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PlayStation TGS 2017 conference live report

Monster Hunter World gets a global release date, and more from this morning's conference.

There was rapping! There was singing! There was anime - so much anime! Also a worldwide release date for Monster Hunter World, and more Earth Defence Force than you could fling a skyscraper at.

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Good morning/evening/whatever it might be where you are. It's just coming up to noon here in Tokyo and I'm heading out to Shinagawa where the conference is taking place.

Martin Robinson

It's not taking place for another four hours, mind - I'm just eager. Also popping into Sega HQ beforehand, which sends a little tingle down my spine as I'm a bit silly like that.

Martin Robinson

Martin's special fun day update: I'm now on the Yamanote Line heading from Shinjuku to Shinagawa. There is an advert for something called 'Moist Diane' directly in my eyesight.

Martin Robinson

I'm stupidly excited to be heading to Sega HQ. I'll try and contain myself though.

Martin Robinson

When Sega opened a new arcade up in Brighton a while back, I headed down there in my special Sega t-shirt that I'd printed myself.

Martin Robinson

I got to meet Sonic! He gave me a hug.

Martin Robinson

He also gave me a Sega lollipop that I think was otherwise reserved for the children that won the colouring in competition.

Martin Robinson

I was 24.

Martin Robinson

I still have that lollipop! I don't have that t-shirt, though, otherwise I'd definitely be wearing it today.

Martin Robinson

Imagine the lollipops they hand out at Sega HQ if you turn up wearing your own homemade Sega t-shirt!

Martin Robinson

Anyway, back to staring at Moist Diane.

Martin Robinson

I'm at Sega HQ (in Haneda, where the dev teams are) standing outside the building they've been using the past 20 years or so. Only crying a little bit.

Martin Robinson

Also today just got a lot more exciting as I figure out how to get back to Shinjuku in time for the conference.

Martin Robinson

Sega HQ update: the carpet here is inteeeeeeeense.

Martin Robinson

Well hi, hello and isn't it a lovely morning. Well, it's late afternoon here in Tokyo - I've just taken my seat in the Shinagawa Intercity Hall where today's press conference will be taking place.

Martin Robinson

Who's expecting what?

Martin Robinson

I'm going in expecting pretty much nothing. Which might across as cynical, but hey if anything genuinely new and exciting is announced it'll at least be a pleasant surprise.

Martin Robinson

A new Gran Turismo trailer would be nice, as would another look at Monster Hunter World. I imagine there'll be something on Dragon Ball FighterZ, and maybe Ni No Kuni 2 from Bandai Namco.

Martin Robinson

And I reckon we'll see a bit of a push for PSVR, which I'm sure will go down well.

Martin Robinson

If you're expecting Devil May Cry 5, Bloodborne 2 or a Demon's Souls remaster, well... I really think it's best to set your expectations a little lower.

Martin Robinson

I could be wrong, though! I often am.

Martin Robinson

Oh! That's something! I mean, I already have it on my Vita where I'd rather play it, but still!

Martin Robinson

Speaking of PS4 versions of Vita games! Dragon Crown PS4 is apparently a surefire bet for the conference.

Martin Robinson

15 minutes to go! And I'm already nearly through my bottle of PlayStation-branded water. Here's hoping my bladder can hold out for the hour.

Martin Robinson

12 minutes! And they don't dick about here in Tokyo - it should start precisely on the hour.

Martin Robinson

It's quite a beautiful ovoid auditorium, in case you were wondering, with serene PlayStation-blue lighting and gentle electronica being pumped throughout.

Martin Robinson

I swear they do this sedative ambience to screw with people who have jetlag. I will stay awake, though, I *will*.

Martin Robinson

We're getting some pre-show stand-up from a warm-up man.

Martin Robinson

Pretty funny stuff. Shame you're missing out on it.

Martin Robinson

Atsushi Morita is going to be your man heading up today's show.

Martin Robinson

There's now a man holding up a blank white piece of paper, letting us know where Morita will be standing and letting all photographers set their white balance.

Martin Robinson

I'm seriously in awe of how considerate at this. You don't get this at E3, let me tell you.

Martin Robinson

We're being asked if we've got our white balance levels sorted out.

Martin Robinson

This is amazing. I'm so sorry you're missing out on this.

Martin Robinson

We're also being given a preview of how far Morita's tour of the stage will be.

Martin Robinson

I don't see how they can top that, quite honestly.

Martin Robinson

Five minutes until the show starts, but the real show's been and gone already.

Martin Robinson

The backdrop has segued to a gentle sunset over Tokyo which isn't making me feel any sleepier at all, not in the slightest.

Martin Robinson

And it's accompanied by gentle synth pads and this room's quite warm would anyone mind if I just curled up on the floor for a little while.

Martin Robinson

Auditorium is packed out and properly spaced out by ambience. Expect to cut to a room of snoring attendees when this starts in one minutes time.

Martin Robinson

Pretty sure they spiked this water bottle with valium too.

Martin Robinson

Drinking game! Go to your drinks cabinet and drink absolutely everything there is there upon mention of the Vita.

Martin Robinson

I don't care how early it is over there in the UK.

Martin Robinson

I also think it's quite likely it'd get a mention and I just think it'd be funny if you went to work half-cut.

Martin Robinson

We're up and running.

Martin Robinson

And we're getting a rap about PS4's line-up.

Martin Robinson

Now I'm properly awake.

Martin Robinson

ihnm_aims: Martin, did you bring KitKats?

I've got a green tea macha one especially for you.

Martin Robinson

This is quite the start to a conference.

Martin Robinson

As in possibly the best start I've ever seen to a conference.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to pop to Woolworths after this to see if they've got the CD single of this. It's quite a belting tune.

Martin Robinson

I really can't get over how amazing this is. Every single game on the horizon is getting a verse in this rap.

Martin Robinson

I've heard that Microsoft has commissioned John Cage for their own song that features all their upcoming exclusives.

Martin Robinson

Oooh tough crowd.

Martin Robinson

I was going to say and that's a rap but Tom beat me to it in the comments. Thanks Tom.

Martin Robinson

I've never felt more assured about my white balance levels before a press conference either.

Martin Robinson

Atsushi Morita is on stage, being very lovely and polite.

Martin Robinson

As of June, some 60.4 million PS4 units have been sold throughout the world.

Martin Robinson

We're getting new colours of wireless controllers, in case you forgot that you're watching TGS.

Martin Robinson

Also a Gran Turismo Sport PS4 coming - I find it really odd that this isn't a PS4 Pro, but hey-ho.

Martin Robinson

And now, the ugly duckling of the bunch, that super-grim camo PS4 that's coming out alongside Call of Duty.

Martin Robinson

Here's another rundown of games coming this autumn and early into 2018.

Martin Robinson

In other words - don't expect any surprises from this slot.

Martin Robinson

That was, of course Call of Duty. But in Japanese.

Martin Robinson

And this is Ni No Kuni 2, in English. Just to mix things up.

Martin Robinson

I'm not convinced this has quite the charm of the original, but hey there's me being all cynical again so just ignore me which is always pretty good advice anyway.

Martin Robinson

X201: Remember Martin, news of the Everybody's Golf DLC is your top priority today

I actually bought my PS4 with me, primarily to play Destiny, but all I'm playing is Everybody's Golf. Best game!

Martin Robinson

Earth Defence Force, with extra kaiju, coming later this year.

Martin Robinson

The screen tearing in this trailer is kind of endearing. Like you'd want your Earth Defence Force any other way.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Nah, it's Red Dead Redemption 2 - and the old trailer, I believe.

Martin Robinson

Like that'll be anything other than the biggest game of 2018.

Martin Robinson

Dynasty Warriors 9 looks amazing and you're all idiots for not liking musou games.

Martin Robinson

pelican_: Have I missed anything exciting?

I went to Sega! That was fun!

Martin Robinson

Oh and there was a rap, that was really cool also. Other than that, we're getting a rundown of all the games coming later this year and early next.

Martin Robinson

And that's Telltale's Minecraft Story Season Two.

Martin Robinson

So, no surprises just yet. Though that rap did give me a bit of a start.

Martin Robinson

Square Enix up next, alongside Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja for...

Martin Robinson

Dissidia Final Fantasy, of course.

Martin Robinson

This is super popular in arcades over here at the moment - one of the busier machines, with most places I've been to having a load of cabinets.

Martin Robinson

pelican_: "I went to Sega! That was fun! " Are you in Japan Martin?

I am!

Martin Robinson

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT will be playable this weekend at EGX, I believe.

Martin Robinson

A little plug there. Apologies.

Martin Robinson

The Shadow of the Colossus remake now - again, I think this is an older trailer.

Martin Robinson

I am still so excited about playing through this again.

Martin Robinson

And I'm sure Sony are super excited about finding another use for the engine that powered The Last Guardian after all that money it poured into it over its extended development.

Martin Robinson

Bionic_Pixel: ICO on Elephants?

That is a much better name for it.

Martin Robinson

Dragon's Crown PS4, as expected.

Martin Robinson

sid-6581: Not the old trailer btw

Ah, thanks for the spot. Sorry!

Martin Robinson

It looks slightly prettier than the existing versions.

Martin Robinson

And it's out January 25th next year.

Martin Robinson

Aaaand as you pointed out to me earlier, here's Final Fantasy 9 for PS4.

Martin Robinson

You spoilsports.

Martin Robinson

Four years into PS4's lifespan and we're still just getting remasters.

Martin Robinson

Oh and sexy boy dating sims. Them too.

Martin Robinson

Diabolik Lovers, which I won't pretend to have played.

Martin Robinson

And this'll be Idolmaster, I believe?

Martin Robinson

Yup - as expected this is a conference very much tailored to the local audience. As you'd expect, of course1

Martin Robinson

But we also get Gundam games that have a universal appeal, because ROBOTS. Battle Operation 2, there.

Martin Robinson

The lights are going NUTS in the auditorium, which can only mean one thing.

Martin Robinson

Oh, it means VR.

Martin Robinson

There's going to be a fairly heavy VR presence on the showfloor, I believe.

Martin Robinson

With hopefully some new games to play.

Martin Robinson

VR is popular here - much more so than in the west, I'd say. Well, it's more visible at least, with the VR arcades that are becoming more prevalent.

Martin Robinson

No Heroes Allowed and GT Sport both coming to PSVR next month. And a new bundle for PSVR and PS Camera with a price cut - I'm not sure how that translates overseas I'm afraid!

Martin Robinson

GT Sport's VR mode is limited to one on one races, it's worth noting.

Martin Robinson

This is Ark Park.

Martin Robinson

Not Jurassic Park Simulator as I first thought...

Martin Robinson

As you might have guessed from the title, it's a park management spin-off of the supremely popular Ark.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and this one's for me - a VR spin-off of the awesome Gungrave.

Martin Robinson

I'll have some of that.

Martin Robinson

Simply called Gungrave, coming to PSVR next year.

Martin Robinson

A-Train - another very popular series in Japan - is also coming to PSVR. Not a bad line-up, really.

Martin Robinson

And here's a biggie.

Martin Robinson

Zone of the Enders is back, in VR.

Martin Robinson

I believe this is Zone of the Enders 2 - and it's accompanied by a 4K remaster.

Martin Robinson

Next spring for that one.

Martin Robinson

Also coming: cartoon cats.

Martin Robinson

Music and movie apps also coming to PSVR via PSN. With more VR cats.

Martin Robinson

Who is, though? I miss that man.

Martin Robinson

ihnm_aims: Yeah, but, yknow, f**k Konami.

Nah, f**k Kojima.

Martin Robinson

Japan Studio VR festival brings some of Gravity Daze's music, performed live, to VR. How lovely.

Martin Robinson

Now, more flashing lights. What could that mean?

Martin Robinson

It means more reserved and polite words, this time about PlayLink.

Martin Robinson

sid-6581: I hope that concert is available here too, looked amazing if you like that kind of stuff.

It's easy enough to access the JP PSN store if not. These are truly enlightened times.

Martin Robinson

Supermassive Games' Hidden Agenda, which looks to take off where Until Dawn left off, but all with a multiplayer twist.

Martin Robinson

How is Sony expanding its entertainment offerings? Anime.

Martin Robinson

Everything is anime.

Martin Robinson

And more anime.

Martin Robinson

Bit more anime now.

Martin Robinson

I think that's it for the anime.

Martin Robinson

Sorry anime fans, we're done there.

Martin Robinson

Fist of the North Star. We're not totally out of the anime woods just yet.

Martin Robinson

More Earth Defence Force, because once in a conference isn't enough.

Martin Robinson

Actually, maybe this is Witcher 4?

Martin Robinson

Less screen tearing in this trailer, so far less charming than the last one.

Martin Robinson

This is Dragon's Crown creator George Kamitani's new game.

Martin Robinson

13 Sentinels.

Martin Robinson

Like Dragon's Crown, it's a very, very pretty game.

Martin Robinson

Annnd Detroit. Which, like so many things, seems a lot better in Japanese.

Martin Robinson

We're not getting anything beyond a 2018 date for that right now. Well, that and a pretty awesome trailer.

Martin Robinson

It's a new Virtual On, everyone.

Martin Robinson

A Certain Magical Virtual-On, that is - before you get too excited.

Martin Robinson

Though I'm still quite excited, because Virtual-On, right? Playing Arms recently has given me an appetite for going back to that series.

Martin Robinson

Left Alive, a new game from Square Enix featuring Yoji Shinkawa art. 2018.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Wow, all these Vita games Martin. I sure hope no-one is playing that drinking game...

I hope they are!

Martin Robinson

Here's the big one.

Martin Robinson

Monster Hunter World.

Martin Robinson

The only game that matters next year - sorry Red Dead.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a nice look at the hub world, and in keeping with the rest of the game it looks gorgeous.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to be boring you a lot about this game in the coming months.

Martin Robinson

It's time to reclaim this site from all those Destiny nerds.

Martin Robinson

I think that was an all-new monster.

Martin Robinson

Again, I'm probably wrong.

Martin Robinson

This will be the best game of 2018. Maybe of forever.

Martin Robinson

Tsujimoto is now on stage to tell us more.

Martin Robinson

There was a lot of new stuff to get stuck into in that trailer.

Martin Robinson

New monsters, new mechanics.

Martin Robinson

We have a launch date!

Martin Robinson

26th January next year.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

That'll be a worldwide release.

Martin Robinson

Avaloner: @Malek86 would still love to see Monster Hunter XX on the Switch release in the west...

I buckled and picked up the Japanese version. If you know the series it's not that hard to muddle through.

Martin Robinson

There'll be a collector's edition, a digital deluxe edition - which is all gravy, but we're only months from sawing up monsters on PS4.

Martin Robinson

Pre-orders open tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to be playing it next week, and getting a more in-depth look at is next month.

Martin Robinson

And finally we have the PS4 Monster Hunter World PS4.

Martin Robinson

pelican_: "I'm going to be playing it next week, and getting a more in-depth look at is next month. " Is it at EGX? Meant to check.

It is! I think it might even be the TGS demo - don't quote me on that though!

Martin Robinson

That, I think, will be a wrap.

Martin Robinson

We got a Monster Hunter World release date, which is more than enough to make me happy.

Martin Robinson

Thanks for joining us. I hope you followed instructions and took a drink every time Vita appeared - I think there was at least three games for it shown off. Enjoy the rest of your days at work, I'm sure it'll be fun.

Martin Robinson

Tokyo Game Show itself kicks off on Thursday, and we'll be there to bring you news and impressions.

Martin Robinson

A rather humble send-off as Sony aims to revitalise the console market over here.

Martin Robinson

And as Sony pushes from that 60 million PS4s to the magic 100 million mark.

Martin Robinson

See you later this week everyone! I'm going back to my apartment to listen to that PS4 rap on loop.

Martin Robinson

And this advert proves that Sony at the very least has the best marketing teams.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

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