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PlayStation Store to retire video purchases and rentals


The PlayStation Store will remove the ability to purchase or rent movies and TV shows on 31st August 2021.

Any existing content you have purchased will remain yours to view, and you'll still be able to access this via the PlayStation Store on all your devices. You just won't be able to buy more, and have to get Netflix instead.

Explaining the change via the PlayStation blog, PlayStation pointed to the shift away from owning individual movies or boxsets. People are now more likely to just stream content from a subscription-based service (such as Disney+ or Amazon Prime) or one that's free but includes ads (such as ITV Hub or All 4).

Eurogamer news cast: Sony State of Play special.Watch on YouTube

Microsoft continues to provide movies and TV to rent or buy on Xbox. Nintendo continues to not have this, or have a Netflix app instead.

Maybe you'll be able to watch the new Tom Holland Uncharted film there?

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