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Spider-Man: Remastered won't work with PS4 Spidey saves

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Spider-Man: Remastered, the fancy-pants new PlayStation 5 version of Insomniac's web-slinger, will not work with your PS4 Spider-Man saves.

Responding to fan questions via Twitter, Insomniac also gave its clearest suggestion yet there will be no free upgrade to this version for existing Spider-Man owners.

"What will happen if I put my PS4 Spider-Man disc in my PS5?" one fan asked. "You'll play PS4 game via backwards compatibility," Insomniac replied.

PlayStation has not definitively ruled out some kind of last-minute offer or upgrade for existing Spider-Man owners on PS4 - but there's been no mention of it either. We've contacted Sony for comment.

As a reminder, you can only get Spider-Man: Remastered as part of the pricier Deluxe Edition version of sequel Spider-Man: Miles Morales. This edition costs £70/$70.

While Miles Morales will also launch on PlayStation 4, the Deluxe Edition will not. And so while Miles Morales will be cross-gen (and you get the PS5 version of that if you own the PS4 version) you will have to get the Deluxe Edition version on PlayStation 5 to get Spider-Man Remastered. With us so far?

Further indicating that Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Remastered will be kept entirely separate, Insomniac confirmed the latter "is its own game/icon" with its own "separate Trophy list".

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Spider-Man: Remastered will include the base game and its expansion content, as well as improved performance, visuals and audio.

"The remaster for the PS5 is no simple up-res, as many of the game's art assets have been completely updated to take advantage of the PS5 console's horsepower. You'll see better-looking characters with improved skin, eyes, hair, and facial animation (including our new, next-generation Peter Parker)," Insomniac previously described.

"You'll also see ray-traced reflections and ambient shadows, improved lighting, more pedestrians and vehicles stretching further into the distance, and the same optional performance mode offered on Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, allowing you to finally play the game at a targeted 60FPS frame rate. We'll be supporting near-instant loading, 3D audio, and the DualSense controller's haptic feedback. Lastly we're adding three amazing new Spider-Man suits, new photo mode features, and even new trophies for those of you looking to Platinum the game all over again."

Spider-Man: Miles Morales has been a source of some confusion ever since its announcement. There was a kerfuffle over whether it was a standalone expansion or full new game, with one PlayStation exec calling it an "expansion" and "enhancement". Then there was surprise over the fact it will actually arrive on PlayStation 4 as well, despite this not initially being announced and despite Sony's talk of "believing in generations".

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