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Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 3: Navigate the sluice gates, kill the invisible bugs and escape the sewers

It’s time for some teamwork as you take on the sluice gate obstacle course, eliminate yet more invisible bugs and escape the sewers.

Proceed down the staircase and cross the walkway ahead. Take a left, moving down the stairs, and use the ladder to the left at the end. At the bottom, approach the sluice gate marked with a number 4 to receive your next objective. Look to the left of the gate and locate the small hole on the ground, leading between the fallen debris. Switch to Natalia, then slip on through and climb the ladder once you reach the other side.

At the top, jump over the gap to reach the walkway ahead then take a right, crossing over to the opposite side of the tunnel. Once here, take another right, grab the Sewage Treatment Plant Map from the wall, then spin the red valve nearby to open the sluice gate.

Once it's open, guide Natalia forward along the upper walkway, following the right-hand wall around until you reach the next valve. Before turning it, switch to Barry and proceed along the now-open passage. Loot the box on the left and continue forward until you arrive at the next closed sluice gate. As you approach, a zombie will start shambling along the upper walkway toward Natalia, so aim your weapon and take it down.

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Open sluice gate #3

Switch control back to Natalia and begin spinning the nearby valve. Once the gate is open, head forward and cross the walkway to the left. On the other side of the tunnel, turn right and then navigate the steps in front of you. At the top, take another right along the walkway, grab the Green Herb, then turn right again.

Next, return to the top of the steps and proceed around the walkway until you reach the fence blocking the way. Switch control back to Barry, continue along the passageway and take care of any zombies that rise from the ground.

When you reach the raised central platform, shoot the fence blocking Natalia's path on the upper level. Next, continue around the area in a clockwise direction and smash the two crates to collect some goodies. Proceed toward the next sluice gate and deal with the zombies that attack.

Open sluice gate #2

When you're done, resume control of Natalia and guide her to the next valve. Keep spinning it until the gate opens, then head up the nearby steps. Cross the walkway over to the right-hand-side of the tunnel, then take a left, dropping down off the ledge. Climb the steps ahead and pause at the top. Finally, switch control back to Barry.

Continue forwards, smash the crate and then send a bullet through the fence blocking the walkway overhead. Next, push on down the passage and immediately deal with the three pig-like creatures that pounce from around the corner.

When they're down, move on and turn your attention to the two zombies shambling about ahead - one on the walkway above and another on the lower level. Be warned that attacking the lower zombie alerts two more to your position. Continue along the passage once peace is restored, and pause when you reach the collapsed pipe.

Open sluice gate #1

Next, switch control back to Natalia and cross the walkway to reach the left-hand side of the tunnel. As you proceed, the zombie lying on the ground will wake up, so quickly resume control of Barry and take him down from below. When the coast is clear, switch back to Natalia, head down the steps on the right at the end of the walkway and open the red crate to secure a Rare Parts Box.

Retrace your steps across the walkway and turn left at the end, continuing along the upper pathway until you reach the small room on your right. Immediately, a zombie will leap up from the ground and start giving chase. Quickly switch back to Barry and take it down from below.

Resume control of Natalia and explore the now-safe room. When you're ready, head back out and take a right, moving towards the next walkway. As soon as the zombie stirs, switch back to Barry and take it down from below. With that dealt with, switch to Natalia and cross the walkway, hopping up onto the nearby pipe to reach the left-hand side of the tunnel.

Follow the path forwards, then pass through the archway to your left. Follow the corridor around and shimmy down the ladder at the end. At the bottom, follow the pipes along and pass through the opening in the wall to the right. Take a left outside and pause by the fence blocking the path ahead.

Now, resume control of Barry and look toward the collapsed pipe. Head left to smash some crates then follow the right-hand path, taking care of the zombie up ahead. When he's down, leap over the debris and deal with the zombie that rises from the ground on the other side.

Kill the invisible enemy

At the next fork in the path, hop over the debris on the left to smash the two crates and pocket more goodies. Next, return to the fork and take the right-hand route, following the path along until Natalia is visible again on the walkway ahead. Shoot the fence to clear her route, then slowly move forward towards the final sluice gate.

Be careful though, as there's an invisible bug to deal with here, and it's tough to locate with Natalia so far away. Follow her instructions - and the direction of her finger if possible - to take it down quickly.

With that sorted, continue towards the gate and smash the crate on the right. Next, resume control of Natalia and turn the valve directly ahead. When the final sluice gate is open, climb the ladder nearby and switch to Barry in order to deal with any zombies that materialise above.

How to open the final gate

Next, take control of Natalia again and cross the walkway to reach the right-hand side of the tunnel. Turn left, then clamber onto the rusty metal pipe at the end of the path. Follow the route forward as it winds around then head into the passage at the end. Finally, drop down the ladder and slip through the hole in the wall nearby. Immediately turn left and move toward the gate.

Now, resume control of Barry and begin making your way toward Natalia's position. Several zombies will rise from the ground as you near the gate but - more importantly - there's an invisible bug to deal with too. From Natalia's current location, you should just be able to make out the direction of her finger, so use her guidance to locate the bug and bring it down. Finally, polish off the remaining zombies and make your way up the steps toward the gate.

Switch back to Natalia again and turn the nearby valve. If the zombies behind you begin to stir, resume control of Barry and take them down. With the gate finally open, make sure Barry is back under your command, then quickly pass through the double blue doors ahead.

Kill the last invisible bug

Cross over the walkway. Once you reach the dead end, drop down to the right, landing on the walkway below. Follow the path all the way around until you reach the rubble blocking the route ahead. From here, take the walkway to the left and leap over the gap to the other side. There's a crate down the steps so smash it, then take the path leading right. As soon as you reach the next walkway to the right, Natalia will spot another invisible bug. Deal with it in the usual way, then note the nearby ladder on this side of the room.

Next, use the walkway to reach the other side of the area and climb the ladder on the left to retrieve some goodies. Switch to Natalia and complete the lock-picking mini-game to swipe the Rifle Ammo Case from the chest. When you're done, retrace your steps and climb the ladder that you noted earlier on the other side of the room.

At the top, head down the corridor on the left and pass through the shutters at the end.

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to kill the claw boss.

- You can find the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 3 walkthrough from the first page of this article.