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Resident Evil 7 story, combat details spilled by ESRB

Open door policy.

Capcom has kept pretty quiet about the plot and characters of Resident Evil 7, choosing instead to slowly tease out information via a number of mysterious demos.

However, a new ESRB listing for the game reveals several things - including the name of the game's main character.

Here's your complimentary spoiler warning.


Resident Evil 7 places you in the role of Ethan, who is searching for his missing wife (hello, Silent Hill 2!).

Combat - so far kept completely under-wraps - will involve pistols, shotguns, flamethrowers, explosives and chainsaws (hello, Resi 4!).

Grisly cut-scenes will show someone losing an arm to a chainsaw, someone getting their leg taken off at the knee with a shovel, and one poor character getting a shovel impaled through their face. Ew.

We've heard of Ethan already - he's mentioned by the player being pursued by the creepy lady in the "Lantern" found footage tape, which was playable at Gamescom.

We also know Resident Evil 7's story will revolve around the mysterious Booth family, of which the lady is the last member. The rest have gone missing. Is Nathan a Booth, too? Or is it his wife? Where have they gone? What's happening with that finger?

Watch on YouTube

I went hands-on with Resident Evil 7 at Gamescom and came away impressed - watch the latest footage above as Aoife and I discuss everything we've learned of the game up until today.

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