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PlayStation 4 UK launch sales hit 250k

UPDATE: Xbox One now at 170k, Wii U still at 150k after a year.

UPDATE: An industry source has told Eurogamer that life-to-date Wii U sales in the UK are still around the 150,000 mark after a year on sale.

That's around 100,000 less than PlayStation 4 managed in its opening weekend.

Xbox One sales are now up to the 170,000 mark, Eurogamer was told. It was reported last week that Xbox One had notched up around 150,000 units during its launch weekend, suggesting around 20,000 more have been shifted in the last week.

UK numbers company Chart-Track was not able to comment on specific sales figures for PS4 or Xbox One but did confirm that both have now outstripped the Wii U's lifetime sales in the UK.

ORIGINAL STORY: The numbers are in and Sony has been crowned king of the next-gen launches - PlayStation 4 sold a whopping 250,000 units in the UK over the weekend.

That's around 100,000 more than Xbox One sold over its launch a week ago, MCV reports.

The numbers are even bleaker for Nintendo - its year of Wii U sales have now been trounced in a weekend by both next-gen machines. More people bought a PS4 and a copy of Knack over the weekend than bought a Wii U at any point over the past year and new release Super Mario 3D World.

PlayStation 4 made around £87 million in 48 hours. Earlier this morning it was confirmed to be the UK's fastest-selling console in history.

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