News California passes violent game restriction legislation A bit like the stuff we have. Sept. 13, 2005 16 comments
News Metal Gear 4 trailer real-time The one that'll be at TGS, that is. Sept. 9, 2005 Tom Bramwell 31 comments
News Bully slips, next-gen GTA touted As Take-Two loses money. Sept. 9, 2005 16 comments
News Former Acclaim executives face $150m lawsuit Ran it like 'personal piggy bank'. Sept. 6, 2005 9 comments
News Two versions of PS3 'unlikely' X360 plan is odd, PSP will get better, Sony will innovate - Phil Harrison Sept. 1, 2005 Ellie Gibson 79 comments
News Squenix bids EUR 500m for Taito Another merger plan. Aug. 24, 2005 15 comments
News Kojima talks Metal Gear 4, Subsistence and Acid 2 TGS will reveal more, he admits. Aug. 22, 2005 Corey Brotherson 11 comments
News Def Jam for next-gen Multiple titles. A veritable spread. Aug. 19, 2005 11 comments
News Prince of Persia for next-gen In other news, tomorrow is expected to be Friday. Aug. 18, 2005 Tom Bramwell 29 comments