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Nintendo Spotlight E3 2017 live report

Metroid. METROID! (Metroid!) Oh and some other stuff too I guess.

That was an action-packed 25 minutes. Nintendo confirmed the return of Samus with Metroid Prime 4 - although we only saw a title screen and little more - and showed some more of the frankly bonkers looking Super Mario Odyssey. That and a new Yoshi game, a new Kirby and glimpses of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. See it all as it happened here.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hello, hi, welcome, you.

Martin Robinson

Under an hour to go until Nintendo's short presentation begins.

Martin Robinson

This isn't like the other conferences, of course - as is Nintendo's style in recent years, it's a pre-recorded video presentation.

Martin Robinson

And a brief one, too - this'll be 30 minutes long.

Martin Robinson

Though Nintendo will keep up with a steady drip-feed of news and announcements with its Treehouse streams straight after and throughout E3.

Martin Robinson

And - most importantly - there'll be an Arms tournament on the 14th.

Martin Robinson

tpsaloha: June Armes, July Spaltoon, August Mario+Rabbids, November Odyssey. So what's coming in September and October?

September is Pokken.

Martin Robinson

That does leave October, November and December. Games we know are coming this year include Xenoblade, Fire Emblem Warriors and Super Mario Odyssey which could all fit into those remaining three months.

Martin Robinson

And yes, Xenoblade is still down for 2017. No, I don't believe it either.

Martin Robinson

And honestly, a game a month? Nintendo's doing a good job of making sure there's a steady stream of things to play for the Switch.

Martin Robinson

My own hopes for this? I'd actually take Mario Kart 8 DLC, word on new characters/maps for Arms (yes I know it's not out yet but I've been playing it a while and I'm already hooked) and Virtual Console coming to Switch TODAY along with Super Mario Sunshine, F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball.

Martin Robinson

We're probably just going to see some more Mario though. I'd also be okay with that.

Martin Robinson

Five minutes!

Martin Robinson

Five minutes until 2017 is officially declared The Year of Birdo.

Martin Robinson

We live in exciting times.

Martin Robinson

Imagine, though. Koizumi waddles on-stage in a Birdo outfit.

Martin Robinson

Doesn't even say anything.

Martin Robinson

Just stands there, staring down the camera for a good five minutes, soundtracked by silence.

Martin Robinson

Then, a nod.

Martin Robinson

Screen fades to white, text fades in.

Martin Robinson

Stop egging him on.

Tom Phillips

2017: The Year of Birdo.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

That's 60 seconds. Less than that now!

Martin Robinson

Yes! And it cracks open and a naked Kimishima in pink body paint walks out and just quietly squawks 'Birdo'.

Martin Robinson

We're up and running with Arms. Which is out this week!

Martin Robinson

It's quite good.

Martin Robinson

Next, Rocket League - confirmation that it's coming to Switch.

Martin Robinson

That's a thing.

Martin Robinson

Then! FIFA on Switch, which we know about - not parity with the PS4 versions etc, but it does look decent.

Martin Robinson

And! Splatoon 2 - it's out next month.

Martin Robinson

Can. Not. Wait.

Martin Robinson

Reggie at home. He's probably just taken the dust sheets off those sofas.

Martin Robinson

This is what it'd be like to go around Reggie's for a coffee.

Martin Robinson

Reggie's home is weird.

Martin Robinson

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to begin.

Martin Robinson

Also get over yourselves you ninnies and play Xenoblade Chronicles X. Yes the music isn't all that but it's a brilliant game - and a fascinating precursor to Breath of the Wild with its open world play.

Martin Robinson

Corr blimey guv'nor let's go to Elysium wotcha!

Tom Phillips

A similar battle system, with fresh anime styles. And crazy English accents that skirt all across the country.

Martin Robinson

I think Tom's pointed out in the past there are strong Skies of Arcadia vibes to this.

Martin Robinson

A good thing, of course.

Martin Robinson

It does look a bit tamer than Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Martin Robinson

Confirmation that it's sticking with Holiday 2017.

Martin Robinson

I'm going on holiday the first week of July, so maybe it's then?

Martin Robinson

A new Kirby!

Martin Robinson

And another reminder that you owe it to yourself to play the two most recent 3DS Kirby games - they're wonderful.

Martin Robinson

2018 release for that.

Martin Robinson

Nintendo's Shinya Takahashi is standing outside the Nintendo office looking very pleased with himself.

Martin Robinson

And here's Isihara from the Pokémon company. What's it all about?

Martin Robinson

Pokken DX is one thing.

Martin Robinson

The other important thing is that I'm writing Pokémon correctly. Tom gets angry if we don't.

Martin Robinson

Game Freak is working on a new mainline Pokémon for the series?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Hooo boy.

Martin Robinson

Metroid Prime 4.

Martin Robinson

The megaton.

Martin Robinson

It's in development for Switch.

Martin Robinson

Just a logo for now.

Martin Robinson

And to bring us crashing down to Earth, another mediocre Yoshi game.

Martin Robinson

That's in 2018.

Martin Robinson

Straight into Fire Emblem Warriors.

Martin Robinson

This'll be our first proper look at the game in action - we've known about it for a while.

Martin Robinson

Though I'm sure you know what to expect. You'll smash up lots of baddos.

Martin Robinson

Chrom, Marth and all the crew are in. Smashing things up.

Martin Robinson

It's a nice fit of theme and series, so I'm sure it'll be fun if familiar. Hyrule Warriors was rather lovely after all.

Martin Robinson

That one's this autumn.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Aonuma, who did a Zelda or two.

Martin Robinson

He makes centre partings cool. He makes me want a centre parting. What a dude.

Martin Robinson

This'll be Breath of the Wild DLC - Trail of the Sword is what we're getting this summer.

Martin Robinson

A challenge mode of sorts.

Martin Robinson

And the real big news - a Tingle suit. (Though I think we knew about that already).

Martin Robinson

And from that, a teaser for the second DLC pack that's coming towards the end of the year.

Martin Robinson

Zelda at the centre of the key art - which gives some weight to the theory she'll be playable in this new expansion.

Martin Robinson

New Amiibo for the Champions in Breath of the Wild.

Martin Robinson

Reggie's on the beach now. He seems very serious about it though.

Martin Robinson

Only ten more minutes to go. I could take a little longer honestly.

Martin Robinson

Mazzle: Reggie has a basement that he's doing all this from, that basement has, many uses.


Martin Robinson

Mario + Rabbids gets a brief mention. Donlan asks whether they're making an Amiibo of Yves.

Martin Robinson

I still can't get over the fact I want to play that game.

Martin Robinson

Rocket League gets a little more love.

Martin Robinson

What a perfect fit for the Switch.

Martin Robinson

Cross-platform play, and with exclusive items. Oh, and Mario and Luigi hats, of course.

Martin Robinson

Wow. Yoshi looks... different.

Martin Robinson

Super Mario Odyssey, which I'm getting serious Hoskins vibes from.

Martin Robinson

Not sure whether that's a good thing or not.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This theme tune. That cap. This game.

Martin Robinson

This is just too much.

Martin Robinson

It's out October 27th.

Martin Robinson

And that was this year's Nintendo presentation.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Metroid's the headline, obviously. But Mario looks so, so crazy - and we're well overdue a crazy Mario game after the relatively strait-laced 3D World.

Martin Robinson

We're going to sign off and let you watch the Nintendo Treehouse presentations in peace. And also hit the bottle after a fairly intense few days of E3 conferences and presentations.

Martin Robinson

Our team in LA will be taking care of you from here on out, bringing you news and impressions from the show floor.

Martin Robinson

The conferences and presentations are done, but the show most definitely isn't - expect plenty of news and a few more surprises over the next few days.

Martin Robinson

mintgreen: Why wasn't there a single 3DS game featured?

Keep your eyes on the Treehouse presentations - Nintendo has a knack of announcing new games during them.

Martin Robinson

I'll leave you there - thanks for joining us these past few days, it's been fun!

Martin Robinson

And see you all back here for Gamescom I guess - tara!

Martin Robinson

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