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PlayStation Experience 2015 keynote live report

Ni No Kuni 2! Rez VR! FF7 Remake! We're all done.

And that's it - we're done. It was a decent enough show, with a proper look at Final Fantasy 7's remake, a Ni No Kuni sequel and Rez in VR. Oh, and there was some MOBA from Epic that I've already forgotten the name of. Here's all the action as it happened.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Gooooood morning. Well, it's not morning where you are most likely, but it's 5.20am over here and I've just woken up because jetlag.

Martin Robinson

Things will be kicking off at 10am PST, which translates as 6pm GMT.

Martin Robinson

Before then, though, I need to get in the conference itself. There are something like 2000 seats in the hall. And 13,000 people attending PlayStation Experience. There's obviously quite a difference between those numbers.

Martin Robinson

People were queuing from last night to guarantee a space. I'm hoping 8am's going to be early enough...

Martin Robinson

Predictions? Last year's show was notable for Square's phenomenal trolling of its fans with the Final Fantasy 7 announcement. This year?

Martin Robinson

(In fairness to Square Enix they did come good on the Final Fantasy 7 remake - but everyone knows that Final Fantasy 12 is where it's really at.)

Martin Robinson

Demon's Souls remaster on PS4 would obviously be the dream. I'm personally not convinced, but when have I ever been right about anything?

Martin Robinson

I expect a few indie surprises, plus loads of VR stuff. It would be lovely to get a Last Guardian release date too, wouldn't it?

Martin Robinson

There's one big announcement I've got wind of, but I can't disclose anything just yet unfortunately. I will say, though, that I'm so bloody excited about it you'll probably hear my scream in the livestream once it's finally announced.

Martin Robinson

I think it's why I'm up so bloody early. Today = best day, if you're me at least.

Martin Robinson

Panchos: does anyone know how long the show is? 1 hour? 2? all day?

Sony goes between 90 minutes to two hours, typically.

Martin Robinson

Right, I'm going to try and get some more sleep before this all kicks off. Or seeing if the sports bar around the corner is showing the Man City v Stoke game.

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: How corporate versus consumer focused is this event, usually?

This one's entirely consumer focussed - it's for the fans.

Martin Robinson

Just after 7.30am and the queue's already stretching around the block.

Martin Robinson

makeamazing: Anyone know where this is being shown, need to access it from the living room TV?

I tend to use my Wii U to stream stuff like Twitch streams in the living room. I don't think they're doing a YouTube stream.

Martin Robinson

Scuttlebutt o'clock! Saw Mark Cerny at the hotel bar last night, chatting to Geoff Keighley. What chance a Knack 2 announcement?

Martin Robinson

God save us all.

Martin Robinson

About to go and join the back of the queue. I'm taking my Vita with me (I'm so on-brand for this one). What shall I play on it?

Martin Robinson

kamps09: @makeamazing From Playstation blog: You can watch the feed live on Twitch or on YouTube from 6.00pm GMT/7.00pm CET on Saturday.

Ah, didn't realise there's a YouTube stream! I'll add a link once I've found it!

Martin Robinson

Right, stuffing my pockets full of miniatures from the mini-bar. I don't care if it's not even 8am, I need something to get me through this. Heading in, see you shortly!

Martin Robinson

Well, that was easier than anticipated. We're in, and we're ready to go. Now, what to do for the next 90 minutes?

Martin Robinson

makeamazing: [quote]Well, that was easier than anticipated. We're in, and we're ready to go. Now, what to do for the next 90 minutes?[/quote] @MartinRobinson - start drinking the miniatures you got from the hotel :D

Already downed 'em mate.

Martin Robinson

People are whooping and hollering. I don't think they've even for the excuse of being tanked. 100 per cent proof enthusiasm.

Martin Robinson

So used to the more cynical air you get during pressers, it's quite refreshing to be surrounded by genuine fans.

Martin Robinson

The air certainly has an aroma of enthusiasm to it, anyway.

Martin Robinson

Less than 90 minutes to go! Oh well, at least someone next to me's got a stream of the West Ham v Man U game.

Martin Robinson

I'm not going to spoil the match for anyone who'll be watching Match of the Day later, but there's been plenty of foot and a fair bit of ball in this one.

Martin Robinson

lacerz: You've piqued my the announcement you're excited for one that's been rumored, or is it a true surprise?

It'll be a proper surprise. I'll admit the appeal is limited to people of a certain age, but it's seriously exciting.

Martin Robinson

Cold_Waste: I'd be happy with some more footage from The Last Guardian and at least something of Final Fantasy VII.

I would absolutely love a release date for The Last Guardian.Though I'm beginning to wonder if it'll even make next year.

Martin Robinson

Back, armed with coffee, primed for EXCITEMENT.

Martin Robinson

Crepe_Suzette: I don't remember what was revealed at this event last year.

Final Fantasy 7 on PS4! But back then it was the Steam version... Oh, and SF5.

Martin Robinson

29 minutes to go, tempted by a tactical toilet break.

Martin Robinson

Somewhat unsurprisingly, there's a huge queue for the mens. And a clear pathway to the womens.

Martin Robinson

Bladder emptied, Wi-Fi connected to, let's do this.

Martin Robinson

it's creeping up to 6pm over in the UK, so I guess a fair few of you are getting your drinking on. What's by your side for the next 90 minutes or so?

Martin Robinson

I've got a coffee from outside in the lobby of the Moscone Center that tastes a bit like wolf piss.

Martin Robinson

Not even a pretty wolf, mind - a really mangy one.

Martin Robinson

Bratterz: I just polished off a 20 pack of Cornflake Cluster Bites

You're a monster, Chris.

Martin Robinson

Other pointless scuttlebutt. Which famous Sony executive was spotted eating breakfast on his lonesome this morning?

Martin Robinson

DakeyrasUK: Sod it, going for milk and getting some crunchy bites to enjoy with the show!

Get us a tinny as well while you're at it.

Martin Robinson

(It was Yoshida. I would have joined him but a) that would have been weird and b) I'd already had some spicy turkey sausage.)

Martin Robinson

I think Sony will be playing big man Shawn Layden up front today.

Martin Robinson

He's certainly one of the in-form men at Sony after some strong performances recently, so it'd be a surprise if they keep him on the bench.

Martin Robinson

I reckon they'll play Yoshida in the hole - maybe bring him out halfway through the 90 minutes when they need some fresh legs.

Martin Robinson

Interesting to see what tactics Sony will employ too - they went aggressive at E3 by playing the big catweagle straight off the bat.

Martin Robinson

Paris Games Week was more conservative, and they went more tiki-taka with a succession of smaller announcements.

Martin Robinson

In terms of actual announcements: at some point they'll say that Yakuza 5 is on PSN RIGHT NOW. Everyone will get excited, no-one will actually download it and the Yakuza cycle will carry on as we wait for news of 6's localisation forever.

Martin Robinson

Less than five minutes. I live for this crap. Let's do this!

Martin Robinson

Someone made a safety announcement and everyone's so excited they just cheered it. I couldn't even hear it for all the cheers.

Martin Robinson

What if it was important? I think these people would give a fire alarm a standing ovation right now.

Martin Robinson

Mistress: Mondatge 1 done. Now some annoying presenters.

I thought I'd missed out and my stream was behind yours, and it then dawned on me that I'm actually here live. Jetlag's doing funny things with my mind.

Martin Robinson

Rami from Vlambeer just got up to go to toilet and was cheered on his way there.

Martin Robinson

What's going to happen if they actually properly announce something?

Martin Robinson

Lights down, crowd screaming, we're up and running.

Martin Robinson

Pasco_: Martin, is anyone around you using their Sony branded hand sanitiser?

I've smothered myself head to toe in it. You can never be too safe.

Martin Robinson

Oh god I've got a proper screamer in my ear.

Martin Robinson

It genuinely sounds like someone's unleashed a lion in here that's stalking the crowds, so full-throated are the screams.

Martin Robinson

What if there is a lion in here? How would we know?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, here's a new look at Uncharted 4, which I gather a few people here are fans of.

Martin Robinson

It's Nate and his brother, a new character in Uncharted 4 that's being played by Troy Baker.

Martin Robinson

Lovely portakabin action from Naughty Dog.

Martin Robinson

G-Lord: The hollering and screaming seems insane, what are those people in the audience?

Fans! It's kind of endearing really.

Martin Robinson

Oh there's branching dialogue in Uncharted 4. That's an odd one.

Martin Robinson

And after that brief look at an Uncharted 4 cutscene, here's Shawn Layden.

Martin Robinson

Aagggghh I can't see what he's wearing from back here can someone fill me in?

Martin Robinson

Ah, a Crash Bandicoot t-shirt. What could that mean?

Martin Robinson

God I only flew all this way to salivate over Shawn Layden and I can't even cast my eyes on his handsomeness from here.

Martin Robinson

"Lots and lots and lots of game announcements" promises Shawn. Come on then, let's get going!

Martin Robinson

Final Fantasy 7 remake up first, Sony's really going big with this.

Martin Robinson

Is this going to be in-game, or another CG trailer? I can't imagine they've made to much more of the game just yet.

Martin Robinson

Ah, it's in-game. Yeah, people are losing their shit here.

Martin Robinson

Combat looks FF15-esque - action-based - rather than turn-based.

Martin Robinson

It all looks very Final Fantasy 15, actually.

Martin Robinson

I have an urge to throw some belts at Nomura. I'm going to stop myself though.

Martin Robinson

And the PC re-release of Final Fantasy 7 is available today - is that the one for PS4? Anyway, Square's done its bit - pretty impressive it was too - and we're onto a slightly overenthusiastic Shelby Cox, director of third party relations.

Martin Robinson

From Final Fantasy 7 to Black Ops 3 - there's a bit of a dip in excitement levels in the room.

Martin Robinson

The DLC is coming to PS4 first. Which I think we knew already.

Martin Robinson

Now something about eSpats.

Martin Robinson

Is anyone here playing Black Ops 3? I'm going to pick it up for the Christmas break. Anyway, Call of Duty Championships is something being collaborated on by Sony and Activision, if that's your kind of thing.

Martin Robinson

Now the Star Wars. Will we see the first DLC pack for Battlefront?

Martin Robinson

Or is this just a reminder that Sony's paid a lot of money for a marketing partnership.

Martin Robinson

You can play Battle of Jakku here.

Martin Robinson

You can also play it at my house. Or yours, if you pre-ordered.

Martin Robinson

Don't actually go around my house now. My girlfriend will be well confused.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, December's a big month for Star Wars. Who knew?

Martin Robinson

The randiest pitchfork is about to take to the stage to talk us through Battleborn.

Martin Robinson

'Any fans of Borderlands in the house?" *rapturous applause*

Martin Robinson

Yeah, well this isn't Borderlands.

Martin Robinson

The momentum is slowly, slowly being whittled away.

Martin Robinson

The open beta for Battleborn is coming first to PS4.

Martin Robinson

Oh man, I only just spotted Randy's shirt.

Martin Robinson

Randy, calm your tits. They're tripping me out.

Martin Robinson

There are rhinestones and glitter and there's denim and oh my.

Martin Robinson

There's so, so much going on with that shirt. I think it'll take 'til next year to process it all.

Martin Robinson

Man, I don't want to see Battleborn in action. I want more of Randy's shirt.

Martin Robinson

Take the blazer off, Randy. Show us your shirt in all its majesty.

Martin Robinson

Please stop this annoying, obnoxious trailer too while you're at it.

Martin Robinson

That was Battleborn, and here's an all-new character for Street Fighter 5.

Martin Robinson

Called Fang, he's a whispy martial artist who looks super troll-y. I like.

Martin Robinson

Yoshi Ono gets a suitably bombastic introduction. I love this guy.

Martin Robinson

DakeyrasUK: Well I'm one white russian down after 28 minutes. Think I'll pour another whilst I wait for one of the lots and lots and lots of the announcements...

I wish I had something a little stronger than this coffee right now.

Martin Robinson

Fang's the last character to be revealed of Street Fighter 5's launch line-up.

Martin Robinson

A quick reminder that we have the Capcom Cup tomorrow here in San Francisco, which I'm quite excited about.

Martin Robinson

And here's the six new characters that will be coming.

Martin Robinson

This was all leaked, sadly.

Martin Robinson

But for what it's worth! It's Alex, Guile, Balrog, Ibuki, Juri and Urien.

Martin Robinson

And finally, from Ono....

Martin Robinson

A reminder that we have the Capcom Cup tomorrow. Is it okay to get belted during one of these and start chanting? I'm kind of hoping it's like a football match.

Martin Robinson

Oh his face! His lovely adorable face!

Martin Robinson

I think he's trying to announce Darkstalkers or something.

Martin Robinson

Or he's just saying thanks to Sony because he's a lovely man.

Martin Robinson

Gio Corsi keeps missing his cues, but here he is doing his business.

Martin Robinson

Here's your first look at a new mode in top-down twin-stick shooter Dead Star. Yeah, me neither.

Martin Robinson

I didn't even know Armature were making a new game, tbh.

Martin Robinson

And here's some Adult Swim stuff and I'm confused because I'm not American.

Martin Robinson

siro: If Yakuza 5 is out today, I'll be playing that tonight, leavng Fallout 4 behind, remaining unfinished forever.


Martin Robinson

Anyway, a montage of indie games being helped along by Adult Swim, some looking derivative and some looking delightful.

Martin Robinson

Six games in total, including Double Fine's Head Lander.

Martin Robinson

And here's Double Fine's Tim Schafer on stage.

Martin Robinson

To show us Day of the Tentacle Remastered, which debuted here last year.

Martin Robinson

tanglewood1420: Psychonauts 2 to PS4?

There's something Psychonauts-shaped coming, I'm sure...

Martin Robinson

Day of the Tentacle Remastered is coming to PS4 and Vita next March.

Martin Robinson

And Full Throttle's also getting a remaster.

Martin Robinson

An announcement which, amazingly, was drowned out by some loud guitar music.

Martin Robinson

And Double Fine announce Psychonauts The Rhombus of Ruin, a PlayStation VR title.

Martin Robinson

It's exclusive to PlayStation VR too.

Martin Robinson

Klei's time to take centre stage. Invisble Inc - which currently is a front-runner in our game of the year voting - is PS4 bound, as is Don't Starve Together, a co-op sequel to the popular survival game.

Martin Robinson

Kobojo's Zodiac - which is primarily an iPad game - gets a chance to shine too.

Martin Robinson

I played this at TGS, and it's neat - but also fairly basic. It very much feels like a mobile game, albeit one with amazing assets thanks to the talent it's got onboard.

Martin Robinson

Another mobile game coming to Vita - Hitman Go.

Martin Robinson

Here's your Yakuza announcement - it's out on Tuesday.

Martin Robinson

Oh sweeeeet - Yakuza 0 is also coming westward.

Martin Robinson

I don't want to sound ungrateful - but can we get 6 too please?

Martin Robinson

Oh wow - Last Blade 2 is coming to PS4 and Vita.

Martin Robinson

I have this on my arcade cabinet - I'm a terrible nerd - and it really is amazing.

Martin Robinson

King of Fighters 14 I'm a bit less excited by - not really digging the look - but hey ho here it is.

Martin Robinson

lacerz: King of Fighters is one of the best


Martin Robinson

Koei Tecmo's Nioh - which is, funnily enough, based on a Akira Kurosawa script.

Martin Robinson

It's got a serious Dark Souls vibe, which is no bad thing - this was unveiled at TGS earlier this year, and is Koei Tecmo's first PS4-only game.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: KOF looks poor. Wish it was still 2D.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Martin Robinson

Why do they get seats? What have they done to deserve sitting down?

Martin Robinson

Sony's Sid Shuman and Nick Suttner - lovely beard, Nick - are now on stage.

Martin Robinson

News! Bastion's now out on PS4 and Vita.

Martin Robinson

Nuclear Throne is also out on Vita today - that's super, super news.

Martin Robinson

(It's out on PS4 too, but that's my flight home sorted.)

Martin Robinson

SeesThroughAll: Martin, Bastion has been out on PS4 for a long time. It's coming out on Vita today and is cross-buy!

I'm an idiot - edited.

Martin Robinson

While I struggled to edit a post in our CMS, we got a look at Brutal - a rogue-like that's very self-referential.

Martin Robinson

And now it's Rounders 2016.

Martin Robinson

Guns Up is, according to Scott Rohde, addicting. Is it, Scott? Is it really?

Martin Robinson

You can figure that out for yourselves, as it's out on PSN today.

Martin Robinson

oldskooldeano: just logged in. looks like i've missed nothing at all. /backs away from stream

There was a look at Final Fantasy 7 remake in action! That was like an hour ago though.

Martin Robinson

Fat Princess Adventure is also out today.

Martin Robinson

Man, that's a lot of games out today. Without wanting to sound ungrateful, aren't they kind of harming their chances by shunting them all out together?

Martin Robinson

Someone just died behind me when they announced this Ratchet & Clank demo.

Martin Robinson

Screw Ratchet & Clank. It's for Americans and idiots.

Martin Robinson

I'm only typing that in the vain hope that the person who just screamed in my ear will read it. She hurt my eardrum!

Martin Robinson

Ratchet's eyebrows are weird. They make him look like he's in his mid-thirties.

Martin Robinson

Actually is that Ratchet or is that Clank? IDK.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Who said I'm coping?

Martin Robinson

reggy72: Been watching now for the last 20 minutes, did I miss all the good stuff?

Final Fantasy 7 remake in action! Like, 70 minutes ago. (Oh and Nuclear Throne is now out on PS4 and Vita.)

Martin Robinson

techniman: This is completely different to how I remember the original game

I think they just said it's more than just a remaster now.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, I haven't even said anything about Ted Price's shirt.

Martin Robinson

He always looks like he's wearing his older, bigger brother's clothes.

Martin Robinson

Richard Marks now, for our look at PlayStation VR.

Martin Robinson

There's a new tech demo that's been created just for PlayStation Experience.

Martin Robinson

It's a Tron-esque Gladiator game.

Martin Robinson

Is it actually Tron? It looks a lot like the old arcade game.

Martin Robinson

Here we go.

Martin Robinson

Rez on VR.

Martin Robinson

(This is what I was getting excited about earlier, by the way.)

Martin Robinson

Oh god is that Miz in a glowing suit?

Martin Robinson

This is better than the time he wore the white gloves to debut Child of Eden.

Martin Robinson

Rez is the greatest game ever. If you disagree you're just plain wrong.

Martin Robinson

Rez Infinite - and it'll include an all-new area.

Martin Robinson

Oh my god it was Miz.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to be catching up with him this afternoon. I'l try to ask some questions but really I just want to hug him.

Martin Robinson

I'm still pumped for Rez Infinite that I've kind of tuned out. I"m just daydreaming about playing it.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's an eagle or something idk.

Martin Robinson

Eagle Flight, a VR experience that lets you bird.

Martin Robinson

Sony Santa Monica is making a new Stubbs the Zombie.

Martin Robinson

I think?

Martin Robinson

This is the worst double act ever. Come back Cannon & Ball, all is forgiven.

Martin Robinson

I had to take an *ahem* comfort break, so missed the Highwire announcement. I'm the worst.

Martin Robinson

But it's okay because I'm back for 100FT ROBOT GOLF.

Martin Robinson

Ace Combat is also coming to PlayStation VR.

Martin Robinson

I mean I'm just guessing here but I'm fairly sure.

Martin Robinson

There's one man holding on to his head in disbelief, shaking with excitement.

Martin Robinson

No-one else is really digging it quite so much.

Martin Robinson

Destiny news now. You all love Destiny, right?

Martin Robinson

Everyone seems made up whenever we write about it.

Martin Robinson

It's a new event. And it looks like... Sparrow racing.

Martin Robinson

Coming December 8th, and lasting three weeks. Nice one Bungie.

Martin Robinson

(steath Destiny live report.)

Martin Robinson

Sparrow Racing League, it's called.

Martin Robinson

It's free for those who have The Taken King.

Martin Robinson

You're not getting a new WipEout, but hey this will do. Right?

Martin Robinson

Runic's next game, which I shamefully know very little about.

Martin Robinson

Shameful, because Torchlight 2 is pretty much as good as it gets.

Martin Robinson

It's playable here, and I'll try to get something up on it for you soon.

Martin Robinson

Ni No Kuni sequel?

Martin Robinson

Alright, I'm sorry.

Martin Robinson

I just screamed.

Martin Robinson

I've become one of those people. But seriously... A new Ni No Kuni!

Martin Robinson

Drippy better be coming back.

Martin Robinson

Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom is its title.

Martin Robinson

We have Epic Games up next. Adam Boyes said it's the last game. Of the section, or of the show?

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Epic's making a MOBA.

Martin Robinson

Who isn't? I think my mum's working on one right now too.

Martin Robinson

I should have Paragon to the toilet during this reveal.

Martin Robinson

Oh god this is one of the most generic reveal trailers ever.

Martin Robinson

For a game that, if anyone's got any sense, will be scrapped before it even comes out.

Martin Robinson

On the plus side, none of us will remember Paragon in a week's time.

Martin Robinson

Was that really their big closer?

Martin Robinson

Looks that way. What an odd anti-climax.

Martin Robinson

Anyway. Rez VR! Ni No Kuni 2! And Final Fantasy 7 Remake in action!

Martin Robinson

And some other stuff.

Martin Robinson

Some highs, some lows, mostly video games.

Martin Robinson

Thank you all for joining us. I'm off to try and kiss Miz.

Martin Robinson

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