PC players working to make Aliens: Colonial Marines look better
I can't see a goddamn thing.
PC players have been collaborating to improve the visuals in sci-fi shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines.
The Steam forums are host to a number of threads trying to bring the game up to scratch.
The results, so far, have been mixed. Users have reported noticeable improvements by tweaking the game's Unreal Engine 3 settings. Here's a step-by-step guide, with pre-made files to download that include new, custom settings.
Some screenshots, such as the above, appear to show an improvement. Whereas others, such as these before and after images, show little difference.
"The ini files in the game are broken because they don't list any newer cards, only ancient ones," one user wrote. "All the newer cards should have been added by Gearbox but this seems to be an oversight on their part."
"It's quite fascinating to study the .ini files," another added. "In PecanCompat.ini you can see all the graphics cards that qualify for a certain class. The most modern graphics card in that list is from 2007!"
Aliens: Colonial Marines launched last week to a critical mauling and numerous reports of a rushed and overall disastrous development. Sales-wise it appears to have done better - it topped the UK charts during its first week of release.