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Reception Office padlock code in Silent Hill 2

How to solve the padlock puzzle at the Reception Office of Brookhaven Hospital.

Close up of the padlock at the Reception Office of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Konami

You need to input the correct padlock code at the Reception Office of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 to get the Basement Key.

The clue you need to work out the code is in the room between Exam Room 2 and 3, but if you'd rather skip this part, we've got the Reception Office padlock code detailed below. We've also included the Reception Office padlock puzzle solution and Hard puzzle solution further down, if you do want to know how to get the code yourself.

Please note, this is a guide for the remake of Silent Hill 2 on the 'Standard' and 'Hard' puzzle difficulty modes, so the code and solution might not be correct if you're playing the original version, or have selected the 'Light' puzzle difficulty.

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Silent Hill 2 Reception Office padlock code

If you're playing on 'Standard' puzzle difficulty, the Reception Office padlock code at Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2 is 724, and if you're playing on 'Hard' puzzle difficulty mode, the code is 152. You get the Basement Key for inputting the correct code, which you need to unlock the doors at the bottom of the flight of stairs on the southeast side of Brookhaven Hospital.

Close up of the padlock at the Reception Office of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2.
The Reception Office padlock code is 724 on the 'Standard' puzzle difficulty mode. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Konami

Silent Hill 2 Reception Office padlock puzzle solution

To find the Nurse's Note that provides a big clue to the padlock's puzzle solution, you have to first break the glass of Exam Room 3, on the east side of Brookhaven Hospital 1F, then hop over to the other side and go through the door on the right.

Look right and open the drawer to pick up the Nurse's Note and read the bottom text for the crucial clue if playing on 'Standard' puzzle difficulty: nurses, doctors, and trees.

A white circle around the room between Exam Room 2 and 3 on 1F of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Konami

This means to solve the Reception Office padlock puzzle, you have to count how many nurses are in the nurse photo, how many doctors are in the doctor photo, and how many trees are in the photo of Brookhaven Hospital. All of these photos are found hanging on the walls of the reception area near the entrance of Brookhaven Hospital.

So if you're playing on 'Standard' puzzle difficulty, you'll see that there are seven nurses, two doctors, and four trees in the three photos, so the code has to be 724.

A framed black and white photograph of seven nurses on a wall at Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 2.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Konami

The Nurse's Note on 'Hard' puzzle difficulty gives you more obscure clues:

If the second were as high as the number of nurses, I'd still be one short. With two of them dead, and one just a fraud.
The third would chop the firewood in half.
The first was singular.

"The first was singular" means the first number of the code is '1', as singular means one. The nurse clue can be worked out from both the text in the document and the picture of the nurses in the reception area. There are seven nurses, so the second number is '5' if you minus the one that's a fraud and minus another to be "one short".

Then for the final number, you count the trees in the picture of Brookhaven Hospital in the reception area and half the amount. So as there are four trees, the third number is '2'.

Put them together in order and you get the 'Hard' puzzle difficulty combination: 152.

Once you've input the correct code, pick up the Basement Key and then go down the flight of stairs on the southeast side of 1F to continue your journey through Brookhaven Hospital.

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