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Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 2: Survive the bar siege, escape the village, then use the tunnels to reach town

As all hell breaks loose in Episode 2, learn how to survive the mutant attack on the bar, flee the village and reach the outskirts of town.

As Gabe works his magic on the helicopter, a siren will begin to blare in the distance, threatening to expose your position to every mutant in the area. Head back into the village and return to the bar in order to silence the alarm. As you approach your destination, three mutants - including one of the hammer-wielding variety - will appear in your path.

Once you've dealt with them, enter the bar and disable the siren via the glowing panel at the top of the stairs. There's another wave of enemies to obliterate almost immediately, before Pedro storms into the bar and barricades the doors.

How to survive the siege

Next, prepare for a spot of base-under-siege. Several waves of mutants begin approaching the bar from outside, attempting to smash through the windows and gain entry. This should be familiar stuff to anyone who's played a recent Resident Evil game before, and your strategy for success is the same as it's always been. Just keep sweeping back and forth from window to window, and pick off approaching enemies with a carefully-aimed headshot or two.

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The bars on the windows won't last forever so, once the mutants begin piling into the room, work quickly to avoid being overwhelmed. When the first wave of enemies have been taken care of, you've a few moments to catch your breath. When the second wave approaches, deal with them just as you did before.

If you need it, there's some Machine Pistol Ammo hidden behind the bar, and remember that you can increase the number of Green Herbs in your possession by combining one with a Red Herb, should your health start getting low.

Unfortunately, there's more pain to endure once the second enemy wave has been defeated. Pedro, overcome with fear, mutates into a drill-wielding mutant and will start charging around the room. Thankfully, you're not expected to beat this thing - which is just as well given that you're ammo reserves are likely getting low at this point.

Escape the bar

Your first task is to avoid mutant Pedro as he thunders around the bar, so back away and keep your distance where possible. In particular, watch out for his drill attack as this can initiate a bleeding effect. Before long, another wave of mutants will come crashing through the barricaded door. Don't panic though, as this represents your chance to escape!

Quickly sprint outside and start legging it around the village. Keep moving, dodging down alleyways as and when you reach them, and pick off any opponents that stray too close. Avoid the path near the Fuel Depository if possible, as several exploding pus mines litter the ground here.

After a short while, Neil - one of your colleagues from earlier on - will appear on the roof of the bar and kick an escape ladder down to the ground. This is your signal to start working your way back to the bar. Once there, look for the ladder situated on the right-hand-side of the building and shimmy on up. Wait for Moira to join you, then follow Neil as he dashes across the roof and onto a grassy ledge winding around the rocks nearby.

Follow the path until you reach the large gate ahead. The mutants are still hot on your tail, so quickly leap off the ledge, then dash on through the gate as soon as it's open.

Access the tunnels

With danger behind you, head up the slope and make your way through the opening ahead, grabbing the nearby Green Herb as you go. Continue onwards until you stumble across the passage blocked by fallen debris. Interact with it to proceed into the tunnels beyond.

As you make your way along the tunnel, look to the left and grab the Town Map that's resting on the box nearby. Continue onward through the archway and grab the Empty Bottle in the corner opposite. Make your way right, swipe the Odorous Chemical from the nearby crate, and press further along the tunnel.

You'll spot two barrels at the top of the slope. Smash them open to liberate some Machine Pistol Ammo and Handgun Ammo, then switch to Moira and shine your light on the ground to the right of the stone steps to reveal some hidden Handgun Ammo. Finally, head up the stairs and pass through the blue door at the end of the corridor, stepping out into the cool night air.

- The next part of our guide explains how to get a better shotgun.

- Head back to the first page for the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 2 walkthrough