Nintendo (Page 1096)
SSX Tricky (PS2) Review
Review - to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time it's Tricky (Tricky!)
Miyamoto has a Pikmin 2 post-it
The game itself could take as little as half a year to make, the venerable designer comments
Conducting the battle
Nintendo and Microsoft fight things out on the US market - includes extrapolated sales figures for both consoles
GameCube sells to the tune of $98m
Nintendo announces first-day sales more than double that of Xbox, but forget to include a unit figure
Tim Mawson of Crawfish
Interview - we talk to Crawfish about their first person shooter for the GBA, Ecks vs Sever
THQ to acquire Rainbow Studios
Creator of Splashdown will strengtehn THQ's internal development capabilities
GameCube mod confirmed
Japanese / American intercompatibility is a couple of solder marks away...
Retrogaming Sucks
Article - be mindful of the future, but never at the expense of the moment, or actual money