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Razer's module-tastic PC is mad, or genius

Made up of self-contained, cooled, quiet, curved slabs.

ARRRRGH what is it what is it?!

An ultra-modular PC - "the world's most modular PC design" - called Project Christine and made by Razer.

The idea is to make all of your computer's major mechanical organs easily transplantable; you just pull one out and replace it with another, or add an extra graphics module to beef the whole thing up.

"For more than 30 years, only the most hardcore enthusiasts were able to take advantage of PC customisability..." reasoned Razer. Not quite true, but it can be a faff.

Mind you, I'm not sure who, other than enthusiasts, would pick a sci-fi-strosity like this rather than po-faced Dell box anyway.

The PCI-Express modules synchronise on the fly, and each module is self-contained with its own liquid cooling and noise cancellation. There's a control panel display on the stand to boss them around with.

No price, no date.

Nifty, then, but victim to the same concerns of other modular PCs: they require bespoke hardware modules. You can't simply grab an off-the-shelf graphics card to stuff in there.

How often Razer will put new modules out, and how much they'll cost, remains to be seen.

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