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Sony, Nintendo "freaking out" over iPhone

EA founder Trip Hawkins wades in.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins reckons Sony and Nintendo are "freaking out" about the runaway success of games on iPhone and iPod Touch.

"It's by far our most effective platform," Hawkins - now boss of mobile company Digital Chocolate - told VentureBeat. "We make as much money with these games on one device as we do putting a game on 100 different cell phone platforms.

"Between the iPod Touch and the iPhone, I think the platform is freaking out Sony and Nintendo. Apple has sold 30 million units so far and it has created tremendous awareness. It has taken ground all over the world. But it has only penetrated one half of one per cent of its total market."

Apple recently revealed the top twenty paid-for applications downloaded for iPhone and iPod Touch - a list dominated (70 per cent) by games. Free games commanded less attention - 30 per cent - but had to trade blows with the likes of Facebook and Google Earth.

Trip Hawkins' comments and the Apple-published lists follow a wave of support for iPhone and iPod Touch gaming, particularly from GDC last month. One crazy person from Namco Bandai reckons those mobile games look as good as dedicated PSP and DS releases; and a raft of top-notch developer support - Bethesda, id Software - and big-name ports - Assassin's Creed, Spore, Monkey Ball, Metal Gear Solid - suggests others are equally enthusiastic.

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