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PC Gaming Show E3 2015 live report

No Man's Sky on PC, Blizzard's new expansions and DayZ single player. And a lot of sore bums. All the news as it happened.

Several hours later we're done, and the inaugural PC Gaming Show wrapped up its marathon running time with a fair share of treats. You can see how it all unravelled right here.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hey everyone! We love PCs. Ooh PCs - they're dreamy.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

It's a world full of heroes.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

It can be a confusing world.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

*Ahem*, well anyway there are two hours to go, it's 11pm and we're all alone in the office. We can do this!

Martin Robinson

Former Epic Games creative brain Cliff Bleszinski will be there showing, we hope, his new game.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

AMD's Roy Taylor tweeted about Star Wars: Battlefront just now, saying, "We are going to have much more to say about this shortly." We've seen two impressive demos so far. He linked to the snowy Hoth demo in his tweet.

Robert Purchese

Oh! SCS Software has written a blog to announced that American Truck Simulator will be shown tonight. What a show we're in for!

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

I'm so confused right now, and I'm not sure if it's just because it's coming up to 1am and I've had 8 hours sleep since Friday.

Martin Robinson

Some people are muttering that this is now starting at 2am after a screw up in comms. I'm hoping it's something of a troll though.

Martin Robinson

Amazingly, they've been billing the time the doors open, as well as counting down to that.

Martin Robinson

F**K PCs. This would never happen on console.

Martin Robinson

I'm kicking the Dell that's on the floor right now. Kicking it to bits.

Martin Robinson

Hey, it's okay though - Disasterpeace are playing for an hour, so that'll get us through to 2am.

Martin Robinson

It's okay. I'm not angry.

Martin Robinson

Just disappointed.

Martin Robinson

Well, join us in an hour then when the show kicks off proper. I might be a bit more sozzled than I intended though.

Martin Robinson

bash_street_kid: Ah what's another at this point. (Says me on Pacific Time).

That's the spirit!

Martin Robinson

How to kill an hour? I was going to ask if anyone had any good jokes, but I'm terrified what you filthy lot have got in your back pocket.

Martin Robinson

We could sing some songs?

Martin Robinson

A Mexican wave? I can start. |o| \o/

Martin Robinson

There's nothing worse than being the guy trying to start the Mexican wave and getting nothing.

Martin Robinson

Barrel_Trollz: What do you call inquisitive armour?

Go on then...

Martin Robinson

Barrel_Trollz: Cuirass.


Martin Robinson

Mazzle: Im sorry for my outburst ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

Yeah, calm down mate. Some people round here are trying to get some sleep.

Martin Robinson

Oooooh, I can see the wave's coming back to me!

Martin Robinson

Wait for it, wait for it!

Martin Robinson

lol \o/ lol

Martin Robinson

The_B: Are you sure that's the wave Martin and you've not just had a lot to drink so your own arms look like they're moving?

I can't feel my hands, but I think that's something else entirely.

Martin Robinson

Bratterz is actually lapping up the PC trivia. Nerd. (Says the man staying up 'til 3am to watch a PC gaming conference).

Martin Robinson

Mazzle: If you're around Martin, did anyone from EG go and check out Starbreeze VR set? They've had some behind the scene demos.

I'm here, weeping into a bottle of Grolsch in Brighton. I'll ask the team over in Los Angeles!

Martin Robinson

Hello! In fact I was supposed to have a go on Starbreeze VR today, but my appointment was double-booked. I'm going back on Thursday. Pat from VG247 tried it and said it was amazing but made him feel REALLY sick. (The latency and frame-rate aren't there yet.)

Oli Welsh

I've arrived at the Belasco Theater for the show. It's a bit more bijou than your usual E3 conference venue, but it's got an impressively mental rococo interior.

Oli Welsh

I was just looking for the like button on Oli's update on the interior and almost deleted his post. Whoops.

Martin Robinson

Man, if only EG's foremost LA architecture nerd Christian Donlan were awake. He'd appreciate this.

Oli Welsh

Also, as you might expect, this is the only E3 press conference so far with working wi-fi. Thank you, master race.

Oli Welsh

Also also, they reserved me a seat in the front row, which is exceptionally nice for a conference run by a rival site.

Oli Welsh

Mazzle: Oooh I may be alone in this but would love to see an article on the best goodiebag/swag you guys get after e3 is done and dusted.

But... but... ethics!

Oli Welsh

Oli Welsh

That's the on-stage rig that I presume will be used for the demos. LOOK AT THAT.

Oli Welsh

I thought that's what you just got in a swag bag for a second - I was kind of shocked.

Martin Robinson

Badoink: How long is thing going to be?

An hour, I believe.

Martin Robinson

Rococo ceiling shot coming up. GET READY.

Oli Welsh

Oli Welsh

I mean, guys, where else are you going to get video game conference livetexts with architectural detailing.

Oli Welsh

This conference definitely has the best intro music so far.

Oli Welsh

Here we go!

Oli Welsh

OK, this definitely beats The Last Guardian.

Oli Welsh

What a great highlights reel for PC gaming. Full screen Minesweeper gets a big laugh.

Oli Welsh

That's just so PC Gamer. Love those guys.

Oli Welsh

First guest is John Gibson from Tripwire Interactive - he works on Killing Floor 2.

Oli Welsh

Oh wow, we're going for a David Letterman-style desk-and-sofa set-up. PC gaming is just so chill.

Oli Welsh

On the one hand, it's just Killing Floor, but on the other, I kinda wish Doom had been a bit more like this.

Oli Welsh

Oh no, no, don't continue talking about Killing Floor 2!

Oli Welsh

"The guts can flow down on top of the blood." That is indeed something.

Oli Welsh

Creedence! Yeah!

Oli Welsh

Looks like Tripwire are off to Nam. God I love this song.

Oli Welsh

Rising Storm 2. I confess, I am not familiar with Rising Storm 1.

Oli Welsh

Star Citizen! Oh, but Chris Roberts hasn't turned up.

Oli Welsh

He's speaking from Pinewood studios doing some mo-cap with the INFINITE BUDGET for his video game.

Oli Welsh

If you have infinite money to make a game, do you ever need to finish it?

Oli Welsh

Well, I guess we'll find out next year!

Oli Welsh

Hullo, I've just popped back as I had to jump on a news story. Has Half-Life 3 been on yet?

Martin Robinson

And now a word from our sponsors AMD.

Oli Welsh

Is that Hitman that man's talking to? Is this the Hitman reboot?

Martin Robinson

Oh man, he's going to double-tap the presenter in a sec.

Oli Welsh

I'm a bit worried about what's in that case he brought on stage.

Oli Welsh

It looks like you could kill a man with one of those graphics cards.

Martin Robinson

DrStrangelove: 20 mins in, time well spent

I'm certainly chuffed to see in the morning with this.

Martin Robinson

"DX12 is going to do what we've always wanted to do with hardware"... yeah, by narrowing the gap to Nvidia.

Oli Welsh

This is like Pele all over again. Tell us about the time the Swedish lady patted your hair. Back when you had some.

Martin Robinson

What's inside the box, Richard?

Martin Robinson

Did I embed a weird nerdy offshoot of the Shopping Channel by mistake earlier? Sorry everyone!

Martin Robinson

Deus Ex time!

Oli Welsh

This is a weird set-up. I think I prefer the slightly forced and awkward corporate theatrics of EA and Square to this forced casual approach.

Martin Robinson

This better get more interesting soon or you're going to have to watch Martin and I chat live about the Le Mans result. This will improve the experience for us, but not you.

Oli Welsh

I actually loved Square's conference earlier on, it was a real throwback to a different time.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, these guys, being a little Gallic, really know what to do with their hands. Strong gestures.

Martin Robinson

GazJF: I'm starting to miss Pele

I've been missing him since he left EA's stage.

Martin Robinson

Bratterz actually cheered when they started talking about depth of field.

Martin Robinson

This is a much more prolonged look at the game in action than we got at Square's conference, which is super welcome.

Martin Robinson

Before we move on to the next guest, on to our house band.

Martin Robinson

Total War next.

Martin Robinson

While this goes on, Bratterz is trying to convince me that Total War's amazing. Not enough cars. NEXT.

Martin Robinson

And Ian just gets confused about why there are griffins in Rome, bless.

Martin Robinson

We're getting art from the Warhammer game - and, more importantly, Total Warhammer - but it doesn't look like there'll be gameplay.

Martin Robinson

And that's that - nothing new there, sadly.

Martin Robinson

This guy!

Martin Robinson

Are we going to get any newsy news, or is he just shilling what's already been announced?

Martin Robinson

Are we going to get Halo or Forza on PC?

Martin Robinson

No, but we'll get Killer Instinct!

Martin Robinson

That's a good fit, actually. When I was talking to Phil (he let's me call him that) earlier this year, he was saying that Forza doesn't fit into the PC space as there are so many other driving games out there, and the same goes for Halo and its respective space.

Martin Robinson

He doesn't actually let me call him Phil.

Martin Robinson

David Eckleberry is a very engaging man to talk to - he's very switched on, and is doing some interesting things wth Legends.

Martin Robinson

That said, planning for years of content does strike me as slightly optimistic.

Martin Robinson

Gigantic, the game was announced at GDC this year but we'd all since forgot about.

Martin Robinson

But also the game with the lovely owls.

Martin Robinson

I miss the puppets. Like you, DrStrangelove, I miss the CGI trailers. Most importantly, I miss Pele.

Martin Robinson

Gears of War on PC? It certainly looks that way.

Martin Robinson

AmicableWalrus: And Pele misses us.

Pele never misses.

Martin Robinson

Ultimate Edition, the remaster of the original, is coming to PC.

Martin Robinson

Phil, bring Rare out to talk about Sea of Thieves (which I didn't realise is coming to Windows too) and turn this thing around.

Oli Welsh

It's nothing like this.

Martin Robinson

Aaaand all cynicism is thrown out the window as we get to see American Truck Simulator.

Martin Robinson

Going back to the route of it all, it's worth revisiting Graham Smith's excellent piece on what a PC press conference at E3 could be like.

Martin Robinson

I think Martin's just fainted.

Oli Welsh

Eve Valkyrie, and my old IGN colleague Ryan Geddes. Hey Ryan!

Martin Robinson

Can someone get him some smelling salts?

Oli Welsh

Oh there you are.

Oli Welsh

I feel for this show a little - it's had a little too much pressure placed on it.

Martin Robinson

The result, though, isn't dissimilar to what we see on IGN and Gamespot. It's nice, but it's light.

Martin Robinson

We've spotted a guy sleeping at the back of the conference. I hope that's not you, Oli.

Martin Robinson

DrStrangelove: the site died here the very moment I bitched about EG. Sorry, won't happen again

That's okay, we won't ever talk about Destiny again - let's call it even.

Martin Robinson

All0ut0fGum: @Martin They should have advertised the format of the show, as well as the actual start time.

Well, that might have helped.

Martin Robinson

Dean Hall's up next, and he should be giving us more detail on his next project.

Martin Robinson

He's going into some of his influences yet - SpaceStation 13 is a key one, I believe. (I've never played it, sadly).

Martin Robinson

Ion's done in partnership with Improbable, who are also propping up Bossa's next big joint.

Martin Robinson

I wonder how long it'll be 'til we get to play this one for ourselves.

Martin Robinson

First live demo, an hour in. Shoot me now.

Martin Robinson

I'm being unfair, largely because it's just gone 3am.

Martin Robinson

Strafe is awesome. I so wanted Doom to be like this, but shiny.

Oli Welsh

Lusterpurge: Err, when does this end?

It looks like it's going for a full two hours.

Martin Robinson

Mazzle: Wow the new Doom has got a huge graphics downgrade already? Booo.


Martin Robinson

There's a lot of cool stuff going on in Strafe - over the top and stylish in its own way.

Martin Robinson

Classic RPGs next - and this is the expansion to Pillars of Eternity, The White March.

Martin Robinson

DrStrangelove: guess I have to stay for two hours hoping for the HL3 announcement

It's not happening. It's never happening. Not tonight, not now, not ever. Well, maybe not the last two, but definitely not tonight.

Martin Robinson

The White March Part 1, make that, so an episodic approach.

Martin Robinson

Frederik Wester, and the whole team at Paradox, are straight up heroes.

Martin Robinson

DrStrangelove: the birds are already tweeting again, the annoying tits

The drunks are screaming as they stream outside the office here.

Martin Robinson

David Braben! The Brabenator! He's forgotten his lines!

Martin Robinson

It's not Elite he's talking about though.

Martin Robinson

A Dog's Life sequel? PLEUSE.

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what I'm watching. But it's cute!

Martin Robinson

It's... Planet Coaster.

Martin Robinson

Given the messiness around Roller Coaster Tycoon right now that's great news.

Martin Robinson

Colin Johansen from ArenaNet is officially the loveliest man in all of video games.

Oli Welsh

MMO darling Guild Wars 2 and its new expansion now.

Martin Robinson

I have never played Guild Wars. I've hardly touched MMOs outside of Final Fantasy 14. So I'll admit to being clueless as to what's going on here.

Martin Robinson

Azumi: we get a trailer for a new game but no questions or explanation of how the game will play etc, but they're going to give time to someone for a game that everyone knows about.

It's not their shout, really - developers and publishers are only going to show what they're comfortable showing at any given point in a game's development.

Martin Robinson

Look at his lovely grin! Seriously the nicest person I've ever interviewed. And I'm now feeling really bad that I haven't played his game in ages.

Oli Welsh

One more announcement before Guild Wars 2 wraps up - pre-sales are starting right now.

Martin Robinson

Hitman. Didn't we have this one earlier?

Martin Robinson

I can't hear what he's saying, unfortunately.

Martin Robinson

They're styling this out as well as you can.

Martin Robinson

On-stage snuggling. Not enough of that really.

Martin Robinson

This is actually one of the better segments but the audience is drifting. People are starting to chat.

Oli Welsh

I'm drifting too, I'm afraid.

Martin Robinson

It's a good show, and the intent behind it is great.

Martin Robinson

But two hours is just too long.

Martin Robinson

And these extended advert breaks don't help.

Martin Robinson

A 16 teraflop gaming system! Bosch!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Is it Richard's severed head?

Martin Robinson

No, it's a GPU card with two figs in it.

Martin Robinson

Get 'em quick, special offer for late night viewers only.

Martin Robinson

We need Rich to tell us whether that was a big deal or not, really.

Oli Welsh

Arma 3 expansion time.

Martin Robinson

It's a new map, Tanoa, and it's coming next year.

Martin Robinson

First half of 2016, that is.

Martin Robinson

I was just doing a check of how many people we've got left to go through.

Martin Robinson

Though Sherida's not on the list of speakers.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, while I do that, enjoy Beyond Eyes - a delightful looking game from Sherida being helped along by Team 17.

Martin Robinson

I count nine more presentations after this one.

Martin Robinson

Are they going to three hours?

Martin Robinson

Wedgwood 2.0 on-stage, who heads up Splash Damage.

Martin Robinson

They did Brink with Bethesda, are doing Gears with the Coalition.

Martin Robinson

And you know them from Enemy Territory, of course.

Martin Robinson

This is the first game that's all their own, though - Dirty Bomb.

Martin Robinson

It's in open beta, if you care to try it.

Martin Robinson

I'll put this out there - I really liked Brink!

Martin Robinson

Fullbright Company, and Steve Gaynor to show us Tacoma.

Martin Robinson

Someone pointed out that they're just remaking BioShock again, but hey I'm excited for this.

Martin Robinson

It was shown on Xbox and it's console first on Microsoft's platform. But that doesn't mean it's not actually coming to PC first, of course.

Martin Robinson

(Stealth edit there)

Martin Robinson

AmicableWalrus: I've heard that Gone Home is overrated hipster/game journo bait. Is it true?

I felt a bit this way, but most of my peers disagreed with me, including many whose opinions I respect.

Oli Welsh

Aaand we're onto Frictional, who are working on Soma.

Martin Robinson

Well that was punchy. There's some good buzz about Soma, we're checking it out later this week.

Oli Welsh

DayZ now. 3 million players!

Oli Welsh

They're going to introduce a single-player option, and modding with it.

Oli Welsh

It's not the middle of the night here in LA, but my chair is REALLY uncomfortable, so in some sense guys I am sharing your pain.

Oli Welsh

Seriously, you're going to see me get up and walk around and do some stretches in a minute.

Oli Welsh

Now a trailer for Bohemia's space survival game, Take On Mars.

Oli Welsh


Oli Welsh

"I like your butt divot." A curiously poetic sentence from Cliffy there.

Oli Welsh

Psym: Do a Jarvis Cocker at the Brits

I'm voting for that too!

Martin Robinson

His trainers look new. I bet Cliffy has a new pair of shoes for every day.

Oli Welsh

kuryo: i think Martin has fallen asleep #sleepyrobinson

I actually popped out for some 'fresh air', so to speak. I'm back, and I'm living. Just.

Martin Robinson

He's looking like he's enjoyed his success.

Martin Robinson

A shooter for old men - something I can get behind, and I'm sure a few of could too.

Martin Robinson

CounterStrike's as good a reference point as any for a shooter - but it's a game I always respect from afar rather than having the backbone to get properly involved.

Martin Robinson

It's nice to have Cliffy back! Or Clifford or whatever he likes to be called in his maturity.

Martin Robinson

I can't figure out if Enter the Gungeon is the best name or the worst.

Martin Robinson

I'm not in the right headspace to make decisions now, though, so I'm just staring coldly at the title.

Martin Robinson

Bullet hell plus Zelda inspired dungeons equals yes please.

Martin Robinson

There's some serious squirming in those seats.

Martin Robinson

Those seats might be uncomfortable, but I can still hear Oli whooping at this one.

Martin Robinson

Try to resist the temptation to run your fingers through that mane, boss.

Martin Robinson

Heroes of the Storm is slowly taking hold in the office. Well, Bedders keeps begging me to play it at lunchtime before I slink off to play Splatoon.

Martin Robinson

liquidsoap89: Is it time for bed yet?

No sleep 'til Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

Eternal Conflict, a new expansion.

Martin Robinson

Diablo focus and oh my god that hair.

Martin Robinson

The way it slinks around, the way it shines in the light.

Martin Robinson


Oli Welsh

I wish I was a Swedish girl so I could pat that hair, and give Chris Sigaty an anecdote for next time he's on stage.

Martin Robinson

This is better than Half-Life 3.

Oli Welsh

JonnyC: Is he a young Jeff Minter.

I've become addicted to Jeff's daily livestreams of him feeding his sheep. We should totally set up live reports for those.

Martin Robinson

Mittens: Just a heads up guys, valve just put up a thing for Half Life 3 on their main site...

Sssshhh, they're talking about the Monk.

Martin Robinson

Whispers of Oblivion, prologue missions for StarCraft 2's next expansion that are out this June.

Martin Robinson

Stop it with all this Half-Life 3 nonsense! Next you'll be saying that Shenmue 3's a thing.

Martin Robinson

(also that site is hyper fake and does the rounds every couple of months)

Martin Robinson

Blizzard, I believe, will be seeing out the show.

Martin Robinson

Unless there's one more surprise...

Martin Robinson

Actually, this'll do just as nicely. No Man's Sky!

Martin Robinson

It's not too late to get a release date!

Martin Robinson

(I don't think we're getting one, and I feel bad adding to the not inconsiderable pressure already on Sean's shoulders)

Martin Robinson

PS4 and PC day and date release.

Martin Robinson

Sean seems a lot more relaxed in this environment than he did on the Sony stage last night.

Martin Robinson

At the centre of No Man's Sky is the universe is the release date.

Martin Robinson

Will you be the first to find it? Well, no - such is the crippling paradox of Hello Games' epic.

Martin Robinson

OK, well that was an hour late and about 90 minutes too long.

Martin Robinson

But! It's a good start, and beneath the bloat there were some great moments.

Martin Robinson

It's a different format, but expectations will be set appropriately next year I reckon - so long may it continue.

Martin Robinson

And that's most definitely a wrap.

Martin Robinson

Thank you all for joining tonight, and over the past couple of days.

Martin Robinson

Of course E3 doesn't stop there. In many ways it's only just begun! *DIES*

Martin Robinson

There'll be plenty more over the next couple of days from our team on the ground in LA. Right now, though, does anyone know where to get a beer in Brighton at 4.30am?

Martin Robinson

Thanks again, and farewell!

Martin Robinson

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