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Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 1: Find the Experiment Block Key, handgun and ammunition

Our complete Resident Evil Revelations 2 walkthrough continues with a guide to getting the Experiment Block Key and arming yourself up.

Before proceeding further, make a mental note of the locked Experiment Block door's location, then swing left and start descending the metal staircase. About halfway down the second flight of steps, you'll notice a conveniently-placed set of keys, hanging from the corpse just beyond the railing to the left. Sadly your attempts to liberate them don't go as planned, so it's time to descend further into the gloom in order to rectify your mistake.

How to get the Experiment Block Key

Pass through the now-unlocked metal door at the bottom of the stairs and make your way along the corridor beyond, following it as it bends around to the left. Soon, you'll reach a set of double doors - so push on through to enter the complex's distinctly unhygienic operating room.

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Inside, navigate the trolley ahead and take a left toward the far end of the room. There's an exit here on the right but you should check out the document-strewn desk in the corner to your left before passing through. Grab the Ruby (worth 250BP) from the drawer and examine the other desk in the corner behind you. Collect the Sapphire (500BP) and you can finally leave the room.

Outside, follow the short corridor along and pass through the open doorway at the end. You emerge back in the room where you had your first encounter with the Experiment Block Key so ready yourself for the second attempt.

Getting your hands on the handgun

Use the ladder ahead to reach the lower level and make your way toward the bloody corpse at the far end of the room. Interact with it to discover that, sadly, the key is nowhere to be found. On the plus side, you're now the proud owner of a Handgun MPM - a weapon that is going to prove its worth very, very soon.

To continue, follow the prompts to switch primary characters from Claire to Moira. Your next task is to locate the key amidst the gloom - handily, it's snagged on one of the vats directly above the body you just searched. Shine your torch beam on it to proceed. Finally, switch back to Claire, aim your handgun, then dislodge the key with a clean shot.

With the Experiment Block Key finally in your possession, it's time to escape the facility. Head toward the doorway on the left-hand-side of the corpse - but don't let your guard down! As you approach, the mutant marauder from earlier barges on through.

Surviving the mutant ambush

Immediately put some distance between you and your target, then use your newfound gun skills to bring him down with a few well-placed head-shots. Sadly, your ordeal isn't quite over yet and three more creatures drop down from the walkway above.

There's not a huge amount of room to manoeuvre in this area, but you're going to need to keep your distance wherever possible, back away from your targets, and use the space you have to get a clear shot off. Thankfully, your opponents aren't especially resilient - don't forget that you can use your melee knife attack if necessary.

If your Handgun Ammo reserves start getting low, there's more on a shelf in the small adjacent room. Be warned though: there's precious little space in there and it's easy to get pinned by your attackers if you're not careful.

Once your opponents are defeated, climb back up the ladder and begin retracing your steps through the operating room.

How to find the Experiment Block

There's another mutant waiting to strike here, so deal with him swiftly then move out into the corridor. The blue door to the right is now unlocked, and inside you'll find more Handgun Ammo and a Green Herb - reload your weapon and heal up if required. As you move into the room, yet another creature will begin charging along the corridor outside, so ready yourself and prepare to deal with him as he comes crashing through the doorway behind you.

Once he's out of the picture, continue retracing your steps, but watch out for another mutant hiding to your left as you pass through the open metal gate along the corridor. Two more are waiting to spring out from behind the previously locked cell doors as you proceed toward the blue doorway.

Thankfully, however, the coast is clear from this point and you can climb up the staircase and open the Experiment Block Key door without fear of attack.

- Read on for our guide to exploring the prison.

- Alternatively, head back to the first page for the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 walkthrough