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Resident Evil 3 - Jill's Apartment, Raccoon City streets and Rooftop Parking Lot

How to survive the opening moments of the game.

Jill's Apartment, Raccoon City streets and Rooftop Parking Lot is the start of your adventure in Resident Evil 3.

As with the Resident Evil 2 remake before it, this introduction works a little differently - though ramps up swiftly with the first arrival of Nemesis.

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Jill's Apartment

When you wake in Jill's Apartment, opt to close the window or not - makes no difference! - then head through to the bathroom at the other side, and investigate the sink for a cutscene.

When you wake again, flick the switch between the board and the desk to turn on a light. There are two Files you can find here - Investigation Notes and Jill's Report. To the left of the board is a cabinet with another File, Unsealed Envelope, on top, and opposite that, next to the pizza box, is one more - Message from a Colleague.

When ready, head through the bathroom and investigate the sink. You'll now be in third person, and the phone will ring. Answer it for a cutscene.

What follows is a series of escape sequences. The route is linear - climb through the windows, head down the fire escape through another into a new apartment, and keep going. At one point, Nemesis is chasing you with the camera positioned above him - you need to keep pushing forward to move down the corridor and avoid him.

You'll soon be outside and in the Racoon City streets with the objective 'Get out of Town'.

Raccoon City Streets

Follow Brad down the street and when the fence calls, into the bar behind him.

After the cutscene, turn the corner and you will grab the gun from the body.

You cannot take all the zombies on, so turn around and head round the corner. When your route is closed off by the sign, walk towards it to crawl underneath, then go left at the bus and through the door.

Ignore the man who has entered the safe house, and grab the handgun ammo by the door before heading through.

Our full Resident Evil 3 walkthrough explains every aspect's of Jill's, including the Shotgun location, Bolt cutters and Lockpick locations, how to reset the Circuit Breakers to restore power in the Substation, find the Drugstore safe code solution and Aqua Cure clue, Police Station Safe, Locker codes, Hospital safe code and courtyard box for the Magnum explained.

Go to the Rooftop Parking Lot

Ignore the dog behind the left fence and go right, crawling through, to arrive at the Parking Lot.

Call the elevator for two zombies to appear. You can fire a few rounds, but either way it's best to just press past them, call the elevator again, and head up. Once on the rooftop, head round to the helicopter for a cutscene. Press the prompts throughout as you watch.

Go with Carlos

Before you join Carlos, turn around and walk up and out of the subway. Look between the two stands to your right to find the Bobble Head on the ground between them.

Head back down and follow Carlos through the corridors until you reach the subway car, and follow Carlos inside.

Get above ground

After the cutscene, leave the car via the other door and grab the U.B.C.S. Ammo Crafting Guide File from the bench before heading up the stairs.

You'll come to a newsagents ahead on the left, where you can get the Tabloid Front Page File from the counter.

Continue up the stairs to get a radio call and new instructions to restore power to the subway substation - a main goal for this first part of the game.

Reactivate power at the substation

Here you can find a pile of Gunpowder (combine these two to create Handgun Ammo) and Green Herbs. There's also a crate on the ground you can open - be sure to switch to the knife with the D-Pad instead of using your weapon to save ammo. Inside is a Red Herb - combine this with a Green Herb to create an item which will fully replenish your health.

There is a locked suitcase here, and through the other room, a locked contraption in the corner. Ignore them for now. Use the Typewriter to save your game, the chest to store any items to pick up later, and grab the U.B.C.S. Herb Field Manual File from the middle desk to learn more about Herbs.

When you're ready, approach the shutter to emerge out on the street.

On your left a zombie will appear, acting as a tutorial for the Quick Step move, allowing you to dodge by holding R1 / RB. Do this whenever a zombie or other enemy is about to attack to dodge - you can practice this right now.

Either way head down the alleyway it emerged from. There are another two at the end here - shoot or evade past them (the latter is best to safe ammo) and walk through the gate.

Here is a wider street with some buildings either side and a blockage at the end. The first left building is a supermarket which requires Bolt Cutters, while the Toy Shop opposite requires a Lock Pick. Ignore them for now - we'll come back later.

When ready, head down to the end - smashing the crate on the left as you go - where a cutscene will take place showing the substation in the distance.

There is an alley with a fire raging you must get through - so working out how to put out the fire with the Fire Hydrant is your next goal.

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