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PlayStation (Page 2231)

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New publisher to bring niche Japanese titles to Europe

Rising Star - formed by Marvelous Interactive and Bergsala - aims to help bridge the gap with a line-up including four Harvest Moon games, Evolution on PSP, Taito remakes for the DS and more besides.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

24 American PSP launch titles named

Well, they're due in the "launch window" apparently. But it's still "a launch library more than triple that of our closest competitor". Handheld Handbags!
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Project: Snowblind

We guide Frosty the Snowblind man through the first half of his chilly sci-fi adventures in the PS2 version of Crystal Dynamics' shooter.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Rainbow Six 4 'immersion' trailer

Ubisoft's RS4 dev-team discusses their goal with the game over a nice montage of video clips. Get the file from us here. (You know. If you like.)
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Virtua Tennis heading to PSP - reports

SEGA's much-loved tennis title is on its way to Sony's new handheld this May, according to numerous reports, but SEGA's keeping mum.