PS3 trophies now in Super Stardust HD
Uncharted, Burnout Paradise to join in.
Super Stardust HD has been updated to support the fancy trophy system for PlayStation 3.
The game patch, weighing in at 255 MB, adds 17 trophies for you to collect. Bronze rewards are handed out for things such as completing campaigns, silver accolades awarded for achievements like collecting varying amounts of tokens, and gold cups given out for attaining the 10x score multiplier or surviving in co-op. PS3 Fanboy has a full list.
Burnout Paradise developer Criterion has also publicly offered its support of the trophy system, assuring us it will be added to its smashing racer "soon", although not in the "Cagney" update due on 10th July.
PlayStation Network boss Eric Lempel recently unveiled excellent action adventure outing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune as another that will hop on the trophy bandwagon at "some point in the foreseeable future", too.
Trophy and in-game XMB support go live in the 2.4 firmware update for PlayStation 3 today.
Developers are under no mandatory obligation to add trophies to their games, but those promised to feature them so far are Buzz! Quiz TV (out this Friday, 4th July), LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm Pacific Rift, NBA 09, PAIN, PixelJunk Eden, Resistance 2, SOCOM: Confrontation and Warhawk.
Firmware 2.4 will also up the friends list limit to 100 people and add a "mini-control panel that you can use while playing music" and a Google search option similar to the one recently added to PSP.
Sony attempted to sit down and answer some of your questions about the 2.4 update yesterday.