PC (Page 2559)
Typing of the Dead
Review - a great message for the younger generation - it's easier to kill with words than guns
3DO announces results
Californian publisher becomes latest gaming company to post disappointing results and shed staff
Wanadoo wana publish
Wanadoo French Telecom Group signs deal with Kalisto to publish three games
Dereth's Army disbanded
Army of Asheron's Call volunteers to be replaced by a handful of paid staff
Pro Rally goes online
PC Gaming Online launches official competition for UbiSoft's latest motor racing game
Broadband Consoles - A Pipe Dream?
Article - everyone is expecting the next-generation of consoles to rely on the Internet, but have they really thought this through?
Operation Flashpoint
Preview - a hands-on look at the ambitious Cold War combat game from Bohemia and Codemasters
Blair Witch Volume 3 : The Elly Kedward Tale
Review - the first was good, the second was okay, the third is... well you'll just have to click to find out, right?