One Life Left #67 tonight
Live on Eurogamer from 8pm.
Yes, it's happening again. Hopefully less technically horrifically. Thanks to all who listened last week, or plan to tonight, and here's the word on what to expect from Ste, Simon and Ann:
Dear EG Readers,
Episode #67 of One Life Left goes out live - live! - LIVE! - tonight on Eurogamer at 8pm GMT.
Not sure what OLL is? It's a videogame radio show that mostly meanders around the subject of videogames, presented by two games industry veterans and one girl who couldn't care less. It is currently syndicated on Resonance FM across London and broadcasts live right here.
What can you expect if you listen in? There'll be the parroting of (and disinterested response to) videogame news. There'll be tenuously game-related music and reviews from people who've barely played the games they're talking about. There'll be tips, poetry, sales news and our new phone-in feature, One Listener Left. We're totally open to user-generated content so if you've got letters, music or MP3s of things you've made up throw them to the usual address.
Oh, and there'll also be a surprise, a competition and, with any luck, the removal of the horrible hiss that plagued us last week. In fact, monitoring that sound is exactly why we need you more than ever. You're all engineers this week.
So go to the One Life Left site some time around 8pm for the link to the live stream. If you go there and we're not live you'll hear last week's show; when we're streaming that big, multicoloured picture with the episode title will switch to a red* one that announces OLL is Live! It will be pretty obvious. If you visit early enough you'll also be able to hear our pre-show chatting which will sometimes be directed at you and sometimes just us 'preparing' like 'professionals'.
It's like those Talent Show 'Extra' programs on the cheap digital channels stitched together from out-takes and banter with Z-list celebs. Except even cheaper and without the celebrities**! I know. Imagine.
Next week we'll be having a week's break to try and permanently fix the bits of the OLL studio that are currently held together with sticky tape and hope, but if we don't see you tonight then we'll see you in two weeks for OLL #68.
Oh, and don't forget that you can download podcasts of our previous shows in our archive. Here's a handy link to the start of Season 3. You'll get the idea.
Until tonight,
Ste, Simon and Ann
* Pink.
** Though we might call Ann's mum, so there's an incentive for anyone wanting to meet the prospective in-laws.