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WiiWare sales threshold is "speculation"

Contracts are "private and confidential".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo has told Eurogamer that talk of a minimum WiiWare sales threshold that can leave developers out of pocket is "rumour and speculation".

Furthermore, the platform holder explained, "The terms, conditions and contracts between Nintendo and developers are a private and confidential matter."

Nintendo was responding to a Watchdog-style report by Gamasutra, which claims to have confirmed the threshold with multiple developers, albeit off the record.

North America, according to Gamasutra, has a mid-four figure range sales number barrier, while individual European territories have a lower four figure range.

This may have been implemented to reduce the amount of rubbish offered on the online service, but has apparently lead to unforeseen problems due to lack of demos and console storage space.

We, like the hunchback anorak Columbo, will investigate.

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