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Far Cry, Unreal Tournament 2004, xSokoban, gaming itself, and Final Fantasy XI all catch your attention as we catch up on the backlog. More submissions please!

Final Fantasy XI (PC)

by Kami

You ever walk into a game expecting the worst? [Only when it has spikes coming out of the cover. -Ed] I do that quite a bit these days, but it's nice when you do walk into a game which turns out really nicely.

So, picking up an imported copy of FFXI, I got home, installed, signed up and prepared to loathe every second of this game. I'm not a fan of MMORPG's in reality, since they are usually dominated by angst-ridden, hormonally-charged teehagers who still think 1337-speak is cool and swear because they think it gives them power.

So, imagine my surprise to get into FFXI and find it a remarkably friendly experience. Everyone seems to just get on with things, and there are very few annoying smacktards to ruin the experience.

I could shout off about everything in this game, but to keep this review a reasonable length, I'll skip the plot (There is one and it's OK), the graphics (because you know they're nice) and the experience system (remarkably fair and balanced, although you do wish that you could get more exp...). I'll skip the races, the magic (Which we're all familiar with now), and the weapons and equipment (Most of which look cool, apart from early Warrior-type armour which makes you look like a Village People reject trying to perform the YMCA).

Instead I'll focus on the experience itself. The flow of the game is rather nice, with a reasonable balance of woodland, plains, deserts, towns and cities and plenty of dungeons. The variety of locations is enough to keep you amused and exploring, because half the fun in this game is exploring and looking for things.

Which moves onto the next thing, the enemies. Which, for someone like me who has played almost every FF game, is a wonderful trip down memory lane. Many of the enemies (And possibly the majority) have been in previous Final Fantasy titles. Many of our old familiar FF friends return - Bombs, Wendigos, Malboros and Funguars to name a few, in a much nicer look. Any self-respecting FF fan will squall in pleasure the first time they take down a Bomb. It's still enjoyable.

Combat can be done in two ways. First, you can solo - which is good for power-levelling but later in the game, as the experience points dip and the experience required for levelling up gets greater, you will turn to the second form. Partying.

Parties can be up 6 people (or more, depending on if you set up an alliance, although that is usually reserved for more challenging opponents), but it is up to the party leader to balance the team accordingly. This is where the cracks show in people, as more often than not, you get dragged into a sub-standard party and people react very differently, often being very abusive and annoying. But at least you can disband and not have to put up with people like that.

But when you get a good party, expect to lose all track of time. I once logged on at 6pm - for an hour or so of levelling. I got into a good party an hour later and I ended up logging off at 11.40pm, four levels up and five new friends later. A good party makes the game fun, enjoyable and worth the money. Just a shame it's so hard to experience such a thing, unless you make one yourself. And it's always easier said than done...

FFXI is a title I didn't expect to like as much as I have. That isn't to say that it doesn't have it's flaws - it can sometimes lag, and reaching any decent level takes a considerable amount of time and effort, probably more than people will expect to put in.

But it's an enjoyable, fun and wonderfully paced online world. You will get people who try and spoil the fun, but get past those and watch as this game swallows up your spare time like it was cheap liquor.

It's always hard to review an online game which is constantly changing. But it changes at a sensible pace, and in the end, it all feels like natural progression.

The question is, should you import it, or wait for the PAL release later this year? Well, personally, when we get it officially, we will have all the expansions included (apparently) so it might be best to hold out for it on this occasion - it will save money. But the game will be no different either way.

MMORPG's may be in a slump, but hopefully future titles will follow FFXI, and instead of focusing on stats, spells and every small minor detail that can be endlessly customised and the majority of people don't care about, just focus on what matters and - above all - make it fun and accessible.

And in the end, isn't that what we want?