangover.

Martin Robinson

Maybe I'll get belted tonight just to give me a good excuse to play it tomorrow. It'll make tonight's PC Gaming Show fun, at least.

Martin Robinson

It's coming early next year - first quarter 2016.

Martin Robinson

Oh man, I wish that scene of Iwata punching Reggie was in real life and not just in puppet world.

Martin Robinson

And here's a new Metroid, while we're at it.

Martin Robinson

Blastball, which featured in the weekend's Nintendo World Championships, is a part of this new Metroid, as many expected.

Martin Robinson

Metroid Prime Federation Force isn't given much time - we're seeing it this week, though, so should have more details soon - and we're straight into Fire Emblem: If.

Martin Robinson

Just a cutscene trailer for that before we go to Fire Emblem vs. SMT.

Martin Robinson

This should keep the hyperfans happy, but it's not really going to win anyone else over.

Martin Robinson

Someone's just asked me if this is a Japanese game. I'm not quite sure myself. Great soundtrack!

Martin Robinson

Standard banana moment from Iwata, and onto Xenoblade. Hoping for a release date here.

Martin Robinson

It's out 12th April this year!

Martin Robinson

Hang on?

Martin Robinson

Still Americans, I guess that means December 4th.

Martin Robinson

Robert Purchese

Animal Crossing Home Designs Edition or whatever it's called now, which features the new card Amiibo.

Martin Robinson

I can't pretend I won't be all over this when it launches, mind.

Martin Robinson

Happy Home Designer, out the end of September

Martin Robinson

And here's an Animal Crossing on Wii U!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Here's an Animal Crossing board game on Wii U. That's not *quite* the same.

Martin Robinson

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, which looks somewhat underwhelming.

Martin Robinson

I can't help but feel Nintendo's trolling us right now.

Martin Robinson

The making of the yarn Amiibo now. Take that Sony.

Martin Robinson

We've been playing this for a while in the office - review's up in the near future.

Martin Robinson

The apathy's getting the better of me here though.

Martin Robinson

Anyone got any exciting plans tonight? Got any good jokes?

Martin Robinson

Timbercottage: Martin, Give us a general vibe of how you feel about the game?

I'm not overwhelmed. Not underwhelmed either really. It's just a lukewarm whelming all over.

Martin Robinson

richarddavies: "Anyone got any exciting plans tonight? Got any good jokes?" This E3 presentation?

Ring up the burns department, we've got a fresh one coming in.

Martin Robinson

Yokai Watch is coming west at long last. This I can get behind.

Martin Robinson

If you didn't know, this is just *huge* in Japan.

Martin Robinson

They do branded toilet paper and everything.

Martin Robinson

Mario & Luigi Paper Jam, which I'd be interested in if my brain wasn't already fried by the prospect of a new Mario Tennis.

Martin Robinson

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, out the end of this year. They're really stringing out all the second rate Nintendo series right now.

Martin Robinson

It's like an inverse of last night's Sony conference.

Martin Robinson

At this rate the show will end with news of an Urban Champion reboot.

Martin Robinson

Onwards with some lovelier stuff. Mario Maker, which is looking ace.

Martin Robinson

Imagine a LittleBigPlanet that was actually fun to play and you've got this, basically.

Martin Robinson

I feel like the guy doing the voiceovers is trying to seduce me.

Martin Robinson

I'm not sure I like it.

Martin Robinson

Miyamoto's voiceover chap is okay. It's Tezuka's. It feels like it belongs to that of a man who's just sat next to me in the cinema and placed his hand on my knee and I definitely don't like it.

Martin Robinson

Mario Maker is out September 11th this year.

Martin Robinson

Um, I think that's it.

Martin Robinson

Come on, Urban Champion reboot - you can do it.

Martin Robinson

In summary.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

That was quite deflating, despite the feelgood montage at the end. Ah well, onwards! Square Enix next - see you over there in a tick.

Martin Robinson

In summary, Nintendo's still got plenty of class and charm, but really not much else to show for itself right now. Here's hoping the Treehouse stuff delivers over the next few days.

Martin Robinson

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