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Nintendo Direct February 2022 live report

Three Houses gets the musou treatment! More Mario Kart - but! And so much more besides - everything as it happened.

That was fun, wasn't it? Nintendo rattled off some fun surprises for its first Direct of the year, revealing Salmon Run in Splatoon 3, EarthBound coming to Nintendo Switch Online and... Oh there's so much more.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hullo! Nice to see some you here already!

Martin Robinson

I'm not ready myself, I'm afraid - I'm about to watch the last episode of that Star Wars thing before picking up the report. It sounds dreadful. I can't wait.

Martin Robinson

Catch you all back here in an hour!

Martin Robinson

That was bloody awful.

Martin Robinson

Kami: You expected anything else, Martin?

I expected nothing, and still it disappointed.

Martin Robinson

But hey forget all that, we're here to videogame!

Martin Robinson

I'm expecting a *bit* more from tonight's Direct.

Martin Robinson

But as ever it's best to brace for disappointment.

Martin Robinson

What I'd love: Mario Kart 9 reveal, Metroid Prime, Xenoblade X and Wind Waker on Switch, Pilotwings 64 and EarthBound coming to the N64 and SNES apps, Breath of the Wild title reveal and release date. And screw it, why not a new F-Zero and also that Star Fox GP game that sounded so promising.

Martin Robinson

More likely: teaser for the Mario movie that reveals the full horror of the project, a 20 minute apology about the state of the toilets at Super Nintendo World followed by news that the Breath of the Wild sequel is delayed for another year.

Martin Robinson

Hopefully reality will meet somewhere in the middle.

Martin Robinson

vert1go: Xenoblade Chronicles X would instantly bring a game that lasts hundreds of hours back, with a framerate. But hopefully the ability to TURN OFF THAT GODDAMN CITY MUSIC.

This and this, basically. Oh I'd love the excuse to play that again though.

Martin Robinson

Saltedfish: (I'm not a fanboy I promise)

*waves* I'M A FANBOY!

Martin Robinson

Kami: Xenoblade Chronicles X is the only reason the Wii U still even remotely exists.

It's the main reason I regret selling mine.

Martin Robinson

That and not having Mario Chase close to hand anymore.

Martin Robinson

This is the first Direct since September, and given we're expecting a fairly busy year for Nintendo this should be a reasonably busy Direct.

Martin Robinson

Jimjamyaha: Did we ever get an ETA for working comment notifications again?

It won't be for a few weeks, I'm afraid, as the tech team's flat out on some big changes behind the scenes. Sorry it's not sooner!

Martin Robinson

This all seems quite reasonable to expect. Hang on - don't you work at Nintendo Miyamotosan?

Martin Robinson

Honoured by your presence, but honestly - SPOILERS!

Martin Robinson

Is that off the back of Itoi giving a shout out to this Direct? I hope it's true!

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan: [throws a Pikmin plushy at Martin and runs away]

With all due respect, we're not falling for that Pikmin bait again.

Martin Robinson

Maybe it finally is Pikmin 4's time.

Martin Robinson

Excuse the unprofessionalism, but I'm a bit excited by this.

Martin Robinson

After a turbulent month in the world of videogames, the prospect of some nice straightforward surprises is quite refreshing.

Martin Robinson

Well, here we go!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh wait let's get straight in there with some Fire Emblem Warriors - the musou spin-off of the series - getting a sequel.

Martin Robinson

I second this statement, with much enthusiasm.

Martin Robinson

It implements the Fire Emblem stuff lightly but it all fits the map cleaning template, and musou stuff is just straight up fun.

Martin Robinson

So yes, I'm really up for this - building off the soap opera of Three Houses, which makes it seem an even better fit for musou theatrics.

Martin Robinson

Advance Wars! Here's an update on the remake of the first two games.

Martin Robinson

It looks chunky enough, but I'm still not convinced by the art style. I'm old and crusty though so what do I know.

Martin Robinson

It's out April 8th!

Martin Robinson

And a nice surprise - No Man's Sky is coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

I have no idea how that's going to work, but if they can pull it off the Switch would be a lovely place to play No Man's Sky.

Martin Robinson

vert1go: Norman's Sky? Will it have a framerate?

Framerates are for try-hards. Just chill out to some 12fps gameplay.

Martin Robinson

Oh, Mario Strikers!

Martin Robinson

This is a surprise - though has Mario Strikers been good recently?

Martin Robinson

I find it hard to keep up - but Nintendo's sports output has been decent recently. Well, Mario Golf: Super Rush was decent.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

When they added more courses in.

Martin Robinson

You're right, I'm an idiot!

Martin Robinson

Oh, no - we're both wrong. There was a Wii version.

Martin Robinson

This has been a fun journey of discovery together!

Martin Robinson

Now I'm on firmer ground, though - SPLATOON!

Martin Robinson

It's easy to forget what a standout success Splatoon has been, especially since hitting the Switch. This is going to be HUGE!

Martin Robinson

And this take on Salmon Run, the grungy co-op mode introduced in Splatoon 2, looks incredible.

Martin Robinson

FrozenMetalHead: This music sure is something...

It's a proper flipside to the sunniness of the rest of the game.

Martin Robinson

Well, I was expecting a bit more on Splatoon 3. Still, great to see Salmon Run returning, and that all just means there's room for more surprises.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

And yes, lol - wanzer.

Martin Robinson

Tiel: No comment on the no notificatication on comments comment I just commented?

It's a known issue - unfortunately our tech team are slammed with a big change going on behind the scenes (that I think this was an unfortunate byproduct of) so they can't get to it for a few weeks. Sorry it's not any sooner!

Martin Robinson

Here's a Disney take on Mario Kart.

Martin Robinson

Which they can't have included in a Direct with *actual* Mario Kart in it, can they? Because that's some kind of crazy shade if so.

Martin Robinson

Also we've Final Fantasy Kart soon.

Martin Robinson

And here's some ports - Force Unleashed, Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection (which is out sooon) and one for weebs like me, SD Gundam Battle Alliance.

Martin Robinson

Did my edibles just kick in?

Martin Robinson

Ah, Chrono Cross - which sadly I've never played, but I know is well-loved.

Martin Robinson

I'm just here for Kirby though.

Martin Robinson

Kirby does The Last of Us is a game I never knew I wanted.

Martin Robinson

But it looks just wonderful, doesn't it?

Martin Robinson

Also I'd like to see Joel eat a rusty sedan then grow four wheels.

Martin Robinson

That's real horror right there.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan: Best Direct in years.

You would say that.

Martin Robinson

This looks so bloody delightful. Kirby's been on a good run of games, and this looks next level.

Martin Robinson

It's been fantastic so far.

Martin Robinson

He's *my* pink puffball.

Martin Robinson

Here's another quick dash of headlines - MLB: The Show leading them.

Martin Robinson

A PlayStation Studios game coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

Which is surely a precursor to a Knack on Switch announcement next.

Martin Robinson

Come on.

Martin Robinson

Do it.

Martin Robinson

Choose chaos. Choose Knack.

Martin Robinson

Or Kingdom Hearts. Which is somehow worse?

Martin Robinson

Especially these awful cloud versions, where you pay a decent whack for the privilege of streaming these games.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Portal on Switch - that's a surprise!

Martin Robinson

Funny timing with Steam Deck imminent.

Martin Robinson

This really is going at a proper lick.

Martin Robinson

Live A Live! What a gorgeous thing this is.

Martin Robinson

It's new to me too - but I'm looking forward to finding out more about it. It looks INCREDIBLE.

Martin Robinson

A slice of classic Square I can't wait to be educated on.

Martin Robinson

Oh god.

Martin Robinson

Hold me.

Martin Robinson

I wasn't expecting this - Wii Sports gets a Switch outing!

Martin Robinson

But wait!

Martin Robinson

What have they done to my Miis.

Martin Robinson

They murdered our poor kin.

Martin Robinson

This looks like that Konami knock-off of Wii Sports.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's basically taking the Wii Sports brand and merging it with something like Ring Fit Adventure.

Martin Robinson

It's Koizumi! He's about to play sports, and we're here to watch!

Martin Robinson

What a thrill this is.

Martin Robinson

This is awful. I love it.

Martin Robinson

It's all good. The Miis are in.

Martin Robinson

At ease.

Martin Robinson

This is unexpected but totally welcome!

Martin Robinson

ChrisOTR: Now that we have VR controllers that actually do what Wiimotes always b pretended to do, this kind of thing feels a bit silly to me.

The JoyCons are a big step up from Wiimotes (though not quite the same fidelity as proper VR controllers).

Martin Robinson

There's an online play test coming in a couple of weeks time for Nintendo Switch Sports.

Martin Robinson

There's 11 minutes left!

Martin Robinson

Taiko no Tatsujin is coming west!

Martin Robinson

Triangle Strategy!

Martin Robinson

It's out soon - there may well be something on the site on it all soon too.

Martin Robinson

Cuphead DLC! I'll always be too terrible at games to enjoy these!

Martin Robinson

A Metroid Dread update!

Martin Robinson

Which makes it even harder!

Martin Robinson

C'mon, give me an even easier mode you cowards.

Martin Robinson

Oh, you have - there's a Rookie Mode too. Thanks Nintendo!

Martin Robinson

A boss rush mode coming in April too.

Martin Robinson

Here it is.

Martin Robinson

EarthBound, one of the all-time greats, is coming to Nintendo Switch Online.

Martin Robinson

Which is exciting, but we did also have it on Wii U and 3DS and Nintendo's taken their sweet time getting it out on Switch.

Martin Robinson

Still, play this game - it's a whole mood.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

EarthBound Beginnings is also coming - and they're both arriving today.

Martin Robinson

I can't wait to play EarthBound again before dozing off later.

Martin Robinson

Lego Brawls, Two Point Campus, Zombie Army 4 - games, games and some more games.

Martin Robinson

Here's the Mario Kart news!

Martin Robinson

It's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC...

Martin Robinson

Which I'm actually hugely happy about - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is perfection.

Martin Robinson

But still.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

48 new courses!

Martin Robinson

Ok you have my attention.

Martin Robinson

Does this mean... That the Mario Kart 8 team are really making Arms 2?

Martin Robinson

One final announcement.

Martin Robinson

I'm still tickled by the Mario Kart news.

Martin Robinson

This'll be a new Xenoblade.

Martin Robinson

Which looks like it's toned down the anime excess of Xenoblade Chronicles 2... a little?

Martin Robinson

There's still *a little* bit of anime excess in there though.

Martin Robinson

Just a little.

Martin Robinson

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 coming September, and it ties the previous two games together.

Martin Robinson

Still nowt on X though *sadface*

Martin Robinson

Nowt on Breath of the Wild 2 either, but I think that's to be expected.

Martin Robinson

And it's hard to be disappointed after what was an excellent Direct. Really pacey, some good surprises and just a load of promising looking games.

Martin Robinson

How lovely.

Martin Robinson

vert1go: As always THANK YOU MARTIN for joining this nonsense.

Thanks for joining me - it's always lovely hanging out!

Martin Robinson

Saltedfish: So in conclusion: nothing we asked for, but a bunch of cool stuff we didn't!

And that's more than okay with me.

Martin Robinson

I'm off to play EarthBound. And maybe a little bit of OlliOlli World too.

Martin Robinson

Thanks for being here tonight - now go and play some video games!

Martin Robinson

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